Beyond the Basics File Open - Show last folder
  1. #1
    Andy_G Andy_G @Andy_G


    I've been using Inkscape for the last eight years but have just upgraded to 1.4.1.  Previously when I selected file->open it showed the contents of the last folder I opened a drawing from, now it shows a list of recent files.  Is it possible to revert the behaviour to showing the contents of the last folder?  The current behaviour is annoying as I now have to make several additional clicks to get to where I was working.

    The installation of Inkscape is a clean new snap install on Ubuntu 24.04 as the computer has been rebuilt.




  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    I'm not able to reproduce in Mint (or windoze).

    I'd uninstall and install the PPA of 1.3.2:

    Version 1.4 has some layer bugs that veteran users will find super annoying. 


  3. #3
    Andy_G Andy_G @Andy_G

    Hi Tyler,

    Thanks for the response.  I've removed the snap install and installed it from the PPA.  It has installed v1.4 but the file-open behaviour is now showing the last folder opened from which is what I want.

