endless knot

Lazurendless knot


With a hue rotation animation. No clipping or cloning is used, in order to make the image simple enough for browsers to render without any issue.

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Lighthouse - 2021

LazurLighthouse - 2021


A 4k image drawn through a longer period of time as usual. Idea came in 2017, project started in 2019 and finished during the latest weeks of 2021. Keep hanging on!

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1.3 anniversary edition animation

Lazur1.3 anniversary edition animation


"Celebrating 20 years of Inkscape" Based on the About Screen: Inkscape 1.3 by Denis Kuznetsky. https://inkscape.org/~inkscape/%E2%98%85about-screen-inkscape-13 Animation made with inkscape and blender.

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Rabbit Hole

LazurRabbit Hole


A filter animated by an <animate> tag modifying a huerotate value in the filter chain. How deep is the rabbit hole? Time to explore.

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ink test

Lazurink test


Similar concept as before, but with a more resource-friendly outcome. --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on January 26 2023 2:24 AM

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paper filter pack

Lazurpaper filter pack


A set of filters, to generate paper texture. Best viewed in inkscape. To add these to the dropdown list, check this tutorial: http://goinkscape.com/how-to-save-custom-filters-in-inkscape/

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Inktober 05th, 2021. Svg is available at openclipart -was too much to handle by the upload panel here with the svg preview going on: https://openclipart.org/detail/333559/raven

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endless knot animation 2

Lazurendless knot animation 2


Tried involving some turbulence although it gets lagging a bit at full size. Animated filter ftw.

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fabric filter pack

Lazurfabric filter pack


A set of filters to add a fabric texture to objects. Can be used to generate plain textiles, or, to add that giclée print feel to your drawing. Best viewed in inkscape. To add these to the dropdown list, check this tutorial: http://goinkscape.com/how-to-save-custom-filters-in-inkscape/ An example for the use: https://openclipart.org/detail/244460/wings

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knot tree

Lazurknot tree


A knot depicting a Christmas tree. With an animated filter to keep things in motion.

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golden spiral

Lazurgolden spiral


Constructed from gradient meshes with only greyscale mesh nodes. Colours are added by a 256 step gradient map filter generated by s_uv's extension -modify color-adjust-colormap-. "Theoretically" a smooth fade should be rendered between the steps.

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knot tree

Lazurknot tree


A knot depicting a Christmas tree. With an animated filter to keep things in motion. Happy New Year 2020!

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wheel rolling

Lazurwheel rolling


Slowly, but surely. Animated svg. Happy New Year! 2025 edition.

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pen filter pack

Lazurpen filter pack


A set of pen stroke looking filters on paper. When working with ink it is a must... Best viewed in inkscape. To add these to the dropdown list, check this tutorial: http://goinkscape.com/how-to-save-custom-filters-in-inkscape/

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Happy New Year

LazurHappy New Year


There seems to be a bug in the gallery related to plain years -tags of "2016" and "2017" are removed and it seems that you cannot upload files named as 2017? Also I always forget chosing the license. Nevertheless, Happy New Year to everyone!

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chalk lettering

Lazurchalk lettering


Textures are generated with filtering only. Check the original svg here: https://openclipart.org/detail/313119/chalkboard-letter-2

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Plane Tree

LazurPlane Tree


Christmas tree with a twist. Made with gradient meshes and spiced up with a wood grain filter.

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impossible ring (animated)

Lazurimpossible ring (animated)


An animated impossible ring turning, while it interlocks with a ball following a Bernoulli lemniscate path.

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impossible ring -simplified version- (animated)

Lazurimpossible ring -simplified version- (animated)


An animated impossible ring turning, while it interlocks with a ball following a Bernoulli lemniscate path.

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spiral gradient (animated)

Lazurspiral gradient (animated)


A rotating spiral built up by 360 repeating linear gradients moving inwards at a constant pace. Viewbox is set to 8k, and the document resizes to fit the window.

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Fiddling with the gradient mesh in pre3 0.92. Made a source model in blender and rendered to a source image for this. And had given up after hours on tracing the colours exactly with the mesh tool. So many problems with it, will try the mesh tool in pre4 next time on it...

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point missing

Lazurpoint missing


What is the point? There is no point. Nothing. This right here, took days to achieve. Animating the gradient with a notepad? A minutes trick. The rest? Failing. Drawing 360 copies of the same object, with its fill shifted: almost impossible challenge. On multiple versions, between 0.92 and 1.5 dev (2025 Jan. 29.). Pattern fill handles misaligning without any cause. Rotational centre moving when nodes are deleted. Rotational degree spinbox showing 2 digits only, without any possibility to resize it. Icons illegible. Align and distribute jumping to aligning to page option. Text tool font selection shows only a slice of the text. Creating unused definitions by thousands. Failing to adjust multicolor icon colors. Failing at editing gradients. Failing pasting objects with their pattern fills directions intact. Failing to open at a reasonable speed. Lagging. Horrid rendering. Pixelation when zooming in. Objects disappearing. Black spots. Outlines only mode, obscured by "ants" as selection boxes. Less than 1 MB. No filters. Less than 365 objects. Only 1 gradient definition. And yet it's a failure on every front. Was planning to add more to this image. Need some rest. Feeling betrayed, again. From rage, to resignation. Won't bargain, there must be a better way. There is no point, no point at all pursuing any of these with inkscape. Need something, that can do the job. Edit: and as it turns out this rant can't be displayed in its fullness by default. Wasn't expecting anything else. Maybe another 502 bad gateway message?

