An extension for Inkscape that creates jigsaw shaped pieces. Options for back, and single-cut pieces. Creates a jigsaw puzzle for laser cutting. - set dimensions in various units, - number of pieces in X,Y, - randomness and size of tabs, - rounded corners, and a backing as an option. - packed neatly for minimal cutting. Uses minimal lines to optimize for laser cutting (e.g. when using packed backboard). [Edited to work in Inkscape 1.0+] [Install from "Manage Extensions" on Extensions Tab for a simpler life] --- Review by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 2:05 PM pytest coverage 0% pylint score 0.36/10 Working in Inkscape 1.1 - 1.3
Creates a tabbed box with kerf setting for tight fits. Or dimples for press fits. - set dimensions in various units, - width, depth, height, material thickness, - choose number of tabs for each dimension, - include corners or not, - kerf adjustable - if tight fit required, or - can use dimples for pressure fits for wood etc (rounds or triangles), or - can set zero kerf and use minimal material to create. In all cases - uses minimal lines to optimise for laser cutting. You will find it under the Render menu in Extensions. [Edit: fixed for Inkscape 1.0] --- Reviewed by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 2:48 PM pytest coverage: 0% pylint score: 2.85/10 tested in Inkscape 1.1 - 1.3
Inkscape extension for generating embroidery stitch files. Usage: Select objects that you want to apply embroidery properties and using the extension, set the parameters for the desired object(s). Once all desired objects have embroidery properties, use the extension to generate the necessary stitch file. A variety of raw stitch files are supported. Note: Follow the link to the Ink/Stitch website. There you can find download links, installation instructions and in depth-documentation.
Add (colored and labelled) guides for margins, grids, diagonal guides, golden ratio and more. Find the latest version of the extension for download, examples and usage instructions at This extension requires Inkscape 1.2 or higher and Python 3.
A set of extensions for efficiently importing, editing, and resizing scientific figures. 1. Scale Plots: Changes the size or aspect ratio of a plot without modifying its text and ticks. Especially useful for assembling multi-panel figures. 2. Flattener: A utility that eliminates much of the structure generated by common plot generation programs and PDF imports. For most imported plots, this should be the first thing you run. 3. Homogenizer: Sets uniform fonts, font sizes, and stroke widths in a selection. 4. Auto-Exporter: Automatically exports SVG files in a directory and keeps them updated. 5. Gallery Viewer: Provides a way to view and edit the SVG contents of files or folders. 6. Text Ghoster: Adds a semi-transparent background to text so that it can be overlaid with data. 7. Combine by Color: An extension that fuses paths of the same color and style together into a single path. 8. Favorite Markers: Lets you designate certain markers as favorites so that they can be conveniently accessed. --- Curated by Martin Owens on April 22 2022 9:10 AM
Instrument_scale. Create a linear or circular arc display suitable for various kinds of panel meter. Settings for range, tick marks, labels, and angles for the circular option. Many minor improvements to label placement, corner cases fixed, etc. Useful unicode char for Temperature = ° Appears under Extensions/Render Inkscape 1.0 - 1.3
Apply perspective transformation to raster images inside Inkscape (no need to use an external software such as GIMP or Krita). It works for both embedded and linked images. For a more complete guide on how to install and use the extension, please refer to the file. Once installed properly, you can access the extension from: Extensions > Raster Perspectvie > Perspective.
Create simple, line-drawing animations for the web from selected paths. When you look at the file that you've applied the extension to using a web browser, it will look as if someone were drawing the paths with an invisible pen. Notes: * Find the extension as `Extensions > Animation > Line Animator` * **Only path objects** can be used for this. * **No path effects** should be applied to the paths (something may happen, but perhaps not what you expect). * The paths must have **a visible stroke** (else you won't see anything happen). * The object **lowest in stacking order** will be drawn **first**, then the one above it etc. * Animation speed can be changed by using the same animation name and selecting the same objects, then setting a different duration. * If you are animating a path consisting of **multiple subpaths**, all of them will start to be animated **at the same time**, but the shorter ones will finish first. * If you want to **change the direction** in which a path is drawn, change the path direction in Inkscape (`Path > Reverse`). Examples -------- See Installation ------------ Drop the files `` and `line-animator.inx` into your user extensions directory. Learn where to find the directory in Inkscape: `Edit > Preferences > System > User extensions`. License ------- This software is licensed under the GPL v2.0 or higher. Note ---- Due to a bug in Inkscape (, Inkscape 1.3 instantly crashes when you open the Selectors and CSS dialog. So don't do that! Inkscape 1.4 does not crash, but try to avoid editing the animated paths with the Selectors and CSS dialog - this may in some cases disable the animation.
