





Inkscape 1.3 About Screen Contest Javier Samudio

Finally, after several times in which I thought about participating and didn't do it, the time has come, and, winning hours of sleep, here I present my design proposal.
As you can see, it's a kind of analogue version of the Inkscape user interface and, in what would be a "page" of the program, I made a design that joins the anniversary of the program and the new "Shape Builder Tool" of this version.
Just in case it's not quite "legal", I clarify that, after deciding what I wanted to do (and to help me with perspective, shadows and proportions) I did a first stage of "blocking", modelling the objects of the design in Blender, without materials, and distributing them in a scene. Then I imported the image from Inkscape and used it as a base to make the illustration.
The font for the text "SINCE 2003" and the font for my name (which I placed in the lower left corner) is "Miedinger Bold" (downloaded from https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/miedinger#Miedinger*-Bold).
The text "20 years" is


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About Screen Contest

664,6 KB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Maren Hachmann napisał :

Hi Javier,

thank you for your entry for the contest!

If you have drawn everything in Inkscape, and just used the Blender rendering for reference, it's all good.

There is one thing that we would like to ask you to adjust:

* Could you please position the original texts in the correct size in the actual positions in the drawing? I know the 3D effect cannot be done with editable text, but it would be making any later editing easier.

Javier Samudio napisał :

Hi Maren
In the hidden layer I scaled and placed the text "SINCE 2023" in the actual position, but as you say, it doesn't support live path effects (Perspective, in this case) so I duplicated the text layer and apply the Path Effect to it.
I also changed the "signature" from my name to my user name.

Maren Hachmann napisał :

Thank you, Javier, checks have passed! Good luck!

Pacer napisał :

Thank you for that. All now looks correct.
Validating your entry now.

Contest admin

EDIT: I was beaten to it by Maren. Good luck with the contest!

m1981 napisał :

Neat and 3D cell-shading feeling = success !

Javier Samudio napisał :

Thank you for your comment, m1981.

Tyler Durden napisał :

I voted this for my #1 choice in the About Screen Contest.

It places "20 Years" well in the forefront, which is significantly more important than the sub-version number.
It highlights the new Shape-Builder tool, which is a breakthrough in its own right.
It carries the tradition of illustrating the classic tools for composition.
It uses clean lines and simple colors, and therefore is easy on the eyes and "reads" quickly without clutter.

I would not mind seeing this each time I launch Inkscape (which can be an issue, since I keep my preferences mostly "stock" for teaching purposes).

Excellent work, Javier.

Javier Samudio napisał :

What a kind comment.
Thank you very much, Tyler.

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