Beginners' Questions Preferences: System: User config files greyed out, ignored
  1. #1
    RW E2 RW E2 @RWE2

    Hello Inkscape!  I have a problem!

    I can't get Inkscape 1.0.1 (3bc2e813f5, 2020-09-07) to recognize my ~/.config/inkscape files:

    drwxr-x--x. 12 vil vil 4096 Feb  9 14:30 inkscape

    -rw-rw-r--. 1 vil vil     561 Feb  9 16:42 extension-errors.log
    drwxr-x--x. 2 vil vil    4096 Feb  5 11:34 extensions
    drwxr-xr-x. 2 vil vil    4096 Feb  5 11:34 fonts
    drwxr-x--x. 2 vil vil    4096 Feb  5 11:34 icons
    drwxr-x--x. 2 vil users  4096 Feb  9 14:19 keys
    drwxr-x--x. 2 vil vil    4096 Feb  5 11:34 paint
    drwxr-x--x. 2 vil vil    4096 Feb  5 11:34 palettes
    -rw-rw-r--. 1 vil vil   22859 Feb  9 16:30 preferences.xml
    -rw-rw-r--. 1 vil vil   23106 Feb  9 14:13 preferences.xml_2021_02_09_14_30_47.xml
    drwxr-x--x. 2 vil vil    4096 Feb  5 11:34 symbols
    drwxr-x--x. 2 vil vil    4096 Feb  5 11:34 templates
    drwxr-x--x. 2 vil vil    4096 Feb  5 11:34 themes
    drwxr-x--x. 2 vil vil    4096 Feb  5 11:34 ui

    The preferences panel shows the files in grey and "Open" button does not allow me to activate them.  See the attached .png screenshot.

    I installed inkscape 1.0.1-2.fc32 recently on Fedora 32 linux:  

    Linux localhost.localdomain 5.10.8-100.fc32.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jan 17 19:52:43 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    I tried "chown vil:users keys", as the above "ls" shows, then restarted inkscape from the command-line.  Same problem.  There were no command-line error messages.

    I reinstalled inkscape.  Same problem.  See the reinstall log below.

    I searched for other references to this problem, but found none.  

    [vil@localhost Fedora]$ sudo dnf reinstall inkscape
    Repository vivaldi is listed more than once in the configuration
    Last metadata expiration check: 0:24:28 ago on Tue 09 Feb 2021 04:16:44 PM EST.
    Dependencies resolved.
     Package                                            Architecture                                     Version                                                Repository                                         Size
     inkscape                                           x86_64                                           1.0.1-2.fc32                                           updates                                            22 M

    Transaction Summary

    Total download size: 22 M
    Installed size: 189 M
    Is this ok [y/N]: y
    Downloading Packages:
    inkscape-1.0.1-2.fc32.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                                    6.5 MB/s |  22 MB     00:03    
    Total                                                                                                                                                                               6.0 MB/s |  22 MB     00:03     
    Running transaction check
    Transaction check succeeded.
    Running transaction test
    Transaction test succeeded.
    Running transaction
      Preparing        :                                                                                                                                                                                            1/1
      Reinstalling     : inkscape-1.0.1-2.fc32.x86_64                                                                                                                                                               1/2
      Cleanup          : inkscape-1.0.1-2.fc32.x86_64                                                                                                                                                               2/2
      Running scriptlet: inkscape-1.0.1-2.fc32.x86_64                                                                                                                                                               2/2
      Verifying        : inkscape-1.0.1-2.fc32.x86_64                                                                                                                                                               1/2
      Verifying        : inkscape-1.0.1-2.fc32.x86_64                                                                                                                                                               2/2




  2. #2
    Nathan P. Johansen Nathan P. Johansen @NPJ2000

    Thanks for the question!

    I believe those are "grayed out" because they are pre-defined locations to store user-defined information. If you've just installed Inkscape, then they should be empty.  =)

    The paths will always remain "grayed out" for those user-defined locations, also. It's not a bug, but do not be surprised when you click "Open" and see a blank folder for any of those items, unless you've placed your own files there. So, nothing to be alarmed about.

    Is there anything else in particular that you're having problems with that prevent you from using Inkscape?



  3. #3
    RW E2 RW E2 @RWE2

    Well, the ~/.config/inkscape/keys folder is not blank.  I have my own "default.xml" file there, and inkscape is ignoring my file and my modifications are not being loaded. 

    I suppose I could try moving my file into /usr/share/inkscape/keys .  But I shouldn't have to do that, because the local files are supposed to override the share files. 

    I have an other partition with an older version of inkscape (0.91), and there the modifications are loaded and my key definitions work.   I'm not alarmed: I just want inkscape to use my definitions.  Thank you for reading my message.

  4. #4
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    I'd file a report with the Devs. Guidance here:

  5. #5
    Nathan P. Johansen Nathan P. Johansen @NPJ2000

    If you'd be willing to send me (or post) your default.xml file content I can test it out on my current development version by placing it in the keys folder and see what happens ...  =)

  6. #6
    RW E2 RW E2 @RWE2

    Thank you for the offer.  I've done more research, and the problem appears to be larger than my initial message indicates.

    None of the keyboard shortcuts files are recognized!

