Share Finished Artwork my animation den
  1. #1
    Lazur Lazur @Lazur

    Recently created an animated svg of a rolling wheel. Thought I could share it here. 

    Although some of my other topics could use some necromancy,

    naming this one with the idea of collecting other animated images from the drawer in the future. 

    Keeping it rolling for starters.


    edit: svg doesn't display so well in this topic. 

    See original here:


  2. #2
    Lazur Lazur @Lazur

    Impossible ring, animated.


  3. #3
    Lazur Lazur @Lazur

    Experimenting with animating gradients. 

    Based on the previous impossible ring, this time it is only two rings interlocking, with a rotating conic gradient. 

    The animation is achieved by animating positions of every step in the definition.

  4. #4
    Lazur Lazur @Lazur

    The previous approach, with keying every gradient step would make it very difficult to deal with more complex gradients, 

    or even to create a repeating one. 

    So, as a followup, made an animation by animating the coordinates of the gradient handle. 


    Created some new images, in 8k size, focusing on performance.

    As in, animating the  transformation to rotate would hault it to no end, where animating gradient definitions are performing better.


    Here is a spiral constructed by 360 gradients moving to the centre:



    It seems to lag a bit. 

    Here is a version with just 120 gradients:


    Edit: This forum really doesn't give a slack. Cannot display any of the animation properly, and not even the gallery mode does justice.