Beginners' Questions Newest Inkscape will not open
  1. #1
    Mohntr Mohntr @Mohntr


       I was using 1.2x and decided to upgrade to 1.3x .   I uninstalled the 1.2 and restarted, then installed 1.3 and it refuses to open. I have tried the *.msi and the *.exe install files.  I just read about running the batch file in the inkscape directory to debug, I ran the file but it never stops stating "gathering Information"....  I kept trying to open Inkscape while it was running but nothing ever happened.  

      I have uninstalled the 1.3 and reinstalled the 1.2 and it runs fine. I'm at a complete loss.  Any ideas?

      I have tried running as admin as well.  Windows 11 intel I7 1050 with 32 gig ram.



  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    I would completely uninstall Inkscape AND completely delete the user profile (users/[your user name]/appData/Roaming/Inkscape).

    Reboot the pc, then re-install Inkscape.

  3. #3
    Mohntr Mohntr @Mohntr

    I will try that today. Thank you

  4. #4
    Mohntr Mohntr @Mohntr

    I uninstalled the 1.2 and deleted the directory you mentioned, rebooted, reinstalled 1.3 and still would not open. Thank you for trying to help.

  5. #5
    Mohntr Mohntr @Mohntr

    I have still not been able to resolve this issue.  Is there anywhere else I can look for help? Do the developers have a help area? Thank you.

  6. #6
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    @Mohntr - the developers are just volunteers, there's no guaranteed help and support for inkscape.

    Not opening at all is very unusual. I would uninstall 1.3, and try the Windows App Store version instead.

  7. #7
    Mohntr Mohntr @Mohntr

    Thanks Martin I will try that now.

    On a side note.... I got a "Can't open file to write" inkscape.exe    error while trying to reinstall 1.3.2


  8. #8
    Mohntr Mohntr @Mohntr

    I tried the store version and it doesn't open either.  Other than the error I listed above...... I don't have a clue. I will reinstall 1.2x 

  9. #9
    Aero Aero @Aero◻️

    I would uninstall 1.3, and try the Windows App Store version instead.

    The Microsoft Store version is still 1.3.1. (Autoupdates from previous versions!)

  10. #10
    Aero Aero @Aero◻️

    It's safe to use the Portable apps version without uninstalling other versions.

  11. #11
    Mohntr Mohntr @Mohntr

    Aero, I tried the portable and it works. Thank  you for the idea. Now the questions still.....why does one way work and the other doesn't?

  12. #12
    KarmaDev KarmaDev @KarmaDev

    Hope I don't get too late here.

    I think it's probably because of some security addition in Windows 11 or a missing instruction on the processor. I'm getting the same problem in my computer, but in another computer wich also has Windows 11 it runs without problems.

    That PC which has Windows 11 and runs InksScape without problem has an old but yet supported by W11 processor, so my guess is that InkScape 1.3 is using an instruction compatible with a limited set of processors, or any of the Windows 11 security feature is, for some reason stopping InkScape from showing (Because it actually runs, but as a background task)

  13. #13
    Uninspired_Otter Uninspired_Otter @Uninspired_Otter

    Same issue here, Windows 11 Home 64 Bit, Ryzen 7 5800X3D, RTX 3090, 32GB DDR4.

    App doesnt open or show any window, but it shows as a background task in task manager using about 4MB of RAM and 0% CPU. 

    I attempted using the windows compatibility layer, tried the msi and exe, full uninstall and user delete. My first experience with inkscape, I guess I'll just use the portable for now.

  14. #14
    Luke ᑎᐱ Luke ᑎᐱ @Lu9

    The last 2 replies are interesting, because Inkscape started to suddenly not work on my Windows 11 PC... reinstalling didn't work. Nor did resetting the AppData folder, not even running the 7zipped version that you don't have to install, so it's not exactly an installation problem. To be fair Windows 11 started to act weird in general not too long ago, and I attempted a soft restore/reinstall from the settings which "reinstalled" Windows from Windows Update without removing anything, even after that inkscape does not open a window. Like the others who have had this issue in this thread, you will see inkscape.exe in the task manager, but it'll just stay there and not do anything. Running the "" file from cmd also doesn't return anything. At this point my best bet is probably a complete fresh install of Windows...

  15. #15
    Aero Aero @Aero◻️

    It's a common misunderstanding that the 7-zip version and the Portable apps version is the same thing. It is not.

  16. #16
    Luke ᑎᐱ Luke ᑎᐱ @Lu9

    I know, but I don't really want to have to rely on something like that...

  17. #17
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    May be related to this bug:  

    Another option is to install Linux Mint (or other Linux distro) in a dual boot alongside Windows. This is my preferred method for always having a solid Inkscape version available. 


    Edit: This is not my video, but adding Linux Mint to my Windows 10 machine was also this easy:

  18. #18
    Luke ᑎᐱ Luke ᑎᐱ @Lu9

    the reported bug on the gitlab issue says there was no process in task manager, but at least in my case, there is one.


    edit: also, what in particular does the portableapps version do that the official versions don't that seemingly make it work?

  19. #19
    TBrown_66 TBrown_66 @TBrown_66

    I've been an Inkscape user since it went its separate ways from Sodipodi, and each release seems to get less and less usable.


    Not in terms of features, which are hard to try out when most of the time it refuses to install or work correctly under Windows.

    Clean installs, msi , exe, doesn't matter.

    Seriously its not even worth trying to use any longer, and I used to be a huge proponent of it, I used to evangelized it.

    Now I can't even recommend it with a straight face.

    Very sad.




  20. #20
    Aero Aero @Aero◻️

    edit: also, what in particular does the portableapps version do that the official versions don't that seemingly make it work?

    The 7z version stores old configuration files like recently used files list and the user configuration folder in locations like this.

    The portable version (paf.exe) stores all application files and data together.

    They both look official to me.