Generate Palette Extension

OlibiaGenerate Palette Extension


Inkscape extension to generate color palettes from selected objects' color properties. Usage Create objects with color properties set, can be fill and/or stroke color. Select them and from the Extensions menu choose Palette and Generate. Provide a name and select the color property to grab colors from. You can also include Inkscape's default black to white colors or replace an existing palette. New options Sort colors by xY or Yx position when objects are placed in a grid layout Sort colors by X or Y position Sort colors by selection order, HSL values or RGB values Notes Inkscape needs to be restarted for the extension to appear. Inkscape must be restarted for a new palette to appear. Generated palettes are located at ~/.config/inkscape/palettes or ~\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\palettes on Windows. Older Inkscape versions Latest version for Inkscape < 1.0: --- Reviewed by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 2:30 PM pytest coverage: 0% pylint score: -7.5/10 tested in Inkscape 1.1 Marked as UNSAFE, modified home directory files, should be changed to use new Inkscape variable which will tell it where to save the palette file it generates.

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Knob Scale Generator

Artyom SinitsinKnob Scale Generator

Artyom Sinitsin

Small script which allows to generate different knob scales: for front panel of devices, GUI etc. I've made it for generation of knob scales for my Modular synthesizer. Currently, it has three different styles of scales. The most recent version of plugin stores on github: --- Reviewed by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 3:57 PM pytest coverage: 0% pylint score: -9.5/10 Tested in Inkscape 1.1, ok

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This is an Inkscape extension to help rapidly prototype 3D assemblies using a laser cutter, CNC router, waterjet cutter, or similar 2D process. It can quickly add box tabs to selected lines, or matching slots using guidelines. Please see the attached link for better documentation and updated files! I can't promise this page will stay up-to-date. Legacy version for old versions of Inkscape are also available at the link.

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Rania AminaInkporter

Rania Amina

An extension that will help you to export your object in your SVG file to several formats (SVG, JPG, PDF, Multiple PDF Page, WEBP, and EPS) by its ID. If you're a book creator, icon designer, seller in a marketplace, web designer, this extension will help you with your task. This extension is also available as a CLI version ( How does Inkporter work? The simple explanation is that Inkporter will read ID patterns (i.e icon-1, icon-2, icon-3, etc) that you've set and then export them to the file format you need. Inkporter allows you to feel like you're working with artboard-like or multiple pages in Inkscape. How do you use Inkporter? Just copy and paste the Inkporter directory, inkporter.inx and to the Inkscape extension directory. If the installation is correct, you will find Inkporter menu in Extensions -> Export -> Inkporter. For a complete guide and the dependencies needed, please refer to the file. If you need better performance of this tool, we provide Citramanik ( the next generation of Inkporter. --- Reviewed by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 4:55 PM pytest coverage: 0% pylint score: 5.75/10 Tested on Inkscape 1.1, packaging issues. --- Curated by Martin Owens on May 25 2021 1:37 PM --- Curated by Martin Owens on May 25 2021 2:41 PM

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Scientific Inkscape

burghoffScientific Inkscape


A set of extensions for efficiently importing, editing, and resizing scientific figures. 1. Scale Plots: Changes the size or aspect ratio of a plot without modifying its text and ticks. Especially useful for assembling multi-panel figures. 2. Flattener: A utility that eliminates much of the structure generated by common plot generation programs and PDF imports. For most imported plots, this should be the first thing you run. 3. Homogenizer: Sets uniform fonts, font sizes, and stroke widths in a selection. 4. Auto-Exporter: Automatically exports SVG files in a directory and keeps them updated. 5. Gallery Viewer: Provides a way to view and edit the SVG contents of files or folders. 6. Text Ghoster: Adds a semi-transparent background to text so that it can be overlaid with data. 7. Combine by Color: An extension that fuses paths of the same color and style together into a single path. 8. Favorite Markers: Lets you designate certain markers as favorites so that they can be conveniently accessed. --- Curated by Martin Owens on April 22 2022 9:10 AM

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Gradient Saver

Rania AminaGradient Saver

Rania Amina

Gradient Saver: Inkscape Gradient Manager for Your Next Project! An extension that will help you to organize your gradient on Inkscape. By using Gradient Saver you have ability to save your favorite gradient and reuse it on your next project. Hope it will help much Inkscpae user out there. For dependencies & installation info, please refer to README or this page: We've update this extension for Inkscape Ver. 1.0, hope you enjoy it. Quick demo/overview:

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Samir OucheneInkRasterPerspective

Samir Ouchene

Apply perspective transformation to raster images inside Inkscape (no need to use an external software such as GIMP or Krita). It works for both embedded and linked images. For a more complete guide on how to install and use the extension, please refer to the file. Once installed properly, you can access the extension from: Extensions > Raster Perspectvie > Perspective.

