
Mario VoigtPaperfold

Mario Voigt

Paperfold is another flattener for triangle mesh files, heavily based on by Felix Scholz aka felixfeliz. Possible input files are STL, Wavefront OBJ, PLY and OFF. To run this you need to install OpenMesh with python pip. The algorithm of paperfoldmodels consists of three steps: - Find a minimum spanning tree of the dual graph of the mesh. - Unfold the dual graph. - Remove self-intersections by adding additional cuts along edges. Reference: The code is mostly based on the algorithm presented in a by Straub and Prautzsch (

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Fixing Inkscape's Design Probles - Day 2 - Part 1

Martin OwensFixing Inkscape's Design Probles - Day 2 - Part 1

Martin Owens

Today we talk and hack on Inkscape user interface and user experience problems. Welcome Adam and our friends from the UX/UI team and talk about papercuts, those small uncomfortable user experience problems that seem small, but taken together can kill someone's love for Inkscape (death by 1,000 papercuts!)

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