Beginners' Questions Possible to have the same object on two layers?
  1. #1
    redcard redcard @redcard

    I have 50 objects on 20 A4-sized pages. Some objects are small, some take up the full A4 page.

    6-10 of these objects make up a product for a woodworking project I am working on. Most of these objects are unique to each product, but some are used across different products, and are used for cutting wood of various thickness. My goal is to get these objects organized so I can easily select and export the ones that I need.

    Sometimes my focus is on creating an individual product that comprises pieces of various thicknesses, sometimes it's on making pieces of the same thickness. For example, I'll have a 10mm thick board, and I'll just use it to create as many 10mm pieces as possible.

    I currently have all objects saved within one file, organized under 5 layers for each of the wood thicknesses. I use. (I am basically using layers as a folder structure - not sure if this is their intended use!)

    I could create two files - one organized with the objects by wood thickness, and the other with the objects organized by product. I am constantly adding new products, so it would be a bit of a pain to maintain two files. 

    Ideally I'd like to be able to generate svg / pdf files from my master document, and have them print out on the fewest pages possible.

    So, open the file, select the layer for 10mm wood, and have this exported to PDF. I'd also like to select the layer for a product, and have all the objects of various thickness for this product exported to PDF. I want to have as many objects on each A4 PDF as possible - without having to manually move objects between pages. 

    I'm an Excel user, and my limited brain is telling to that I should be able to apply some sort of filter / pivot table idea to generate what I need. 

    I see there's options for cloning / duplicating / group to layer, that I haven't really investigated yet. I currently just import my PDF, and create groups of objects.

    I'm not sure if tagging objects is a thing in Inkscape? (just thought of this as I'm about to press submit on this post  -  going to go check the manual!)

    TLDR: I have a file of 50 pages comprising various objects that are templates for 10 woodworking products, and I want to be able to organize / filter by both product and wood thickness so that i can export / print all objects belonging ot the same product, or all objects of the same thickness.

    I'm new to all this - so apologies for butchering the terminology.

    Thanks for any help  - I'm enjoying getting to learn the basics of Inkscape, and hopefully I can soon stop typing 'Netsc..." before realizing....

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    Maybe Object Properties:

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Possible to have the same object on two layers?