Beginners' Questions Lines & Stroke Styles problem
  1. #1
    Cindy Cindy @magnoliasouth

    I'm following the instructions of a tutorial [link below] where you place a line over another line. That's simple, I've no problem with that. I didn't clone one of the lines, but duplicated it, if that matters.

    The problem I have is that the tutorial has an example of exactly what I need, but I cannot replicate it using the settings (s)he has.

    It should look like the railroad tracks at the very bottom of thisย page:ยย under Complex Strokes.

    The instructions are:

    Railroad tracks: consists of a 7 pixel-wide dashed path, with dash pattern (1.75, 1.75) over a 2 pixel-wide solid path.

    Yet mine looks like the attachedย instead. What am I doing wrong?


    1. I did notice the comma between the 1.75's but whether I add that or not, nothing changes.
    2. I understand that this is for an older version, but it appears to me that this shouldn't matter since it's still a Stroke Style.
    Screenshot (696)
  2. #2
    bleke bleke @bleke

    I think they made a typo there... 0.3 1 are good values for railroad sleepers imo.

  3. #3
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenโš–

    Agree... typo. Probably meant 0.175px

  4. #4
    Cindy Cindy @magnoliasouth

    Excellent! Thank you so much @bleke and @TylerDurden! That did the trick. Love it!