Boolean operations for multiple objects at once - difference, union, intersection, exclusion, division or cut. The extension is a rewrite of the Multi-Bool extension, and offers many adjustable settings and improvements. It takes a selection of one or more groups, or of several elements (paths, shapes, text), or a mix of both, and applies a chosen path operation with the top-most valid object in paint order and each other valid object which is part of the selection (directly or as member of a processed group) that is lower in Z-order. For more info, please refer to the README file at . Inkscape extension written by su-v and updated for Inkscape 1.0 – 1.4 by Maren Hachmann, licensed GPLv2 or higher.
Extension based upon the eggbot_hatch extension from Creates plottable hatches (simple, cross-hatch, in a single path or separate) in all closed objects in the drawing or in all selected objects. Improvements include: * Updated to work with Inkscape 1.2 and higher * Simplified a portion of the code * Added the option to choose units for the hatch distance and inset * Only depends on inkex now, which makes installation much easier License: GPLv2 or higher
Simple Inkscape Scripting makes it easy to automate repetitive drawing tasks. It defines a simple set of Python functions such as "rect" to draw a rectangle and "line" to draw a line. For example, the one-line program "for r in range(7, 0, -1): circle((100, 100), 10*r, fill=['white','red'][r%2])" is all it takes to draw a bullseye. Invoking the extension (Extensions → Render → Simple Inkscape Scripting…) brings up a dialog box that lets you load a Python script from a file or enter Python code directly in a text box. Shapes produced by the script appear directly on the canvas and can be edited just like any other shape. See for details and examples.
Adds transparency to the selected elements, while keeping the original color value. The color is calculated with respect to a background color, so that the element will have it's original color when overlaying the background. The background is white by default, but might be set to any other color. If the amount of transparency ist set to high, the rgb channels might exceed the possible value range of 0 -255. In this case, the highest possible transparency is applied. Alternatively, you can check the "force transparency" option, which will adjust the color to allow the desired transparency. The extension is available under extensions/color. It applies to stroke and fill and also works on gradients and elements, which already have an transparency set. Transparentify is available for inkscape v.1.x. --- Curated by Martin Owens on May 12 2022 3:39 PM
Make Page Tileable clones all objects that straddle an edge of the page to make the page as a whole tileable. This can be useful for making background patterns for webpages, textures for games and raytraced scenes, tiling patterns for autostereograms, and other places where seamless repetition is desired. To run the extension, simply select Extensions → Page → Make Page Tileable. If no objects are selected then all objects on the page will be cloned. Otherwise, only the selected objects will be cloned. Each set of clones is placed in a group so their positions can be adjusted in unison.
Automatically replace values (text, attribute values) in an SVG file and export to various file formats. This extension is useful e.g. for generating images for name badges and other similar items, or for rotating object colors in a semi-automated way. Data must be given as a CSV (comma separated values) file. The extension is compatible with Inkscape starting from version 1.2 and requires Python 3. Visit for downloading the latest version, finding a set of examples, and some additional usage hints and to report bugs.
Remove anti-aliasing artefacts in Inkscape 1.2 by using this extension to use the correct anti-aliasing settings, color modes and down-sampling algorithm to produce to nicest results for adjacent shapes. In SVG, adjacent shapes are rendered sequentially. When antialiasing is enabled, this process creates very small gaps between shapes which are actually touching each other. All renderers of SVG, including browsers and other art programs have this effect since it's built into the way shapes are rendered. But there is a way to get a good output, and that is to do the anti-aliasing step after rendering, by resizing the image down. Your images will be 4x smaller when using this extension so you should account for that when exporting. But should remove all anti-aliasing artefacts. If you still see gaps, your shapes may not truly be touching. This extension only works with Inkscape 1.2 raster extensions.
