Beyond the Basics Exporting trace path curves
  1. #1
    HenryM HenryM @HenryM

    I believe you get Bezier curves having used one of the options for Path Trace.

    What is the best of 'exporting' these to a text file so that I can manipulate them for use in another application?

  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Not sure what you mean by "exporting to text to manipulate". SVG is XML based and can be viewed and edited in Inkscape´s own XML-editor for example or any other text editor.

  3. #3
    HenryM HenryM @HenryM

    So am I right in thinking that the svg flle will include the defintions of the paths as bezier curves?

    If so, then I guess  the task is to use these definitions to get the circular arcs that I want.

  4. #4
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Check the XML Editor out. A circle is a parametric object in first place until you´re converting with Path->Object to Path:

  5. #5
    HenryM HenryM @HenryM

    Thank you