You know that bar with icons to open file, save,print, etc, etc? In version 1.2.0 it was at the top of the screen... now in 1.2.1 it is on the right side.
t's bad to work like this, how do I put it on top?
Thanks. On Mac, I was puzzled because the tick wasn't here, so I'd to click a couple of time until it appears again AND could be unselected. But, how can make this the default screen? Properties/windows/Save position and dimension is selected, but at restart I've back the command bar on the right. What am I doing wrong?
You know that bar with icons to open file, save, print, etc, etc? In version 1.2.0 it was at the top of the screen... now in 1.2.1 it is on the right side.
t's bad to work like this, how do I put it on top?
To set the Commands Bar at the screen top: View>Widescreen, untick the checkbox. (It will revert anytime Preferences are reset to default.)
Thanks, it worked! βΊ I googled for an answer and found nothing...
Thanks. On Mac, I was puzzled because the tick wasn't here, so I'd to click a couple of time until it appears again AND could be unselected. But, how can make this the default screen? Properties/windows/Save position and dimension is selected, but at restart I've back the command bar on the right. What am I doing wrong?
β’ Marco Riva: I made the changes and it opened correctly for me. My settings are like this:
Thanks. I use the saving option "last window geometry". Now I also checked the last option, save and restore document viewport. Hope this will work.