Hi guys, really new to laser cutting and Inkscape. i'm having trouble creating an outline of my image to transfer to my cutting software. So, ive uploaded my image to inkscape, trace bitmap, edge detection, but then when i try to reduce the width of the line to 0.1mm in stroke style I get a double line where the old wider line was (like an inside line and an outside line of the old wider line). hope this makes sense, any help would be massively appreciated.
The double line is expected when you trace bitmap lines. A line in bitmap has an edge on each side so tracing with edge detection will for a stroke in bitmap give you two edges and two paths like a double line. It sounds like you want the result of centerline tracing. You can select that in the trace bitmap window.
Did you try 1.0 or 1.0.1? 1.0.1 fixed some bugs from 1.0 and very recently 1.0.2 was released with even more bugfixes. If the program close down it must be a bug. I have tried the centerline trace a few times lately and I guess it was 1.0.1. It did work, but in general I always end up tracing manually because there will be a lot of editing to get the order of the nodes the way I want it. Depends on what type of image input you have and what kind of criteria you have for the output.
@EllenWasbo nope that didn't work. Tried the centreline tracing and got a message saying 'Inkscape encountered an internal problem and will close now'. I had this message before... Nightmare.. Any ideas?
salve io ho un problema, ho appena inziato ad usare inkscape, però ho notato subito un problema non trovo l impostazione per il laser sotto "estensioni". come posso fare?
Hi again, so nothing has worked form me up to now. Tried the bug fixes and other versions of Inkscape but no success. Ive found a video on youtube where they a tutorial of the things i need to do to cut my cuttin machine to cut what i want. This is the video here https://youtu.be/x629C55iMZk, the part where she expains how to turn the 'filled' shape into the outlined shape ready for the cutting machine is at around 2:30. Ive tried the same but when i do it I get the double line Ive explained above. I'll add an example of what happens when i say double line and the of the type of picture i'm trying to cut, they are quite complex so maybe this is the problem. All help welcome guys, thank you
An image example tells a lot, yes. I would not have given the answer above on centerline tracing if I had seen this image. Here edge detection should be the right choice. But you should not get double lines. What tracer settings did you use now?
hi, i'm encountering a new problem. After making my image ready for my cutting machine and trying to save it as "dxf" file, I'm getting a pop saying ' .........file could not be saved'. (please see photo). Anyone know if this is an Inkscape problem or could it be my laptop?
Hi guys, really new to laser cutting and Inkscape. i'm having trouble creating an outline of my image to transfer to my cutting software. So, ive uploaded my image to inkscape, trace bitmap, edge detection, but then when i try to reduce the width of the line to 0.1mm in stroke style I get a double line where the old wider line was (like an inside line and an outside line of the old wider line). hope this makes sense, any help would be massively appreciated.
The double line is expected when you trace bitmap lines. A line in bitmap has an edge on each side so tracing with edge detection will for a stroke in bitmap give you two edges and two paths like a double line. It sounds like you want the result of centerline tracing. You can select that in the trace bitmap window.
Thanks @EllenWasbo , yes thats what i need, centreline tracing, but when i try to use it the program closes. Any advice on how to solve this problem?
Which software version do you use?
hi, i'm trying the older one at the moment 0.92.5 version but ive tried the newest virion too
Did you try 1.0 or 1.0.1? 1.0.1 fixed some bugs from 1.0 and very recently 1.0.2 was released with even more bugfixes. If the program close down it must be a bug. I have tried the centerline trace a few times lately and I guess it was 1.0.1. It did work, but in general I always end up tracing manually because there will be a lot of editing to get the order of the nodes the way I want it. Depends on what type of image input you have and what kind of criteria you have for the output.
@EllenWasbo ok great, downloading 1.0.2 now see if i can make progress. thanks for your help
@EllenWasbo ok great, downloading 1.0.2 now see if i can make progress. thanks for your help
@EllenWasbo nope that didn't work. Tried the centreline tracing and got a message saying 'Inkscape encountered an internal problem and will close now'. I had this message before... Nightmare.. Any ideas?
I found one solution if it is the image is large and it might be some internal memory limit: https://inkscape.org/cs/forums/beyond/inkscape-crashes-while-drawing-a-bitmap/#c16448
Found also bug-report and a fix here: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/issues/2133
Maybe one of these solutions might help you?
salve io ho un problema, ho appena inziato ad usare inkscape, però ho notato subito un problema non trovo l impostazione per il laser sotto "estensioni". come posso fare?
Hi again, so nothing has worked form me up to now. Tried the bug fixes and other versions of Inkscape but no success. Ive found a video on youtube where they a tutorial of the things i need to do to cut my cuttin machine to cut what i want. This is the video here https://youtu.be/x629C55iMZk, the part where she expains how to turn the 'filled' shape into the outlined shape ready for the cutting machine is at around 2:30. Ive tried the same but when i do it I get the double line Ive explained above. I'll add an example of what happens when i say double line and the of the type of picture i'm trying to cut, they are quite complex so maybe this is the problem. All help welcome guys, thank you

An image example tells a lot, yes. I would not have given the answer above on centerline tracing if I had seen this image. Here edge detection should be the right choice. But you should not get double lines. What tracer settings did you use now?
I suggest using the default setting, Brightness cutoff (single line) instead of Edge detection (double line).
Yes! @Aero ....Thats it! Thanks everyone for your help. Got it.
You can also try creating clean outlines using Imagetracer.js extension > https://inkscape.org/~MarioVoigt/%E2%98%85imagetracerjs-for-inkscape
hi, i'm encountering a new problem. After making my image ready for my cutting machine and trying to save it as "dxf" file, I'm getting a pop saying ' .........file could not be saved'. (please see photo). Anyone know if this is an Inkscape problem or could it be my laptop?