





I artist

przez Davi Maia

Every human being who works with desgin or illustration, has an artist within himself, and uses tools to enhance and present his ideas, convictions and art.
I represent these artists here in a tune with inkscape, presenting the new features and improvements of the software, making it increasingly versatile, which is already excellent has gotten even better. The idea is really in this illustration to bring the contemporary with digital art, presenting the traditional with the modern.

Font used:



About Screen Contest

164,3 KB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)


Pacer napisał :

Thank you for your entry. It looks great! There are a few things which need to be completed before we can allow the submission.

Could you please:

  1. Remove any personal/business branding from the image (but do keep your name).
  2. Convert all live text to paths (and place a duplicate of the live text in a hidden layer).
  3. Adjust the artwork to fit the page (currently your artwork doesn't touch the bottom of the page).
  4. Add you name in the document metadata (go to file > Document properties > Metadata, and fill your name in under creator).
  5. Change the licence to "CC Attribution-ShareAlike" (this is also under Document Properties).
  6. Confirm and show if the raster image used for the wood texture on the palette is licenced CCbySA (or remove/replace with paths if not).
  7. Once the rest is complete, please run File > Clean Up Document

Could you also drop a link to the licence of the fonts used in the artwork, please.

Thank you.

Contest Admin

Davi Maia napisał :

Hello Pacer. I made the modifications you asked for, adjusted the bottom, removed the logo leaving only the name, the texture I myself created a wood vector pattern, because I was not sure about the image have free license. Thank you very much for the return and the remarks, I hope now the art is set, hugs

Pacer napisał :

Thank you. I will check through it now. Could you also link to the font licence (for any fonts used) in the description (Sorry I neglected to mention it when I wrote the last comment).

Davi Maia napisał :

Ok Pacer, I used the Roboto font, do I need to describe it in the SVG file?

Davi Maia napisał :

Pacer, I put the font link in the description

Pacer napisał :

Any and all text which is used (including the "1.2") needs to be converted to paths, needs to have live text in a hidden separate layer (so it can be easily edited in the future, where needed), and needs to be listed in the description on this page with a link to the font's licence. (this is so we can easily confirm that you have full rights to share the image).

I can see Proxima Nova in there somewhere.

Davi Maia napisał :

ha yes, I understood Pacer, yes has the font Proxima Nova, I will exchange for a Google that is free license, and make the layer invisible with the font live

Pacer napisał :

That sounds good. As soon as I can tick everything off, I will mark your submission as checked.

Davi Maia napisał :

Pacer, I made the adjustments in the SVG file, I changed the source to NotoSans, waiting to know if everything is ok, thanks

Pacer napisał :

You seem to have duplicated the layer. Could we have only the live text in a hidden layer please. Also, you still have "Proxima Nova" in the document. It is the red dots over the "1.2". I recommend just redrawing that with rectangles. Please run "File > Clean Up Document" again afterwards.

Davi Maia napisał :

Hello Pacer, I just adjusted the svg file as you requested, leave a hidden layer only with the texts and converted into curve the text left over, thanks for the observations

Pacer napisał :

Thank you Davi. I appreciate you sticking with me.

I have ticked off your entry :)


Contest Admin

Maren Hachmann napisał :

Hello Davi! Congratulations, your drawing made it into the second voting round!

Davi Maia napisał :

Thanks Maren Hachmann!!

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