Beyond the Basics Command line help
  1. #1
    xpat xpat @xpat

    OK here is my issue- I would like to use the command line to insert a .bmp image at a specific location and size. I have searched in the appropriate places but I have not figured out the command that I need. Could someone point me in the right direction? Much Thanks!!

    For additional information I am trying to do this on Lubuntu with Inkscape version 1.2.2 though I do have Inkscape installed on a couple of Windows boxes.

    I can/have done this manually with the gui interface but it takes me about 2 hours. I was trying to automate the process with C++ as I have done in the past. With about 1100 files to create, I am not looking forward to spending the next year dragging and dropping

  2. #2
    inklinea inklinea @inklinea⛰️

    As a side note, svg is only required to support png and jpeg. 

    If you make a non compliant svg with bmp, webp you are at the mercy of the target system.

    Browsers are generally quite forgiving, some other software not.

    There are two main types of images in SVGs, embedded and linked.

    Embedded are base64 data strings, where are just xlink:href (or href) in the <image> tag.


    When you say 'command line' it depends what you mean.

    - Purely the inkscape command line 

    Cannot create elements, but change attributes and style properties of existing object.

    So if you have a template svg you could use `object-set-attribute`

    1. Set the xlink:href attribute for an existing <image> tag.
    2. Set the x, y, width, height attributes.
    3. Use `export-filename` and `export-do` to save a new svg or png etc.


    The above method is not very good on its own however because it does not provide a way to adjust for images of different sizes and aspect ratios.
    On Ubuntu it is possible to use other tools before using the Inkscape command line. 

    There is a bash script example on this forum written by me, which uses the ImageMagick `indentify` command to get pixel height / width from a bitmap then build and run an Inkscape command line. I just can't find it on the forum at the moment.


    If you don't need headless operation and you can write a bit of python, then the easiest way to do it is using an Inkscape extension to batch process your images.

    Inkscape is bundled with the Python imaging library - PIL (pillow) on Windows and PIL is included ( or easily installed ) with most Linux distros.
    PIL can open a large range of different bitmap formats and the PIL Image() object is easy to read, manipulate.

    I've attached a zip file with an example extension for importing an image.

    This imports an image to the canvas. However to save an svg from an extension it's as simple as svg.tostring().decode('utf-8) then save the string.
    Alternatively you could use a command call to save or batch process the svgs through the Inkscape command line if you need to correct the text formatting.


    Another option is to make a python venv, install inkex ( the Inkscape extension system ) from pypi along with PIL.
    This doesn't even need Inkscape and can run headless on a server.

  3. #3
    xpat xpat @xpat

    Thank you for the detailed response but I think I figured it out. I went back through my old C++ code, and evidently I have figured this out before. Chalk it up to getting old. I found that I can specify a .bmp file directly and export it as .svg with this command [inkscape --export-filename=(output filename and svg extension) (input filename and .bmp extension)] From there I can read in what I need to a temp file and convert it to pdf. It takes an extra step but I can control the location and size as you described in step 2. This method creates a file for me in less than 10 seconds instead of 2 hours. Thanks again for your response.