Beyond the Basics Bitmap tracing query
  1. #1
    HenryM HenryM @HenryM

    I only have done a little with Bitmap tracing in Inkscape.

    I now am trying to understand the best way of getting a vector representation of a picture so that I can cut out parts in different types of wood veneer and then fit these together.

    Using the Bitmap trace and a single scan I tried various values for brightness threshold and edge threshold.  I modified the resulting svg files to add structure to the svg geometry and coloured the objects in one of 29 colours. The pictures below give both the initial results having used the thresholds and the coloured objects

    I have attached three pictures which show

    1.      the original picture

    2.      the effect of using brightness thresholds of 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0

    3.      the effect of using edge detection thresholds of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6.

    The initial impression is that edge brightness threshold gives the more useful results. 

    It appears that the tree trunks are better shown with lower thresholds and the leaf shapes with higher thresholds.  So my next steps would be to ‘edit’ the various coloured results and then combine the edits to get what I want.  I do realise that some detailed editing of the paths may be necessary.

    I will modify the final svg file so that I can read the geometry into another application where I can create the parts finally to be cut out on a laser.

    I would be interested and grateful for comments about this.  These include anything about the overall approach to the best way to edit and combine the modified ‘objects’.

    Tree Top Edge Detection
    Tree Top Brightness Cutoff
    Original Picture
  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    It somewhat depends on the level of detail you are seeking... lots of pieces, or a few.

    I'd trace based on color.

  3. #3
    HenryM HenryM @HenryM

    Thank you. I am trying to get pieces which are representative of a 'clump' of leaves.  In this example there will be around 12.

    That looks very interesting and I would like to try. However, as the picture shows (left hand side my options - right hand side the ones you used) I do not have the Multicolor option.

    Is this because of the version of Inkscape I am using?  The picture shows what I get using the Help option. 


    Inkscape Trace Bitmap Options
    Inkscape Help
  4. #4
    HenryM HenryM @HenryM

    Would you be able to load the Inkscape file you after you used the Mutlicolor Stack option for BitMap Trace.  It would be helpful until I sort my Inkscape system.

  5. #5
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    The version you have is over 5 yrs old. I'd uninstall it an install version 1.3.2.

    In your old version, I'd click on the multiple scans button and select colors.

  6. #6
    HenryM HenryM @HenryM

    I now have loaded version 1.4 of Inkscape.  This has the Multicolor option for BitMap trace.  I will try using this later today.  So I don't need you to download the file you created.

  7. #7
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    I now have loaded version 1.4 of Inkscape.  This has the Multicolor option for BitMap trace.

    This has been there for ever since.

  8. #8
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    For the best results, I'd start with the highest resolution image/bitmap you can find. When tracing nay colors, the aliasing of a small image may create many small objects.

  9. #9
    HenryM HenryM @HenryM

    If I have an image at say 72dpi, is it worth increasing this to say 300 to help the process?

  10. #10
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    dpi tells nothing about the pixel size.

  11. #11
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    The larger the pixel count the better... i.e. the current image is only 100x 190, an image 1000 x 1900 might work much better.