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Simple Inkscape Scripting

Scott PakinSimple Inkscape Scripting

Scott Pakin

Simple Inkscape Scripting makes it easy to automate repetitive drawing tasks. It defines a simple set of Python functions such as "rect" to draw a rectangle and "line" to draw a line. For example, the one-line program "for r in range(7, 0, -1): circle((100, 100), 10*r, fill=['white','red'][r%2])" is all it takes to draw a bullseye. Invoking the extension (Extensions → Render → Simple Inkscape Scripting…) brings up a dialog box that lets you load a Python script from a file or enter Python code directly in a text box. Shapes produced by the script appear directly on the canvas and can be edited just like any other shape. See for details and examples.

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Multipage Export Extension

OlibiaMultipage Export Extension


Inkscape extension to export selected objects to various file formats. Usage Select the objects you want to export and from the Extensions menu choose Export and Multipage. Provide a name for the destination folder and select the export format. Available formats are PDF, PNG and SVG. Available exporters are rsvg, and inkscape. You can also name the exported files after the objects' IDs Combine PDFs requires pdftk installed in your system Notes Exported files are located at ~/Documents/Exports. Tested only on Inkscape for Linux. Older Inkscape versions Latest version for Inkscape < 1.0:

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Pixels to Objects

Scott PakinPixels to Objects

Scott Pakin

Select a bitmap and one or more other objects, and run Extensions → Raster → Pixels to Objects…. The extension will place one copy of an object at each pixel coordinate. For example, a 32×32 image will lead to objects being placed at coordinates (0, 0) through (31, 31). Options enable objects to have their stroke and/or fill color adjusted to match the corresponding image pixel; background-colored pixels to be either considered or ignored; image coordinates to be scaled up or down; and multiple objects to be assigned to coordinates either randomly or deterministically. For instance, in the banner image above, a 16×16 bitmap was selected along with four path objects of size at most 18×18. In the dialog box, "Apply color to stroke" and "Ignore background pixels" were checked. "Image coordinate scaling" was set to 18 to prevent the path objects from overlapping. And "Instantiation of multiple objects" was set to "By image coordinates" to cycle evenly through all four path objects.

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Extruder for 3-d Papercraft

Sue ZakarExtruder for 3-d Papercraft

Sue Zakar

This extension creates the pieces needed to construct a 3D extruded papercraft project from a path (composed of straight segments) that defines its shape. Tabs and score lines are included. Both the decorative an the structural pieces are created. When installed, it will be under Extensions -- Papercraft Most recent documentation and code are at the link provided Updated to correct scoring color: 08/19/2022

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Customise User Interface

Mr. RavenCustomise User Interface

Mr. Raven

This extension allows you to show or hide menu items and toolbar buttons in Inkscape. The purpose of this is to: - Hide user interface elements you don't want to see. - Make the interface simpler for educational purposes. - Tailor Inkscape towards a specialised working enviroment. I welcome comments, ideas, suggestions, bug reports. If you use it, please write something at the bottom of this page. Installation. Download the .zip file. Installation instructions and a manual are in the file "custui_Readme.html", which is included in the zip file. I will also submit this extension for review so it may become available in the extensions manager. Inkscape 1.0 on Windows misses a "HarfBuzz" library that is needed. If you use Inkscape 1.0 on Windows, you need to install the HarfBuzz library manually. Instructions are in the Readme file. Many thanks for testing and also advice and ideas: @Kirstie, @DoctorMo and @Adam.Belis Changes for version 0.3: - Change the interface too look a bit better - Add function to restore default settings - Make some more items in View menu immutable for Inkscape 1.1

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CardCarton rev.1

Andrew SinclairCardCarton rev.1

Andrew Sinclair

This Inkscape extension draws carton containers intended for plotter or dieline cutting and creasing. This is release one; thus, it is a proof of concept that developed while exploring the potential of Inkscape's extensions framework. In this version, under Job Settings --> General --> Drawing Diagnostic, I have implemented an experiment titled. "Closure." This allows one to see what the clip lock lid design would look like when assembled as opposed to being flat. I later intend to use this same feature to tidy up the trash-lock base, to make sure it holds together when assembled. Then it will be a real crash-lock, not a quick and dirty imitation trash-lock.

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Sashiko Stitching Patterns

FractalLotusSashiko Stitching Patterns


Sashiko is a type of Japanese hand embroidery. It was developed over centuries by poor folks patching their clothes. It has become an artform. This extension creates some of the patterns. You can choose the size of the area covered by choosing the number of rows and columns to fill.

