File Icon


App Icon Generator Extension

This extension allows you to export icons created in inkscape to all the necessary sizes for iOS and Android applications.

This extension still has a lot of room for improvement. If you want to help out, feel free to check out the project on Github:

Feature requests, pull requests, issues, and any other contribution welcome.
Curated by Maren Hachmann on April 11 2020 2:11 AM

Inkscape Extensions

17,6 KB
General Public License v3 (GPLv3)


SW Tutorial ha scritto il :

Irá ser muito útil

Adam Belis ha scritto il :

Is there documentation ?

Carlos Vazquez ha scritto il :

Hey there @AdamBelis! Unfortunately, no, there is not currently any documentation for this extension. It is installed and run just like any other extension (see I’m always happy to welcome contributors if you know anyone who’d like to help!

dranath ha scritto il :

Hello Carlos,

I've installed your extension with Inkscape 1.0beta2 (2b71d25, 2019-12-03) on macOS Catalina 10.15.3.
When I tried to run your Extension, unfortunately no Icon gets exported.

From what I understand, it seems that several Methods you used have been deprecated.
I successfully managed to replace the deprecated Methods from Lines 95, 81 and 82 - but didn't manage for 15 and 18 with my little Python knowledge - not even with the Help of the Python argparse module Documentation [0].

Could you be so kind and advise?
Thanks in advance



[1] DeprecationWarning: Effect.OptionParser or `optparse` has been deprecated and replaced with `argparser`.You must change `self.OptionParser.add_option` to `self.arg_parser.add_argument`; the arguments are similar.
self.OptionParser.add_option('-i', '--ios_icons', action = 'store', DeprecationWarning: Effect.OptionParser or `optparse` has been deprecated and replaced with `argparser`.You must change `self.OptionParser.add_option` to `self.arg_parser.add_argument`; the arguments are similar.
self.OptionParser.add_option('-a', '--android_icons', action = 'store', DeprecationWarning: Effect.affect is now ``. The `output` argument has changed.
effect.affect() DeprecationWarning: Effect.unittouu is now a method in the svg document. Use `self.svg.unittouu(str)` instead.
width = self.unittouu(svg.get('width')) DeprecationWarning: Effect.unittouu is now a method in the svg document. Use `self.svg.unittouu(str)` instead.
height = self.unittouu(svg.attrib['height'])

RonAFGreve ha scritto il :

Hi Carlos,

I have downloaded your extension added options for android mipmap's, paths windows icons and windows ICO file (the latter png based as opposed to bitmap based).

Is there a possibility I can branch your project (I have never used github except for the tutorial but I tried to branch it which didn't work (I would assume I need your permission).

Regards, Ron

RonAFGreve ha scritto il :
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