Beginners' Questions trying to colour in a scanned drawing
  1. #1
    boopino boopino @boopino

    Hi thanks in advance I'm going round in circles trying to do this. I have scanned images which I need to colour with the paint fill, but it's only doing the outline, what am I doing wrong please?

    Screen Shot 2021 03 30 At 1.04.51 Pm
  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    The bucket tool appears to have no opacity to the red fill color and green stroke.

    More here:

  3. #3
    boopino boopino @boopino

    Thanks for your speedy reply! I am reading it but it's not making any sense to me - sorry, I'm definitely a visual learner, do you happen to know of any video?

  4. #4
    ML ML @em1000

    Hi boopino,

    Your color has an Alpha value of 0. Alpha controls transparency. An Alpha value of 100 is opaque; 0 is transparent; and in between is translucent. If you increase the Alpha to 100, you should be able to see the fill color. I have this same problem all the time. I'm like, "What's going on here? Why is it empty?" And then I notice thatΒ the Alpha is turned down.

  5. #5
    boopino boopino @boopino

    Thanks so much!! :D


Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions trying to colour in a scanned drawing