Inkscape 1.3 About Screen Contest Javier Samudio

Javier SamudioInkscape 1.3 About Screen Contest Javier Samudio

Javier Samudio

Finally, after several times in which I thought about participating and didn't do it, the time has come, and, winning hours of sleep, here I present my design proposal. As you can see, it's a kind of analogue version of the Inkscape user interface and, in what would be a "page" of the program, I made a design that joins the anniversary of the program and the new "Shape Builder Tool" of this version. Just in case it's not quite "legal", I clarify that, after deciding what I wanted to do (and to help me with perspective, shadows and proportions) I did a first stage of "blocking", modelling the objects of the design in Blender, without materials, and distributing them in a scene. Then I imported the image from Inkscape and used it as a base to make the illustration. The font for the text "SINCE 2003" and the font for my name (which I placed in the lower left corner) is "Miedinger Bold" (downloaded from*-Bold). The text "20 years" is not a real typeface. It has been very tiring, but very entertaining, the whole process and I'm glad I decided to send a proposal.

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