A simple Inkscape extension that lets you extract attributes (like id) from all selected paths, and show them as <text> elements inside the paths. Useful for when you want to have all paths' id shown on the SVG document as <text> nodes. You can also use it for other path attributes, like `label`, `fill`, `stroke`, `width`, `height`. Available under the Extensions > Text submenu. Check the extension's repo on GitHub for examples. Options for styling and formatting the text: Font size in pixels Color (the fill color of the <text> elements) Font (should be installed on the system) Font Weight (should be supported by the selected font) Angle (controls the rotation of the generated <text> elements, in degrees) Options for further editing the extracted text (only used with id and label attributes): Text to replace (a simple replace function to remove characters you may not want from the text) Match Regular Expression (matches the extracted text of each path to a regular expression and uses the result on the path, e.g. if the id is `Province_055` and this field `\d+`, the text on the path will be just `055`) Capitalize (capitalize all text) Group paths with the generated text elements (if checked, also group the path with its text label) Note: only works on <path> elements. If you have a <circle>, <rectangle>, <text>, etc., first use Object > Object to Path to convert it. For Inkscape v0.92 and before, you should check the extension's repository on GitHub.
Grab color from underlying bitmap and apply it to path objects. The color is averaged all over the path area. Erode parameter can be used to shrink or expand (using negative value) this area. If multiple bitmaps are selected, only one is considered. In version 2.0, you can also alter the scale each path object. see source code on
TexText allows to add and re-edit LaTeX/ XeLaTeX/ LuaLaTeX/ typst generated SVG elements to your drawing. A fully functional LaTeX distribution and or typst installation must be installed on your system! Most recent version is TexText 1.11.0 from 2025-01-06. It is compatible with Inkscape 1.4.x. For Inkscape 1.3.x goto For Inkscape 1.2.x, 1.1.x, and 1.0. goto Extensive installation instructions and extension documentation can be found at For manual installation from this site: Download and place its content (i.e. the folder textext with all its files inside) into the Inkscape extension directory. Or load the zip-file via Inkscape's extension manager (experimental). Sourcecode and bug reports: This extension is a direct continuation of the discontinued TexText 0.4.4 developed by Pauli Virtanen (
This extension is similar to the Voronoi Diagram extension in Delaunay Triangulation mode in that it generates triangulations. The difference is that the Delaunay Triangulation extension triangulates all points in all selected objects while the Voronoi Diagram extension considers only object centroids.
A set of Inkscape extensions which uses third party software like ImageJ, R, PyMOL and Processing to generate figure panel images from source code taken from the current rectangle or image object. Installation: Unzip to 'User Extensions' folder. History: 2023-07-28: thanks to Tim-Oliver Buchholz, directly specify panel DPIs for R and Matplotlib 2023-06-16: add matplotlib panels; fix coordinates for panel and lane labels; assessed 1.3beta compatibility. 2022-04-08: upload version compatible with both 1.1 and 1.2beta 2021-07-12: fix file separators on windows for R, PyMOL, Processing; work around call returntype for inkscape 1.2 2021-05-24: fix file separators on windows
Apply a radius to sharp corners of a path. The extension is written for inkscape 1.0.1 (but also contains a backport for 0.92.4). Usage: The screenshot demonstrates the usage. In the upper half, a red path with 4 vertices is shown. We select two vertices: the top left and bottom left corner (shown in blue). Run "Rounded Corners" from "Extensions" -> "Modify Path". The result is the path below. (Viewed here in edit mode again to show all the new vertices.)
Create cut and fold book art patterns How To Use The Extension ======================== First import or create your design and scale it to the correct size. Open Extensions > Generate from Path > Book Art ... Set parameters as necessary, here the important ones: * number of pages (start page, end page) * book height * line distance for your convenience * font size * units Click on apply How to cut and fold your book ============================= Print the pattern and prepare your tools: * book and the printed pattern * pencil * ruler or triangle ruler * scissors Now draw two vertical lines on every page of the book: * cut line: to where you cut * fold line: to where you fold Use the pattern to mark the cut points. Cut horizontally from the mark to the cut line. Then fold. You can either fold the pattern to the inside or to the outside to achieve a different effect. Follow the link to see an illustration on how this is done.