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snail shell fractal

Lazursnail shell fractal


Based on openclipart work, spiced up in gimp. Original source: https://openclipart.org/detail/241835/arrows-ammonite-4

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gradient mesh wallpaper

Lazurgradient mesh wallpaper


Made with 0.92. However that prevents 0.91 to render it. Svg source: https://openclipart.org/detail/267212/mesh-gradient-wallpaper

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new plane

Lazurnew plane


"Cutting edge design". Certainly there have been some heavy fixation going on in this build. Still rough? May use the plane a bit more to remove the splinters. A huge shout out for the craftmenship in the making. The appearance is heavy based on the new blending modes. For the look check this rendering: http://lazururh.deviantart.com/art/about-screen-inkscape-0-92-644664645 or open it in a 0.92+ build. This is a reupload since couldn't edit the previously uploaded thumbnail. (previous variant is here: http://lazururh.deviantart.com/art/about-screen-inkscape-0-92-644395505)

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Inkscape - ink landscape

LazurInkscape - ink landscape


20 years, still rendering... This image was created entirely within the built in filter editor.* Just stacking up filter primitives into a long filter chain, to resemble a landscape with some artistic styling. Visually it is somewhere between an impresssionist painting and paper marbling. It might not be the most streamlined one resembling a vector image editor, nor the theme is too complex either -just a landscape made as an ink blot. But, had some fun making it nevertheless. Theoretically it'd always be possible to add in more elements into the composition. Still, it's a bit of a pc melting piece as it is and decided not to push it further. If you click the raster image in the gallery or open the svg, handle with care. *Why you may ask? For a few reasons. Inkscape has about the only svg filter editor with a "live preview" today. Filters in general need some love -from the svg specs side and the filter editor side as well. May some examples bring attention and gain interest in future development on it.

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gradient mesh wallpaper 2

Lazurgradient mesh wallpaper 2


With a duotone filter. Recolouring a gradient mesh is painful to say at least. So what are the options for doing so? Either playing with the blending modes or playing with filtering. Too bad the linear colour transitions are pale. May need a more decent colormap filter primitive, if there was... Something similar can be hacked together by filter editing. Source svg here: https://openclipart.org/detail/267213/mesh-gradient-wallpaper-2

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little bird

Lazurlittle bird


Originally made this as a sculpture design a year ago for a contest with all technical details, 3D model etc. Now there was a weekly challenge about drawing a rooster in the name of the chinese new year 2017 so given it a retouch. Traced a previously rendered wallpaper and added in heavy filtering to this "rooster". Original image is here: http://lazururh.deviantart.com/art/little-bird-627379923 used stone filter here: https://openclipart.org/detail/271687/stone-pack-5 used wood filter based on this one: https://openclipart.org/detail/269726/wood-grain-megapack Ant made by scathlock at https://openclipart.org/detail/66769/ant. Font used for the numbers is architect's daughter by Andrew Ter-Grigoryan available at https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/architect-s-daughter under ofl license. Once again, happy new year!

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Colourful inks

LazurColourful inks


Animated filter example.

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Egg Pack 2017

LazurEgg Pack 2017


Some Easter egg colouring filters in a set. Rendering is a bit heavy.

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Inkscape - ink landscape II.

LazurInkscape - ink landscape II.


20 years, still rendering... My second entry to the contest. This image was created entirely within the built in filter editor.* Just stacking up filter primitives into a long filter chain, to resemble a landscape with some artistic styling. Visually it is somewhere between an impresssionist painting and paper marbling. It might not be the most streamlined one resembling a vector image editor, nor the theme is too complex either -just a landscape made as an ink blot. But, had some fun making it nevertheless. Theoretically it'd always be possible to add in more elements into the composition. Still, it's a bit of a pc melting piece as it is and decided not to push it further. If you click the raster image in the gallery or open the svg, handle with care. *Why you may ask? For a few reasons. Inkscape has about the only svg filter editor with a "live preview" today. Filters in general need some love -from the svg specs side and the filter editor side as well. May some examples bring attention and gain interest in future development on it.

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Knot Christmas Tree

LazurKnot Christmas Tree


A knot depicting a Christmas tree.

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smoking sign

Lazursmoking sign


An animated svg filter was used for this effect. It's a bit resource-heavy when rendered as an svg, so captured it into a gif with sharex for those who can't render the svg. Edit: tested if the gif could be used as a thumbnail but then it's not animated so removed the svg entirely. It's available at openclipart. openclipar.org/detail/331168/stop-smoking-animated

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glass hexagon loop

Lazurglass hexagon loop


Based on a remix from openclipart. For "inktober" and another drawing challenge. https://inkscape.org/forums/competitions/new-challenge-21-september-2021-04-october-2021/ https://inkscape.org/forums/finished/inktober-2021/ Original clipart: https://openclipart.org/detail/333491/hexagon-ring Idea came from HenryM: https://openclipart.org/detail/333437/rotating-tumbling-geometry

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glass endless knot animated 02

Lazurglass endless knot animated 02


Six balls going endlessly inside a glass endless knot -depicted as an impossible object. With additional coating and reflection/highlight overlays.

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glass endless knot animated 01

Lazurglass endless knot animated 01


Six balls going endlessly inside a glass endless knot -depicted as an impossible object.

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endless knot

Lazurendless knot


Drawn as an impossible object.

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deep dive treasure hunt in the desert (animated)

Lazurdeep dive treasure hunt in the desert (animated)


An animated svg depicting a van cruising through an imaginary desert landscape. Then arrives a deep diver, an anchor and some deep sea treasure? Maybe he is diving from the BlueBird?

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