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Tabgen 3D Papercraft Extension

Sue ZakarTabgen 3D Papercraft Extension

Sue Zakar

Tabgen Papercraft Extension for Inkscape 1.1 by Obzerving Use the tabgen extension to add tabs on pieces for assembling papercraft projects. Please read the important setup info below. After installing, it is available under Extensions->Papercraft->Tabgen Using it is very simple and straightforward. Select the path that you want to put tabs on. Run the extension. It will generate a new piece with tabs along the outside edge, and/or any enclosed path (i.e. along the inside of cutouts.) The tabs have scorelines. The path MUST contain only straight segments, as tabs cannot be generated on curves. Every segment will create a tab, so eliminate stray nodes. New version allows for selective tab placement. Options/Parameters The angle of the tab is the angle used at the edges of the tab. The height of the tab is how far away from the path the tab extends. The length of the dashline is how large any one cuts making up the score line is. Making this number too large may result in missing score marks. If zero is used, the score line will be solid, and will not be part of the path, but will be a separate path grouped with it. The choice for tab placement are outside, inside and both. This affects whether tabs are placed along the outer path, inner paths (holes), or both. Dimension units are the units in which you specify your setting for height and length. Keep this consistent with your document parameters.

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GuillocheExtensions for V1.x

DrWigglyGuillocheExtensions for V1.x


The Guilloche extensions for use with Inkscape v1.x. Includes several tests to try out the extensions on your computer.

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Objects To New Layer

inklineaObjects To New Layer


Objects To New Layer - An Inkscape Extension Inkscape 1.1 + ▶ Creates a new layer and copies or transfers the selected objects to that layer ▶ Appears in 'Extensions>Arrange' ▶ A shortcut can be used to org.inkscape.inklinea.objects_to_new_layer.noprefs ----------------------------- 10.02.22 ----------------------------- Some updates and corrections for preexisting layer transforms. ----------------------------- 06.10.22 ----------------------------- Added z-order pasting sequence support. This allows the objects currently selected to be pasted according to a sequence you choose. For example if you have 3 objects selected: Typing 1,1,1,2,2,3 would paste 3*object 1, 2*object 2 and 1*object 3 in that z-order.

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Ids to text elements

whidevIds to text elements


A simple Inkscape extension that lets you extract attributes (like id) from all selected paths, and show them as <text> elements inside the paths. Useful for when you want to have all paths' id shown on the SVG document as <text> nodes. You can also use it for other path attributes, like `label`, `fill`, `stroke`, `width`, `height`. Available under the Extensions > Text submenu. Check the extension's repo on GitHub for examples. Options for styling and formatting the text: Font size in pixels Color (the fill color of the <text> elements) Font (should be installed on the system) Font Weight (should be supported by the selected font) Angle (controls the rotation of the generated <text> elements, in degrees) Options for further editing the extracted text (only used with id and label attributes): Text to replace (a simple replace function to remove characters you may not want from the text) Match Regular Expression (matches the extracted text of each path to a regular expression and uses the result on the path, e.g. if the id is `Province_055` and this field `\d+`, the text on the path will be just `055`) Capitalize (capitalize all text) Group paths with the generated text elements (if checked, also group the path with its text label) Note: only works on <path> elements. If you have a <circle>, <rectangle>, <text>, etc., first use Object > Object to Path to convert it. For Inkscape v0.92 and before, you should check the extension's repository on GitHub.

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Clip Out

inklineaClip Out


Clip Out Inkscape Extension to clip a background image by object outlines then export to multiple png. Supports: Exporting individual clipped objects ( normal and inverse ) Export master of all clipped objects ( normal and inverse ) Cropping to resulting image size, or exporting to background image size. Appears under Extensions>Export Requires Inkscape 1.1+ --> The image to be clipped must be the last selected. An easy way to do this, is select all then shift & left click the image twice to make it the last selected. It does require that you have saved our svg file at least once before using ( will not work on an unsaved svg ) ----- 10.03.22 - bug fix ----

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Simple Frame

inklineaSimple Frame


Simple Frame - Create frames around selected objects - Inkscape 1.1+ Appears Under Extensions>Render>Simple Frame ▶ User choice of margin units ▶ Style can be copied from last selected object ▶ Inkscape 1.1+

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Living Hinge Creator for Inkscape 1.0

drphononLiving Hinge Creator for Inkscape 1.0


Updated for Inkscape 1.0 This extension creates cut lines to make a living hinge when laser cutting material. Options include the length of the cuts, the separation between sequential cuts, and the separation between adjacent cuts. All parameters are stored in the "Object Properties" field of the resulting object. Installation Download and unzip the file. Copy living_hinge.inx and to your extension directory. --Linux Run the shell script This will copy living_hinge.inx and to ~/.config/inkscape/extensions Instructions on how to use the extension can be found here:

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Delaunay Triangulation

Scott PakinDelaunay Triangulation

Scott Pakin

This extension is similar to the Voronoi Diagram extension in Delaunay Triangulation mode in that it generates triangulations. The difference is that the Delaunay Triangulation extension triangulates all points in all selected objects while the Voronoi Diagram extension considers only object centroids.

