Beginners' Questions empty groups, how to select all?
  1. #1
    gorini gorini @gorini


    I like to edit pdf architectural plans with Inkscape, sometimes I use it as workaround to dwg/dxf conversion issues and usually these pdf have many empty groups in the object list, is there any way to select all these empty groups?


  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    I'd try a text editor.

    Find and replace: <g></g>

    (Replace with nothing.)



  3. #3
    gorini gorini @gorini


  4. #4
    gorini gorini @gorini

    I've found a graphical way to achieve it:
    . box select the entire drawing > in this way the empty groups are not selected;

    . menu edit, invert selection > this selects all the empty groups;

    . delete.

  5. #5
    kpt_jrn kpt_jrn @kpt_jrn

    Gcodetools made a couple of thousand empty groups for me, which I wanted to delete. Selecting the empty groups in the layer tree made the whole program bog down way too long for my patience..  box selecting everything, and invert selection/delete made it in seconds :)
    Thank you!

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions empty groups, how to select all?