Beginners' Questions 1.3.1 libsigc-2.0-0.dll MISSING
  1. #1
    Hiroki-H Hiroki-H @Hiroki-H

    When install 1.3.1 and launch. then failed.

    Please tell me how to recover.

  2. #2
    Michele Locati Michele Locati @mlocati

    Yep, it seems that libsigc-2.0.0.dll is missing in the Inkscape 1.3.1 setup (I've just installed Inkscape from and I have the same error).

  3. #3
    ltlnx ltlnx @ltlnx

    The same thing happened here when installing 1.3.1 on a friend's machine. A current workaround (that worked for me) is to run the installer again, select "Repair", and let it finish running. After that Inkscape started without problems.

  4. #4
    Michele Locati Michele Locati @mlocati

    I managed to fix the error by extracting the libsigc-2.0.0.dll file from the 7-zip distribution and copying it to the directory containing inkscape.exe (C:\Program Files\Inkscape\bin in my case).

  5. #5
    ElRoberto ElRoberto @ElRoberto

    I updated from 1.3 to 1.3.2 and I found that the 1.3.2 updater is still fails to install the libsigc-2.0-0.dll file.
    So I used the procedure from @mlocati (thanks!) to fix it.

  6. #6
    MuTsunTsai MuTsunTsai @MuTsunTsai

    Having the same issue with 1.3.2 msi installer as well. Fixed also by the same approach.

  7. #7
    Edilson 41 Edilson 41 @xedilson41x


                  I HAVE THE LINK!!!

    [link removed by moderator]

  8. #8
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    @xedilson41x, you may have entirely good intentions, but this is your first post here.

    The users above have found a solution using an official Inkscape distro, so I have removed the link to the third party location.

    Welcome to the forums. Please continue to share your comments, but be advised that we have guidelines.

  9. #9
    musicampo musicampo @musicampo

    I updated from 1.3 to 1.3.2 and I found that the 1.3.2 updater is still fails to install the libsigc-2.0-0.dll file. So I used the procedure from @mlocati (thanks!) to fix it.


    Having the same issue with 1.3.2 msi installer as well. Fixed also by the same approach.

    Same here!. it seems that default x64 .msi installer is causing this type of error in the installation. I have tried "repairing" with the method suggested by @mlocati (thanks! here too) and verified by @ElRoberto (thanks!) on one machine and also uninstalling Inkscape from the .msi and reinstalling again with the x64 .exe installer on another machine and both solutions have worked (it seems that the x64 .exe installer does not cause this error)

  10. #10
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Please add your debug info to this report:

  11. #11
    gagaas gagaas @gagaas

    Thanks a lot. The solution from Michele worked like a charm.

    Have a good day.

    Long live to Inkscape !

    PS : btw, hi to everybody (first post here)

  12. #12
    frwi240627 frwi240627 @frwi240627

    First time I installed Inkscape with the preselected .msi file.

    After the error with the libsigc.dll I reinstalled Inkscape with the inkscape-1.3.2_2023-11-25_091e20e-x64.exe file.

    Eventually it started without an error.

  13. #13
    webcat webcat @webcat

    I literally did absolutely Nothing but "use" the software and now this is happening to me every time I try to open an inkscape that just hours ago, I was able to open no problem??? WTF man???

  14. #14
    ltlnx ltlnx @ltlnx

    @webcat do you happen to have installed GIMP? There is a curious post on Reddit ( in which the OP also used Inkscape fine until he installed GIMP, then libsigc went missing.

  15. #15
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    @webcat, take a chill-pill, or you'll get a timeout. 

  16. #16
    ElRoberto ElRoberto @ElRoberto

    With the update from 1.3.2 to 1.4 I found that the libsigc-2.0-0.dll is presents.
    However, this time another file is missing: the liblcms2-2.dll file.
    To be sure I extracted the .7z package and copied all bin from the bin folder into %ProgramFiles%\Inkscape\bin; this confirms that this was the only DLL that was missing.
    After that everything seems to work fine. 👍

    By the way, I indeed have Gimp installed as well (the current version, 2.10.38).
    Eh, I haven't been playing with the idea to uninstall Gimp to further investigate any interdependencies; the workaround is sufficient for me personally. 😉

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions 1.3.1 libsigc-2.0-0.dll MISSING