Beginners' Questions SVG gradient shown as transparent?
  1. #1
    AmazingInk AmazingInk @AmazingInk

    Hi there, i created a rectangular box, with gradient color filled. When i imported this image into one of my application (eg: Visual studio / any other application), the gradient gray became transpent. I tried this lesser gradient drag, and i can see that the lesser gradient becomes transparent.

    I am guessing gradient is some form of transparency?

    Is there any way to make the gradient area raster, where it dont show transparency ? and the rest of the image retained as vector?

    I tried exporting to png, i get the left original image with the gradient color.
    Is this due to the way i am exporting svg and not checking some settings correctly?

    Attached picture here show left is the original image done in inkscape, and right is the image shown in other applications.Β 

    Image shown below. I've tried exporting the normal svg / optimized with same results.

  2. #2
    brynn brynn @brynn

    I'm not entirely sure what you're asking.Β  I'm not sure what "lesser gradient" means.Β 

    When you first create a gradient, for some reason which I don't understand, Inkscape always makes it from some solid color/opaque to the same solid color/transparent.Β  However, using the Gradient tool, you can select any gradient stops and change their color or opacity.Β  You can also add and remove stops, as needed, using the control bar or on-canvas controls.

    I don't know about how the gradient is supposed to display in other programs.Β  Do those programs support SVG?Β  Do they support transparency?Β  If you try to open an image with transparency in some program which does not support transparency, it might not show up at all (and might appear entirely transparent).Β  Or same with SVG format, if not supported in that program.

    If you were to export a PNG, that would probably show up in just about any program, since PNG is fairly universally accepted.Β  The transparent end of the gradient would probably look white.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions SVG gradient shown as transparent?