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Bitmap to Gradient

inklineaBitmap to Gradient


Bitmap to Gradient - An Inkscape Extension Inkscape 1.1 + ▶ Creates a simple Linear or Radial Gradient from a bitmap file or existing embedded image ▶ Option to export gradient rgb colour list to .csv ▶ Appears in 'Extensions>Images ▶ Would recommend using this on a blank document and copy / pasting the resulting objects to the document you are working on. --- 07.03.22 --- Bug fix.

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Inkscape 1.1.0

René de HesselleInkscape 1.1.0

René de Hesselle


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Inkscape extension to export SVG layers independently to PDFs

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Quick Export

inklineaQuick Export


Quick Export - Quickly export Inkscape svg, plain svg, png, pdf and html5 canvas Inkscape 1.1+ This is not a replacement for saving or Inkscape autosave :) Appears at Extensions>Export ------------------------------------------------------ After setting the options in the main dialogue Assign a shortcut in Inkscape Edit>Preferences>Interface>Keyboard to: org.inkscape.inklinea.quick_export.noprefs For shortcut triggered quick export --- Not 100% sure where the PDF and HTML5 settings are pulled from, presume from last used save settings. ------------------------------------------------------ 21.01.23 - Added `text-to-path` options. Allows for all text objects to be exported as paths.

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Polygen - 3D Papercraft Extension

Sue ZakarPolygen - 3D Papercraft Extension

Sue Zakar

Polygen is used to create the pieces needed for 3D papercraft objects like vases. It takes a path (composed of straight segments) that describes the shape of the objects profile, and a centerline. Then, with the number of sides as a parameter, it constructs the shape of the pieces needed to form that shape in 3D, including tabs and scorelines, and untabbed pieces for use in decorating the outside. Latest version will be at the external link.

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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-rc-x86.exe

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-x64.msi

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-x64.7z

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-x86.msi

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-x86.exe

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-x86.7z

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-x64.exe

Patrick Storz


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Inkscape C4e8f9e X86 64

Marc JeanmouginInkscape C4e8f9e X86 64

Marc Jeanmougin


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Horizontal Lines Effect (hlines)

Sue ZakarHorizontal Lines Effect (hlines)

Sue Zakar

Inkscape extension for "unwinding" paths For each selected path element consisting of straight segments, this extension creates an additional path element consisting of horizontal line segments which are the same size as the original line segments. Installing: Copy hlines.inx and into your Inkscape user extensions directory. Where is that? Open Inkscape and go to the System section of the Preferences menu (Edit --> Preferences --> System). You will find a User extensions item containing the path to your user extensions directory. NOTE: As of this time, this extension works under Inkscape 1.0, but not the 1.1 release candidate. However, it will work on 1.1 (and above) by commenting out line 45 of and uncommenting line 46. Update: 06/24/2021 new version handles transforms better

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Inkscape 1.1.0 Rc

René de HesselleInkscape 1.1.0 Rc

René de Hesselle


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-rc-x64.msi

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-rc-x64.7z

Patrick Storz


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Inkscape 1.1.1

René de HesselleInkscape 1.1.1

René de Hesselle


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Paths to Lines

Scott PakinPaths to Lines

Scott Pakin

Paths to Lines converts a path to a sequence of lines, represented internally using your choice of SVG <line>, <polyline>, or <path> elements. It is similar to the Flatten Beziers, Straighten Segments, and Convert to Polylines extensions, but those always leave the path as an SVG <path> while Paths to Lines offers the user a choice among multiple SVG representations.

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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-rc-x86.7z

Patrick Storz


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Save as CFDG

Scott PakinSave as CFDG

Scott Pakin

Save as CFDG enables one to save Inkscape graphics as code written in the Context Free Design Grammar (CFDG), The intention is for a user to draw some complex base shape in Inkscape, save the shape to CFDG, then edit the CFDG code to perform interesting recursive transformations on that base shape.

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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-rc-x64.exe

Patrick Storz


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