An inkscape extension to cut an open path with a closed one and deleting the parts covered (or not) by it. Like destructive clipping. This is useful for pen plotters and similar devices that cannot deal with clipping masks, but need actually shortened path commands to steer them. For some reason, the established boolean commands only work with closed paths, not with the open ones commonly encountered with plotters and the like.
This script optimizes a drawing for laser cutting: - Removes overlapping lines; - Saves the modified file with a new name; - Applies modifications to the entire document or to the selection; - Optimizes the cutting order. Translated in english. Please send me pot file for other languages.
Creates bingo cards with various parameters. Can be used with custom templates.
This emulates Inkscape v1.3 gui add_symbol action but also: -Adds each selected object individually NOT grouped as a single symbol. -Alpha-Numeric and Canvas Position sorting options. -Auto-labelling options. -Sorting adjusts object z-axis like Rob Antonishen's restack extn. *NEW* - Alpha-Numeric Sort can be interleaved with existing symbols. -Positional Sort does NOT interact with pre-existing symbols. New symbols added below existing. -Adds an editable Title element to symbol if object title blank. Allows easier retroactive symbol label/name adjustment. -Also includes Quick Add extn which batch adds selected objects unsorted. But .inx adjustable to create own preset of main extn; see readme.txt. -Help and Troubleshooting advice in extension dialogue -For use in managing symbol library file and is intended to aid symbol library creation only. Other uses not tested. -"Symbols Batch Sort and Add..." + "Quick Batch Add Symbols" Placed in Extensions>Symbols -As with any v1.3 extension can give keyboard shortcut. The premise for this extension is that the inbuild symbol add function only allows adding one symbol at a time; multiple selected objects added as a single grouped symbol. Also with 1.3 the symbol library is only displayed in z-axis order NOT alpha-numerically; whilst potential for sort options to be introduced in 1.3.1 in the interim z-axis sort is all that is available. Other Symbol management extensions available: -Alpha Sort (sorts All symbols in current file) -Batch Remove (with Quick Remove Selected) _____ v.1.3 (14/08/23) -Bug fix remove debugging errormsg pop up; no functional change. _____ v.1.2 (14/08/23) -Alpha-Numeric Sort can now be interleaved with existing symbols. _____ v.1.1 (12/08/23) -bug fix unsorted add -simplification of main dialogue tab and py code -Added auto-label number format option -Now 'quick add' + 'add and sort' run off same py. i.e. both .inx ref same .py -'Quick add' + 'add and sort' included in package. -Quick Add Settings guide to allow setting of own preferences(readme.txt)
Designed to illustrate Piano scales. Can input Key and start and end notes as well as intervals. Can also choose locrian etc from menu. Will draw single scales as well as help sheets for entire pages. Appears in Extensions/Music/PianoScale Inkscape 1.0 - 1.3
The extension sets the line colors and fill colors based on Shaper Origin defaults. the manual cutting depth can also be set. In addition, the extension allows a check for closed paths. Die erweiterung setzt die Linienfarben und Füllfarben anhand der vorgabe von Shaper Origin. es kann auch die manuelle schnitt tiefe eingestellt werden. zusätzlich erlaubt die erweiterung einen check auf geschlossene Pfade.
Eurorack Panel Designer Enables the design of front panels for Eurorack format typically used in audio equipment. Can be used for laser cutting or for panel layout and design. The Eurorack format calls for modules of 128.5mm (slightly over 5") height. Horizontal width is measured in "horizontal pitch", where 1 HP = 5.08mm (exactly 0.2"). 3.5mm mono phone jacks are used for interconnection. more info: Appears in: Extensions->Render->Eurorack Panel Designer Works in Inkscape 1.0 - 1.3
Typst is a markdown-based typesetting system comparable to LaTeX but much easier to learn. This extension renders typst code to svg and inserts it into your Inkscape document. Notes: - This extension will be part of Inkscape by default, most likely starting with Inkscape 1.4. Until then you need to install it as described below. - This extension just inserts a formula into your document. If you need to edit your formulas try the TexText extension, which also supports typst: Installation instructions (2 possibilities): A) Installation via Inkscape's Extension Manager 1. Download the zip file 2. Launch Inkscape and open "Extensions" - "Manage Extensions..." 3. Select "Install Packages" and then click on the disk button 4. Select the downloaded zip file and close the extension manager. 5. Restart Inkscape. You will find the extension under "Extensions"- "Text" - "Typst Formula..." B) Manual installation 1. Download the zip file 2. Extract its content into Linux, Mac: ~/.config/inkscape/extensions Windows: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions 3. Restart Inkscape. You will find the extension under "Extensions"- "Text" - "Typst Formula..."
