I have been asked how I do those hatchings in my svg-files. So I tried to create a little tutorial on it. (Take a look at the attached image, it makes things easier.)
Create a spiral, using the spiral tool. Give it a reasonable amounds of turns (24 +, depending on the area you want to hatch). If you want to have a hatching, that can be edited later on, there is one extra step to go: Create a random object outside the target area, give it a distinct color. Select the spiral and the new object (using shift+click) and use object > group.
Create a path to define the area, you want the hatching to be visible. (Give it a another distinct color and set the opacity to 50%). The path must be above the spiral group. Now select the group and your path (shift+click) and use object > clipping > set. Your hatching is visible only in the clipping area.
Now you can edit the hatching by using strg+click. Once the spiral is selected, change the stroke width, stroke color, number of turns in your spiral or move the spiral to change the appearance of the hatching.
Hello everybody,
I have been asked how I do those hatchings in my svg-files. So I tried to create a little tutorial on it. (Take a look at the attached image, it makes things easier.)
If you want to have a hatching, that can be edited later on, there is one extra step to go:
Create a random object outside the target area, give it a distinct color. Select the spiral and the new object (using shift+click) and use object > group.
The path must be above the spiral group.
Now select the group and your path (shift+click) and use object > clipping > set.
Your hatching is visible only in the clipping area.
Please tell me, if this tutorial is helpfluss.
Interesting, thank you!
Thanks for sharing this, Gerald! As I've said before, I really like the effect this gives, and it works very well.