Beginners' Questions Having hard tiem figuring out how to manipulate and reshape textures
  1. #1
    AlexTC AlexTC @AlexTC

    Hi, so I was making tree bark/trunk texture, u know just a group of different objects shapes masks etc. And now I want to apply it on a tree.Β 


    The problem is that converting it into pattern while simplifies my texture (doesn't use blur and masks properly etc.), but also doesn't allow me to nicely bend it to match perspective and reverse it to match directions on branches. I need something more powerful that allows me to reshape my texture to make it batch the shape of a tree and all nuances on it. How do I do that?

    I've tried with Lattice Deformation path effect, but it was very hard to properly reshape it, not sure why, so I gave up. I need sth like perspective envelope (which usually works for things like walls) but allows me to shape in a more nuanced way than using just 4 nodes.


    Basically, I feel like my worst time in Inkscape, when I just become least productive, is when I deal with repetitive patterns. I am beginner through. What is the preferred way to solve these kinds of problems?


Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Having hard tiem figuring out how to manipulate and reshape textures