I propose an option in the levels, especially the group of objects levels, to put a block / unblock of group cancellation and movement of objects between one group and another. Practically if I create a group of 10 objects, then it must not be dissolved and the objects in it
they must not vary by taking them or donating them to another group, the group must be treated as a single object if incorporated into other groups, it must be a subgroup in practice and cannot host another object or dissolve as long as the block is active..π
Open the Layers and Objects dialog [Layer > Layers and Objects...]. Select the group you want to preserve then click the padlock icon on the far right. This locks the group so it can't be selected on the canvas, thereby preventing any changes.
Locked groups can still be selected in the Layers and Objects dialog, which exposes them to the drawing tools when necessary.
Locked subgroups will inherit transforms and formats applied to the unlocked parent group.
I explained myself badly, the group that is created with CTRL+G once blocked must be able to move right left up and down, zoom out and zoom in, duplicate while remaining blocked; the locked object if I press Shift+CTRL+G must not divide and must not allow other objects to be added or subtracted, in practice it must behave as a single object even if formed by multiple objects. It occurred to me while creating the work "ufo at sunset", with the ears of wheat, that if you press too much Shift+CTRL+G the grains separate from the stem.
Now that I understand a little better, I have another suggestion.
Create clones [Edit > Clone > Create Clone] of the group you want to preserve. These clones can be included in other groups. Ungrouping will not destroy the clones. To change a clone into editable shapes use [Edit > Clone > Unlink Clone].
I propose an option in the levels, especially the group of objects levels, to put a block / unblock of group cancellation and movement of objects between one group and another. Practically if I create a group of 10 objects, then it must not be dissolved and the objects in it they must not vary by taking them or donating them to another group, the group must be treated as a single object if incorporated into other groups, it must be a subgroup in practice and cannot host another object or dissolve as long as the block is active..π
Maybe this is what you need.
Open the Layers and Objects dialog [Layer > Layers and Objects...]. Select the group you want to preserve then click the padlock icon on the far right. This locks the group so it can't be selected on the canvas, thereby preventing any changes.
Locked groups can still be selected in the Layers and Objects dialog, which exposes them to the drawing tools when necessary.
Locked subgroups will inherit transforms and formats applied to the unlocked parent group.
I'd use symbols.
Now that I understand a little better, I have another suggestion.
Create clones [Edit > Clone > Create Clone] of the group you want to preserve. These clones can be included in other groups. Ungrouping will not destroy the clones. To change a clone into editable shapes use [Edit > Clone > Unlink Clone].