    For example, in Corel-Draw (x4), F12 activates "ToolPen".  In Preferences: Interface: Keyboard Shortcuts, I select "corel-draw-x4".  I then close the "Preference" panel and press F12.  But instead of giving me a ToolPen, it toggles the dialogue panel.

    I close inkscape and restart it, using /usr/bin/inkscape as the command.  I then verify that corel-draw-x4 is still set as the keyboard.  It is.  But F12 continues to toggle the dialogue panel.

    My own keyboard shortcuts file -- attached -- is based on the Default.xml file, of course, but utilizes the keypad (with numlock on) for specifying alignment operations.  For example, KP_2 aligns the bottom edges.

    I noticed that the Defaults file also assigns the keypad keys to various functions.  To prevent a conflict, I turned all of these assignments to comments.

    To distinguish my file from the Defaults.xml file, I renamed my file "ModLocal.xml".  Then I stored a copy in /usr/share/inkscape/keys, and called the copy "ModShare.xml".  I was happy to see that both files appear in the Preferences: Interface: Keyboard Shortcuts pulldown box.  Unfortunately, nothing happens when I select them.  Selecting the /usr/share file works no better than selecting the local file.

    With corel-draw-x4 selected, I do get some error messages on the CLI console:

    Unable to find: FileExport
    ** (org.inkscape.Inkscape:12537): WARNING **: 02:20:01.275: Unknown verb name: FileExport
    Unable to find: FileExport
    ** (org.inkscape.Inkscape:12537): WARNING **: 02:20:01.275: Unknown verb name: FileExport
    Unable to find: FileExport
    ** (org.inkscape.Inkscape:12537): WARNING **: 02:21:38.769: Unknown verb name: FileExport
    Unable to find: FileExport
    ** (org.inkscape.Inkscape:12537): WARNING **: 02:21:38.770: Unknown verb name: FileExport
    ** (org.inkscape.Inkscape:12537): WARNING **: 02:21:38.770: Unknown keyval Enter for DialogDocumentProperties
    ** (org.inkscape.Inkscape:12537): WARNING **: 02:21:38.770: Unknown keyval Backspace for EditUndo
    Unable to find: FileExport
    ** (org.inkscape.Inkscape:12537): WARNING **: 02:26:27.947: Unknown verb name: FileExport
    Unable to find: FileExport
    ** (org.inkscape.Inkscape:12537): WARNING **: 02:26:27.947: Unknown verb name: FileExport
    ** (org.inkscape.Inkscape:12537): WARNING **: 02:26:27.947: Unknown keyval Enter for DialogDocumentProperties
    ** (org.inkscape.Inkscape:12537): WARNING **: 02:26:27.947: Unknown keyval Backspace for EditUndo


  7. #7
    Nathan P. Johansen Nathan P. Johansen @NPJ2000

    I've placed your file in my keys folder and tested it - you're right. Would you please follow Tyler's suggestion and post a note for the Developers using the link provided?

  8. #8
    Nathan P. Johansen Nathan P. Johansen @NPJ2000

    Additionally, with the file renamed to simply default.xml and restarting Inkscape, I get a huge set of "duplicate shortcut" messages written to my terminal window. I'm not certain if it helps or not, but after renaming the file to all lowercase letters and keeping it standard, pressing the F12 no longer toggles the dialogue panel for me. Can you give that a try, also? Perhaps the capitalization counts, or it just needed a good hard restart. Thank you for puzzling it over with us!  =) 

  9. #9
    RW E2 RW E2 @RWE2

    I posted a report here: .

    I forgot to mention that I have tested the keypad with other applications, and it is working properly outside of inkscape 1.01.  E.g., the following was typed using the keypad with Numlock on: "0123456789/*-+"


  10. #10
    RW E2 RW E2 @RWE2

    Problem solved!

    * Numeric keypad assignments pertaining to alignment work, but only when the alignment dialogue is open!
    * Non-numeric keypad assignments work regardless
    * Alphabetic assignments work regardless
    * If the alignment dialogue is closed, the numeric keypad assignments continue to work for the current selection, but stop working when a new selection is made

    In my earlier tests, I did not have the alignment dialogue open.  

    I assumed, incorrectly, that the keypad assignments would behave the same way the main keyboard assignments behave.  It seems now that this assumption was wrong.  The keypad behavior is "quirky".

    Simple circumvention: keep the alignment dialogue open when using the KP_ keys.

    The difference between numeric and non-numeric keys may be explained by the difference between the functions assigned:

      <bind key="KP_4" action="AlignHorizontalLeft" />
      <bind key="KP_5" action="AlignVerticalHorizontalCenter" />
      <bind key="KP_6" action="AlignHorizontalRight" />
      <bind key="KP_2" action="AlignVerticalBottom" />
      <bind key="KP_8" action="AlignVerticalTop" />
      <bind key="KP_Add" action="AlignHorizontalLeftToAnchor" />
      <bind key="KP_Subtract" action="AlignHorizontalRightToAnchor" />
      <bind key="KP_Multiply" action="AlignVerticalBottomToAnchor" />
      <bind key="KP_Divide" action="AlignVerticalTopToAnchor" />

    My bug report is posted at


Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Preferences: System: User config files greyed out, ignored