Inkscape v1.2.0+ plugin to export the hand poses corresponding to your SVG layers. This plugin was developed using Nikolai Shkurkin's plugin export-layers-combo ( as a base.
Inkscape extension to export SVG layers as standalone PDF, PNG, SVG or JPEG images. The exported images can progressively reveal content of an Inkscape document.
This free extension for Inkscape speeds up preparation of laser cutting jobs by exporting Gcode to LaserGRBL (included with most laser cutters). Pick your model of laser and material / thickness from pulldown lists, then export a complex job directly into LaserGRBL with one click. Use different coloured lines for each part of a job. eg, red lines to engrave in a single pass at 3000 mm/min @ 80% power, but blue lines cut in 3 passes at 300 mm/min @ 90% power. The emphasis is on it being very easy to use, with the bare minimum of settings. v1.21 17/Dec/2024
This is a revived version of Stuart Pernsteiner's 2012 psd importer. It tries to import vectors from Adobe's psd file format. It ignores raster images.
This Inkscape extension creates QR codes that contain your personal business card information in a standardized machine readable format (vCard 4.0), so you can quickly share your info by just letting another person scan your QR code with their mobile phone, e.g. when meeting people at a conference or business fair. It contains fields for both private and business information. All fields except for the name field are optional. Consider creating different codes for private and business events. The most up-to-date version can be found at Inspired by Sergey Vedernikov's vCard QR Code generator extension. Installation ============ Copy the files in the src/ directory into the user extensions directory (see 'Inkscape Preferences > System' for the exact location) and relaunch Inkscape. Usage ===== In Inkscape, you can find the extension in Extensions > Render > Barcode > vCard QR Code. The 'Full name' field is the only required field. Each field has an info text with an example which appears when you hover above it with the mouse cursor. Formatting is important! Email addresses, links to images / GPG keys and your birthday must be formatted correctly. The extension will automatically determine the correct QR code size. As QR codes have a limited size (less than 3000 characters), it may happen that the extension tells you that the text is too long. You can then reduce the error correction level to gain capacity and / or shorten/remove some of your data from the form. When you have entered all the information that you would like to appear in your vCard, click on 'Apply'. This will add a QR code to your document. Test the QR code with your phone's QR code scanner. Use: print it on your business card, share it on your website, copy it to your phone, … License ======= Main code: GPLv2 or higher Validation code for email addresses and urls: MIT
This is a small extension which generates an empty table within Inkscape.
A simple crossword puzzle generator. - Generate simple crossword puzzles based on a list of words and clues. - Wordlist can be read in from a file. - Tries to find a relatively compact solution. The generation algorithm is based on genxword ( - Outputs the grid, clue list and solution (if requested) on newly added pages. - All different element types in the output are assigned a class to allow for easy manipulation of the design of the crossword; classes are reused if more than one crossword puzzle is generated inside a file. - The solution can be displayed as wordlist or as filled-out grid. - Letters can be marked as pre-filled by prefixing them with a `^` sign.
