Upload svg Files to Canva
39 |
renatospaka |
AmberLyraStudio |
Button "bevel" filter
1 |
dhouston1000 |
Lock/Unlock layers and other Layer and Objects Menus options disappeared from Version 1.4
2 |
fluzzati |
TylerDurden |
How to make a drawing to scale?
2 |
JurgenG |
TylerDurden |
Heads up: free-software graphics folks meeting at SCALE in Pasadena CA, Mar 7–9
1 |
n8willis |
accessing controls or attributes in a floating window and not a mandatory part of the current view/edit window
3 |
dhouston1000 |
dhouston1000 |
New Inkscape extension for easy laser cutting with LaserGRBL
53 |
Nikki.Smith |
Nikki.Smith |
Bug with Arrow Keys move by mm ?
1 |
Ota |
Dünne Konturen verdickt exportiert
4 |
Smax |
TylerDurden |
Breaking apart a file for stencilling
4 |
Devids1 |
Devids1 |
Default questions
2 |
Kelsky |
TylerDurden |
Change Stroke color via Command Line
3 |
paulen1 |
paulen1 |
2 |
Lindarn54455 |
Polygon |
Stroke style Not on?
4 |
Joyika_melon |
Paddy_CAD |
curly quotes
1 |
dhouston1000 |
Proper Quote Marks
6 |
oldboy |
dhouston1000 |
Selecting a group selects the object below the cursor.
3 |
maspeir |
maspeir |
How to pad an image with pixels (Blank space)
6 |
ILikeArt |
Paddy_CAD |
How to center number in an image strip
10 |
ILikeArt |
Paddy_CAD |
1 |
dhouston1000 |
🔥 Inkscape Challenge | March 2025
3 |
pacer |
pacer |
Paraglider T-Shirt Design
12 |
Harry_Martin |
Harry_Martin |
Looking for a way to keep the kerning/ letter spacing menu alwaysopen?
2 |
bananasaresnazzy |
TylerDurden |
Export with white background
3 |
philji32 |
philji32 |
🌈 Inkscape Challenge | February 2025
22 |
pacer |
Inkonic |
template issue
3 |
Modular grids not showing in documents
4 |
Stu002 |
Stu002 |
Can't download macos arm64 bugfix build?
4 |
Stu002 |
Polygon |
Rectangle tool will not draw line, only fill
4 |
mgts24 |
mgts24 |
keyboard shortcuts with numbers doesn't work
1 |
agathamoraes_ |
Geting constant line with from line drawing
2 |
TychoBECH |
Polygon |
Plotter macht andere Schriftart draus
9 |
Polygon |
How to continue pen tool path, when it is accidentaly closed.
6 |
Jorge0110 |
Polygon |
Login logic error on the website.
1 |
hellodas |
Logo for a Lost Website from the Mid 2000's
2 |
dupreedraws |
dupreedraws |
Text resizer missing
5 |
SheckyS |
dwhall |
Full Color SVG Fonts Getting Cut Off
3 |
Pattern Fill exports empty SVG/PDF
8 |
MCRrrick84 |
Tips and Tricks for Mastering Inkscape: A Beginner’s Guide
5 |
ewanmacgregor |
ewanmacgregor |
What are the best extensions to use?
2 |
kayleejjohnson |
TylerDurden |
Hi From Dave
3 |
MacroDave |
MacroDave |
Filter extensions not showing up
3 |
melissamatheny |
David248 |
Rounding Sharp Angles
5 |
drlarrye |
Paddy_CAD |
Exporting is more saturated than it should be [UBUNTU issue?]
1 |
julioneto |
how to get a non-rotated star
10 |
bonaca |
David248 |
Save as Optimised SVG ERROR!!
4 |
nameless |
TylerDurden |
Recurro a su ayuda para encontar un par de funsiones.
