Beyond the Basics Splitting a path
  1. #1
    HenryM HenryM @HenryM

    Thanks to the answers to my question about using BitMap tracing, I have used the MultiColor option and got objects I can work with,

    However, I am having trouble splitting a path so that I can just use a segment of it.

    The actions I have done are:

    1. copied an object  and moved it - it is a closed profile
    2. selected a node and use the Break path at Selected node  'button' (as far as I can tell the node did node change shape/colour as I think I have read somewhere)
    3. repeated step 2
    4. use Path >Break Apart

    This appear to work since I get two dash rectangles - one for the overall object geometry and one which surrounds the segment of the path that is between the two nodes selected at steps 2 and 3

    However, the problem is that as soon as use the Selector Tool (North west pointing arrow) all the geometry of the path disappears (but the two dashed rectangles remain)
    If I select the node tool again, the geometry re-appears.

    What should I have done to 'keep' the geometry so that I can use (for example move it to where I want to use it) just the section I have 'isolated'?



  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    The result of the Bitmap autotracing is colour filled grouped shapes per color - so breaking certain nodes will destroy the fill and because of the absence of a stroke it will become invisible. To get rid of an unwanted part you can draw a new shape above - select with the underlying shape and go Path->Difference for example.

  3. #3
    HenryM HenryM @HenryM

    I tried to do what you suggested.  The picture shows, on the left, part of the path surrounded by a closed (ovalish) black profile when using Selector and Node tools.

    The section on the right is after using Path>Difference.  When I used selector tool all geometry disappeared.

    I have attached the svg file I read in.  I would be grateful if you could use this to show me what to do.

    What I want is to be able to use the small loop in the block oval.  It would be good to have the remainder as well in case there are other sections I want to use.

    Supplementary question: Could I make changes to the svg file so that this path worked in a more 'normal' manner?

    Bef After Path Defference
    Tree Top Break Path Test
  4. #4
    HenryM HenryM @HenryM

    Thinking more about what you said, I thought it would be worth trying to 'split' the path of what I got using the MultiColor BitMap trace (and therefore before I modified the svg file to give the multicoloured unfilled paths).  As the picture shows this worked exactly as I wanted.

    Is it sensible for me to think how to change what I do so that the multicoloured paths work in a 'normal' way?

    Succeseful Split
  5. #5
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    1. This is pretty easy if that´s the goal: Select what you don´t want with the Node Tool and hit Backspace to delete - adjust curvature accordingly.

    2. Strangely your shape isn´t one continuous path:

  6. #6
    HenryM HenryM @HenryM

    Thanks for that.  I am not sure why the shape is not one continuous path since it is simply a copy of the original svg file.

    I can see lots of little red lines. 

    Q1. Is this what showed you it was not a continuous path?

    Q2. How did you get these red lines displayed?

    I played about with the structure of my coloured svg file and found that this now would break in the 'normal way.  A picture of this and the file is attached.

    Succeseful Split 1St
    Tree Top Col Multicolor 4Th Mod
  7. #7
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Q1. It´s a Compound path right now like the glyps "A, B,R, O, P, D":

    Q2. not sure: when I take the Node tool the strokes/paths are red and in my set up shows little marker in-between nodes for the direction of the paths. To join segments is pretty easy:

  8. #8
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    There is a button in the Node tool controls to show the path outline.


    Also this for direction: