Beginners' Questions Autosave interval
  1. #1
    bernie70 bernie70 @bernie70


    it is great, that autosave is enabled by default in version 1.0.

    Is there a possibility to change the default autosave interval from "10" to "1" for as default value for new users?

    Best regards,

  2. #2
    nihon94 nihon94 @nihon94


    I am not using Inkscape version 1.0 but hope setting will be same.

    Please do as follows to open setting:

    Edit/ Preference or use short cut key Shift+Ctrl+P to open Preferences window then on the left under Input/Out put click on Autosave and on the right change the settings as desired.

    Refer screen shot.

    Hope this will help you.

    Auto Saveed
  3. #3
    bernie70 bernie70 @bernie70


    thank you for your answer. This preferences I know.

    I wanted to know if it is possible to change the default settings (shown in this dialog) for an user who never started inkscape before.ย 

    I think the settings are taken from the fileย C:\Program Files\Inkscape\bin\libinkscape_base.dll and the preferences.xml is created from this dll.

    Best regards,


  4. #4
    nihon94 nihon94 @nihon94

    Hi, In my Inkscape version I can change time and directory location. To change the directory location I got to copy the entireย  path of the new location then paste in to this preference window.

    Example, in the preference ย C:\Program Files\Inkscape xyz etc. I want to save in Picture folder (named) Autosave not as in the default, I will go to Picture copy the path and paste that in the Preference windows Refer YouTube video using the given URL link. Before you do any changes better save work if in progress then make changes.

    YouTube which is not clear but will give you some hints.

    Hope this will help you.