3 |
Sxng |
TylerDurden |
V 1.4 Path Effects does not display options
2 |
rdoty |
Polygon |
troublesome HPGL to Vinyl Cutter on v1.4
1 |
forty2 |
Hidden paths preventing sensible union
4 |
FoxyFoxie |
Paddy_CAD |
Problem Placing Text on a Line
4 |
drlarrye |
Polygon |
Hatch Fill Extension will not load
7 |
kupono |
kupono |
Playing in Inkscape
3 |
AmberLyraStudio |
AmberLyraStudio |
February 2025 - Experiment with Color - Traveling (WIP)
4 |
AmberLyraStudio |
AmberLyraStudio |
[MacOS] Document tabs
5 |
AlphaStudios |
Polygon |
Issue with Inkscape - Unable to Export SVG Files Properly
2 |
ewanmacgregor |
TylerDurden |
3d vortex (black hole) in space
1 |
dhouston1000 |
The Filter Editor
1 |
dhouston1000 |
supporting animation Inkscape
3 |
powderasintalkumpowser |
Lazur |
Hatches path effect for Youtube logo
10 |
craftsman_chris |
craftsman_chris |
some Custom symbols file not shown on symbol dialog while others created with the same method
3 |
asafche |
dwhall |
Warum keine Linie sondern ausgefüllte Form?
9 |
diebrisch |
Moini |
Extension -> Document -> Layout -> Printing Marks Not Working as I Expect
4 |
Sprogz |
TylerDurden |
Window_Thread_ Process_Id bug on Win10?
3 |
SeanRickard |
SeanRickard |
Debugging Python Extension
19 |
gamesdad |
FrankI4466 |
Page to Page Scrolling Direction From Side to Side to Vertical Up & Down
2 |
RIckV |
TylerDurden |
UI lines too thin
1 |
Ymity |
Custom dark page invisible paths¬
2 |
conture |
TylerDurden |
unable to print
5 |
beedhamtony |
Polygon |
Inkscape dxf to AutoCAD
4 |
conture |
Polygon |
Displaying old Inkscape documents - font size.
3 |
Cartoholic |
Paddy_CAD |
MacOS crash on launch fix
2 |
okmores |
Paddy_CAD |
3 |
jimdunn |
jimdunn |
Cut lines behind objects
5 |
David49 |
MasonReed |
Wolf-wood badge
31 |
Lazur |
MasonReed |
Issue with export transparency
4 |
Gibbons0110 |
Polygon |
Inkscape Crashes when Launched
6 |
Josh_Miller |
okmores |
Updating Selection after running extension
9 |
OptimusPrime |
OptimusPrime |
How Can I Create Custom Brushes in Inkscape?
3 |
ewanmacgregor |
Inkscape Texturen beim öffnen xtool creativ space
4 |
DaWinki |
Schote76 |
Distribute is driving me nuts...
8 |
Dackers |
Paddy_CAD |
2 |
afaiz56 |
henryjamesuk |
🔤 Inkscape Challenge | January 2025
39 |
pacer |
Moini |
Calling for Ubuntu snap package testers!
1 |
ltlnx |
Inkscape not opening as it should
2 |
jmcubie |
TylerDurden |
copy or clone
9 |
Anthony1 |
Anthony1 |
[MacOS] UI text on Inkscape panels only show as boxes
1 |
PaulSerjeant |
Strange Menu Bar behaviour on Linux
2 |
tukykarmakar |
TylerDurden |
objet vfers chemins
2 |
Patmalonda |
Polygon |
Default tool styles?
3 |
kotgc |
Paddy_CAD |
Inkscape 1.4 and Windows 7
1 |
SeanRickard |
Lisser une image vectorisée
4 |
Poussiiin |
Polygon |
Issue with Importing SVG Files – Colors Not Displaying Correctly
2 |
Aditi456 |
TylerDurden |
Tracing bitmaps: from bitmap line to vector
6 |
David49 |
Trace Bitmap has stopped giving me a tracing!
2 |
Stitchy |
David49 |
Gaming platform UI dashboard web design!!
1 |
Ndim_Donald |
Multi-Layer innerhalb eines festen designs
14 |
Elearza |
Polygon |
Web Messaging app UI design (Inkscape file included)
3 |
Ndim_Donald |
Ndim_Donald |
UI Design projects with Inkscape! | Music app - NFT_ecommerce app - Social media platform feed view
3 |
Ndim_Donald |
Ndim_Donald |
Using Inkscape with waterjet cutter
8 |
GeminiGlass |
GeminiGlass |