Beyond the Basics Perspective Envelop options not showing
  1. #1
    nxcv nxcv @nxcv

    Hello everyone,


    I am trying to use the Perspective Envelop path effect, but it seems like it doesn't show all options that is supposed to be there, such as Mirror movements in Vertical/Horizontal.

    I am wondering if there is way to show them or something like that.


    • Inkscape v1.4 (msi)
    • OS: Windows 11

    Thank you all so much 🙏


  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Known bug:

    I suggest uninstalling 1.4 and installing 1.3.2. (msi)

    Reset the preferences after first run and relaunch.

  3. #3
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    When you have enabled "Perspective/Envelope" hit tab to leave the Search field and hit then "N" for the Node tool which normally enables the perspective "cage". This is 1.4 on macOS:

  4. #4
    nxcv nxcv @nxcv

    Thank you all for your replies. Downgrading to 1 3.2 works fine. 




Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beyond the Basics Perspective Envelop options not showing