Community Café Mesh Gradient not showing in Gallery.
  1. #1
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    hi all.  Hope someone with pc experience can help with this one, as I'm just stumped.  All of a sudden, as of about a week ago, I've noticed that I can't view my NEW svg's that have a mesh gradient.  I can still see them in some places - such as can see the rose with mesh gradient and grapes in the works in progress threads here.  So if it were my browser, seems like I wouln't be able to see those either - right?

    I tried reinstalling foxfire, still can't view, tried viewing in chrome, still can't view. 

    I uploaded an entry to the splash screen contest last night (tried several times), and the bacground is supposed to have a light blue mesh gradient with a bump filter over it, all I see is a white background!

    Could I ask a few of you to take a peek and let me know what you see?  here's the link:   

    Any ideas as to what the heck is going on?  I am on a very old laptop using win 7, inkscape v 92.4. 

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    brynn brynn @brynn

    I see a white background on that image.

    It seems like I heard that mesh gradients can't be displayed on the internet....  I think it's because the SVG standard does not exist yet.  (Adding the mesh gradient to Inkscape was an effort to show that the standard is needed, as far as I remember.)

    I think we can see the gradients in the forum because you used PNGs or raster exports, right?

    I suppose a mesh gradient might be an acceptable reason to use an imported raster image in the contest....  Yes??

  3. #3
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    Ohhhhh, totally wasnt thinking about the other ones being pngs.  Thx for  mentioning that, you have so much knowledge! 

    Hmm, so decisions decisions. Guess i get to delete yet another one, Hahaha. Thanks


  4. #4
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    So the thing is mesh gradients are SVG 2.0, so browsers have an option to support it if they want. But having Inkscape make SVGs with mesh gradients will greatly improve the chances they'll move to support them in browsers. Inkscape usually has features well before browsers as it's hard to support something before there are eamples of it not being supported.

    We have a polyfill, but the major issue is that an SVG needs to be embeded as an SVG object instead of an img tag. No uploader services are going to let users switch on svg embedding because the ability to infect the page with javascript malware is very high. So we only selectively turn that on for graphics we want to shwo off, like this one: hover over the people.

  5. #5
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    Dr Mo, thanks for responding. Some of that went over my head but I get the gist of it.  The odd thing was that when I hit upload it showed a preview with the gradient for about 1 - 2 seconds, then it blipped out.  That confused me.  BTW, nice pic of the crew, and the embedding, love your hat!

    So I attempted to do the raster thing, exported the mesh and the bump filter (as one) to make a png, then used it as the background - but that doesn't show up either, so now confused about that.  (ps it's not that my mesh was anything out of the ordinary, I'm trying to learn more about it).  Also tried to make a bitmap copy in lieu of exporting, that didn't work either.  hmmmm, I'm out of ideas.


  6. #6
    brynn brynn @brynn

    If you select the object and do Edit menu > Make a Bitmap Copy, it puts the PNG (bitmap copy) right on top of the original.  Maybe it worked and you didn't realize it?

  7. #7
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    No, tried that, several times. Made the bitmap, but doesnt show either. Removed everything from the file that was a mesh too.  Tried to upload it here in this thread but the attachment icons arent there, assume there's a website issue?  Will try later tonight. 

    Another odd thing is that the file doesn't produce a preview when submitting to the contest like the other ones.  

  8. #8
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    here's the raster background, it's light blue, can anyone see it? thx

    nope, still no icons so can't upload it.


  9. #9
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Yes, I see the background now.  But wouldn't a radial gradient would work as well as a mesh gradient for that?

    What icons can't you see?  Where?

  10. #10
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    Brynn, oh that is a radial gradient, I threw in the towel, as my bitmap of the mesh wouldn't show up either, not sure why, could be my old pc, it's starting to act up.  Thanks for responding. 

  11. #11
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    I'm repeating this here, but the gallery can't do much about a mesh gradient if you only upload the svg; you need to upload the svg AND the png rendering. That's why there's two slots when you submit artwork, one is for the 'file' (i.e. the svg) and the other is for the preview (i.e. png) so you don't have to have problems with missing fonts, meshes or plenty of other things that might crop up between inkscape's svg and what a browser will show.

  12. #12
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    Dr. Mo, thanks for mentioning there's a place for two files, I had no idea what 'Choose visible file' meant, that doesn't mean 'preview' to me to be honest, and I thought it was a way to drop and drag the entry. 

    To be really honest, I'm still not entirely sure if the png (background png in my case) should have been in the svg AND also submitted by itself as a png for it to show?  I realize this is old hat to many of you, but am asking for clarification because I don't know (and I'm old so I get to ask! ha ha), and I haven't found it in the rules.

    On another note, if I could make another request -  if not too hard to do, my suggestion would be to make the word SUBMIT in the sentence below in all caps, a different color, and make it clickable.

    Visit the 1.0 About Screen Contest gallery to view the entries by all contestants and to submit your own!

    Visit the 1.0 About Screen Contest gallery to view the entries by all contestants and to SUBMIT your own!

    Thanks for listening. 


  13. #13
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    Made the whole thing clickable and orange, hope that's a good alternative.

  14. #14
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    Maren, I appreciate you taking action on it. thanks.  I took a look, I think the initial problem still exists though, the word submit does not stand out, especially for those that are just skimming through the pages to find it.  Typically on most sites the word SUBMIT stands out.  (ie a different color from the rest of the sentence, and in all caps).

    Or, perhaps others won't have an issue.  Thanks for taking a look and making a change.

  15. #15
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Flamingolady, you might be seeing a browser cached page.  Try clearing your cache and look at the page again, to see if you can see the new contents.

  16. #16
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    Nah, she's right, I didn't capitalize it. Essentially, that page is for contest participants to read and then to post their stuff a couple weeks later. I didn't want to go overboard with capitalization, it's just not a style I like. And, tbh. I do have a hope that people will not jump directly to the link, but read instructions first.

  17. #17
    anonym_i_ous anonym_i_ous @anonym_i_ous

    @flamingolady Try to upload the svg with gradient as gallery, and that can be viewed by choosing 'open image in a new tab' in right click menu for that thumbnail.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Community Café Mesh Gradient not showing in Gallery.