Difficult to make something perfect imho. I'd try interpolate between paths extension with only one step.
I would first remove unnecessary nodes (actually your crescent can be drawn with only two nodes π). I you really need many nodes on each side of the crescent, try to have the same number of nodes on each side.
I would then select both apex nodes with node tool then click on "Break path at selected nodes" Icon (see screenshot) and then do [Path > Break apart]
You then have two separate paths, but not with the same direction. Select one and do [Path > Reverse].
Finally run extension Generate from path > Interpolate Between Paths
I was thinking about the problem last night : a better (editable) method is to use LPE interpolate Sub-Paths
I would select both apex nodes with node tool then click on "Break path at selected nodes" Icon. Don't break apart the path after that (so that all nodes are in a unique path).
You then have two separate sub paths, but not with the same direction. Now the small tricky step : selecting one subpath. To select one sub-paths, I would use node tool, click on lines between paths while holding control key if there are many segments (if there are really many nodes on this sub-path, you can begin by holding Alt key and make a lasso selection of the central nodes, then hold control key and click on end segments to add end nodes. Once one sub-path is selected, do [Path > Reverse] : only this sub-path will be reversed
Then select the path with selector and apply Interpolate Sub-Paths with three steps.
Big advantage : it's a live path effect : you can add, remove nodes, tweak trajectory to achieve the best result.
Thank you so much! That is a very impressive strategy. I wish my mind worked like Inkscape.
By the way, the reason the crescent has so many points is that it was created by the inset feature. I'll be taking them off. I loathe more points than I need.
Thanks again! I would never complete this project without you!
I have a pretty cresent I made with the inset feature.
Any advice on how I make a vertical path that follows the curve but runs exactly down the middle?
Like this, only accurate?
Thank you!
Difficult to make something perfect imho. I'd try interpolate between paths extension with only one step.
I was thinking about the problem last night : a better (editable) method is to use LPE interpolate Sub-Paths
Big advantage : it's a live path effect : you can add, remove nodes, tweak trajectory to achieve the best result.
Thank you so much! That is a very impressive strategy. I wish my mind worked like Inkscape.
By the way, the reason the crescent has so many points is that it was created by the inset feature. I'll be taking them off. I loathe more points than I need.
Thanks again! I would never complete this project without you!