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Beginners' Questions
Moved a tab out of a Panel by accident.
Michael Powell
I accidently moved a tab out of a panel & don't know how to snap it back in... Is there a way to do it?
Tyler Durden
Ja, drag it by the tab (not the window title bar), then drop on the desired area.
Tyler Durden
Ja, drag it by the tab (not the window title bar), then drop on the desired area.
Michael Powell
Cool thanks
Inkscape Forum
Beginners' Questions
Moved a tab out of a Panel by accident.
I accidently moved a tab out of a panel & don't know how to snap it back in... Is there a way to do it?
Ja, drag it by the tab (not the window title bar), then drop on the desired area.
Ja, drag it by the tab (not the window title bar), then drop on the desired area.
Cool thanks 😊