1. #1
    David.P David.P @David.P

    Sorry, venting.

    I understand that Inkscape is Open Source and result of the awesome work of countless dedicated volunteers.

    However, this apparently comes at a price?

    About every third (advanced) action I perform in Inkscape is seriously buggy. I can't even begin to list the bugs that I have experienced just today...

    Is this normal and I just should get used to it (or pay $$$$ for Ad0be Illustrat0r)?

  2. #2
    David248 David248 @David248

    In my own experience, it's very rare to encounter what you describe.

    Perhaps, your XML experiments described in other posts are the reason of the many bugs, slowiness you encounter.

  3. #3
    David.P David.P @David.P

    That's not "experiments", that's an example for advanced actions I'm talking about. But I'm experiencing bugs with far more straightforward actions as well.

  4. #4
    ltlnx ltlnx @ltlnx

    Are there any examples? I've experienced slowdowns with typing text on documents with a large number of objects, but Inkscape has been pretty snappy for me otherwise.

  5. #5
    David.P David.P @David.P

    I am making a list as I continue to work with Inkscape...

  6. #6
    ltlnx ltlnx @ltlnx

    Please do! Also please report them on if you have the time, or alternatively post the list here so people can report them, so that the bugs could be tackled sooner.