Setup the Inkscape canvas for projects with multiple pages. For example booklets or flyers. You can change the way the pages are ordered either a single array of pages for loose collection of pages or double pages for books. As well as creating and positioning the pages margins are added for cut safety zones or content region. The margins are grouped so they are easy to show or hide for export. MD5 Hash: 6746c85b3a35bfc4ab296e71d1af8d75
Gears extension for tracing involute gears and metric pitch gears (belt pulley); allows spokes, center cross, metric module, best evolute shape. Initially, copy of inkscape-gears-dev by jnweiger. - 2024-11-09 | 2024.3 : - Added the ability to define fixing holes based on material thickness. - Ability to make a hole that matches the material thickness. - Added the drawing of the axis if the perfect square option is chosen. - 2024-11-06 | 2024.2 : The fixing wheel for servomotors is now configurable. - 2024-10-25 | 2024.1 : Added the drawing of the fixing wheel for servomotors. Versioning change. Flanks for T-type wheel. - 2024-07-20 | 1.4 : Added the drawing of metric pitch pulley. Retouched explanations. Added diagrams. - 2024-06-22 | 1.3 : Added colors for cutting order. Separated into multiple objects to facilitate retouching and recoloring. - 2024-06-18 | 1.2 : Added the ability to choose the shape of the hole (rectangular, round, or servo imprint) and to choose the dimensions of the hole. Added the ability to choose an imprint for the servo hole. The imprints are placed in the file engrenage.ini. - 2024-04-21 | 1.1 : Translated into French. Modified the color in case of undercut. Modified the dedendum to be 1.25 times the addendum. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 2024-11-09 | 2024.3 : - Ajout de la possibilité de définir les trous de fixation en fonction de l'épaisseur du matériau. - Possibilité de faire un trou qui correspond à l'épaisseur du matériau. - Ajout du dessin de l'axe si on choisit l'option carré parfait. - 2024-11-06 | 2024.2 : La roue de fixation pour les servomoteurs est maintenant paramétrable. - 2024-10-25 | 2024.1 : Ajout du tracé de roue de fixation pour les servomoteurs. Changement de versionnage. Flancs pour roue de type T. - 2024-07-20 | 1.4 : Ajout du tracé de poulie au pas métrique. Retouche des explications. Ajout de schémas. - 2024-06-22 | 1.3 : Ajout de couleurs pour l'ordre de découpe. Séparation en plusieurs objet pour faciliter la retouche et la recolorisation. - 2024-06-18 | 1.2 : Ajout de la possibilité de choisir la forme du trou (rectangulaire, ronde ou empreinte de servo) et de choisir les dimensions du trou. Ajout de la possibilité de choisir une empreinte pour le trou du servo. Les empreintes sont placées dans le fichier engrenage.ini - 2024-04-21 | 1.1 : traduction en français. Modification de la couleur en cas d'undercut. Modification du deddendum pour qu'il fasse 1,25 fois l'addendum. Translated in english. Please send me pot file for other languages.
For extension developers. Most extensions to Inkscape use an .inx file that describes a static user interface, then a Python script is run one time when the user clicks "Apply". To create a dynamic UI (that changes as the user clicks buttons, selects from dropdown menus, etc) you can build it in GTK using a Python script that runs immediately. Requires Inkscape v1.1 or newer. These short examples demonstrate a handful of functions in GTK+ 3. Now includes an example extension that uses a .glade XML file to create the UI with Gtk.Builder(). Also many small changes that result in much higher pylint code scores.
For extension developers. This minimal extension pulls together some helpful documentation about adding localization to an extension, including where the translation files go and what gettext commands to use on both Windows and Linux. Now includes localized text in the Python script. Also many small changes that result in a much higher pylint code score.
An Inkscape extension that draws full sized Fretboards for stringed instruments. Guitar, Ukulele, Banjo, Dulcimer, etc Appears in Extensions menu under Music. Will draw a fret ruler in three useful ways: 1. Ruler - ideal as a Lasercut metal rule or paper printout, 2. Template - to be used as a guide in a router or table saw, - e.g. 3. Full neck to be printed and glued onto the neckstock for accurate sawing and marking. Includes fret marker placement and tapered necks. Scales: The fretboard can be drawn with a single scale or in a fanned format with two scales, on the bass and treble sides of the fretboard. The methods for constructing scales are: - 12th root of 2 - ratios of 17.817, 17.835, or 18 - scala files. Also draws a curved arc template for curved fretboards. This is in two styles: 1. Block - to be extruded into a sanding block or neck support. Possibly using the Inkscape to openscad extension to export to an STL for 3D printing. or: 2. Thin finger-like tabs to set the correct heights of strings at the saddle. Be sure to unzip the scales zip enclosed into the same directory. It will create a scales folder with 4580 interesting .scl (scala) files to choose from. There is a special tab in the extension for finding useful scales in this enormous resource. Works in Inkscape 1.0 - 1.3
Input filter for reading RD files, as generated by e.g. rdworks to drive RUIDA laser controllers.
