



Creating a ruler scape using Inkscape

I needed a dial to measure the total score obtained by a player. While circular dials are used in most cases, I needed a ruler scale to fit it into a given space of the UI.

I tried circular dials such as the one (rough drawing) with a needle, but it did not fit well into my UI. It occupied certain height and width and I did not have enough space in my UI to accommodate this design. I tried a wide curved dial with a short height, which did not look good on the interface.

When nothing works, choose the fundamental shape is the mantra. I opted to use the standard ruler scale for this purpose.

Though I have been using Gimp user for over 10 years, I found Inkscape to be the suitable tool for this purpose.

Here is what I did

Step 1: Choose the maximum size, as desired by the UI, as the document size. In my case, it was 1280x800px.

Step 2: The ruler scale should appear similar to the 30cm/1' scale. Hence, I selected 12:1 as the ratio of the width and height for the scale


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Creative Commons Attribution Only 3.0 (CC-BY 3.0)


Maren Hachmann napisał :

Hi Ramaseshan Ramachandran! Thanks for posting this tutorial. I'll make sure it ends up in the correct category :)

Maybe you'd also like to take a look at the Scale Generator extension? Find it at https://github.com/brathering82/inkscape

This tutorial explains how to do it manually, so it's a good exercise for new users!

Ramaseshan Ramachandran napisał :

Hi Maren Hachmann,
Wow, great.
I wish I had known this earlier.
Thanks for sharing the link

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