Very crude converison of SVG into mindustry logic commands. · SVG should be sized 80x80 or 176x176 px. · Only supports a few shapes: ■ rectangles | simple lines ◢ triangles (as closed path) ▰ irregular rectangles (yields two triangle draw instructions) ● circles Ideally you set up document size and rulers to be pixel-based. Because of the rasterization, the output might look jiggly if blocks/lines don't match up coordinates. (Actually using floats now, but consistency helps.) Overdrawings will usually by ignoed by MLOG. To optimize command size, best to also coalesce same-color shapes via layers. Works as CLI tool (single input.svg argument) or in Inkscapes´ File 🞂 Save Copy... export mode (select "Mindustry Logic (*.mlog)" as filetype or edit output filename accordingly). Both also populate the selection clipboard by default. Since rasterization (pixel-scan) requires too many commands, this tool is about minimizing MLOG overhead. Hence the more tedious block-based image requirement.
This extension modifies your paths to make them look hand-drawn like the ones in xkcd comics ( It does so by first adding more nodes to your path and then adding a little bit of noise to the position of each node. The algorithm was adapted from the one used in matplotlib's xkcd function: The extension can also replace the fonts of all the selected texts with Humor Sans, which looks (kinda) similar to the text on xkcd. Installation: 1) Download the zip file for this extension. 2) Open Inkscape and go to Edit > Preferences. Open the System tab on the left panel. You'll see a list of folder names. 3) Locate the User extensions folder and click Open. 4) Extract the files from the xkcdify release you just downloaded into this folder and restart Inkscape. 5) Optionally, download and install the Humor Sans font. It can be obtained here: Usage: 1) Select the paths and texts you want to xkcdify 2) Go to Extensions > Modify paths > xkcdify 3) Adjust the parameters to tune the effect to your liking. You can enable the live preview using the checkbox at the bottom of the window This extension only processes paths. If you want to xkcdify ellipses, rectangles, and other shapes, convert them to paths first using Path > Object to path This project is not affiliated, authorized, or endorsed by xkcd. I'm just a guy on the internet who thinks xkcd is cool.
Inkscape Extension to Export Multi-DPI TIFF files with options for 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 and/or 4.0 scale for the base DPI. The `Multi-DPI TIFF (*.tiff)` is available in the Export section. Check the for details. Last release: Tested: * Inkscape 1.4 * Inkscape 1.3
This extension opens up a dialog that allows the user to set some Prover iLock specific attributes. The attributes decide how Prover iLock will display the svg file, in particular they are used to associate layers to "visualization features" that are used to dynamically change the drawn symbol based on the current state in the tool.
This is an extension for Inkscape 1.2 for correcting SVG-files that were exported by Sibelius via the graphic selection tool. These SVG are always the full page with 4 white rectangles that cover the unwanted area. The page size and viewbox isn't set correctly to show only the selected area. The extension will correct this and has the options to - remove the white cover boxes - remove all elements that are outside the page (most of it). #### Download: Click on the image above #### Video: #### Installation: On Windows extract the zip file into something like this path: C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\ To find and open the correct folder you can also open Inkscape->Edit->Preferences->System->User Extensions->Open After installation and restart Inkscape you can run the extension in "Extensions"->Document->Sibelius Viewbox. #### (Optional) Usage as .bat-file to process multiple SVGs: As it is a python script it also can be used to batch process multiple files via command line. Put this line into a text-file, edit the paths (yourname) and save as SibeliusViewbox.bat: for %%a in (%*) do python.exe "C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\SibeliusViewbox\" --remove_whiteboxes=True --remove_elements=True %%a > %%a_viewbox.svg An example .bat-file is included. Once created you can drag and drop multiple SVGs onto the SibeliusViewbox.bat-file and the script will generate the corrected SVGs. Note: If Inkscape is not installed in "C:\Program Files\" you must edit the Python script. #### (Optional) Add .bat-file to Send-to-Menu: You can add the .bat-file to the Windows Send-to-menu. Open Windows-Explorer and insert this into the address-bar: shell:sendto This opens the Send-to-folder. Copy the .bat-file into it. Now you can select all your SVGs, right click -> Send-to -> SibeliusViewbox.bat