Inkscape's 20th Anniversary Celebration
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Lazur |
Release candidate for Inkscape 1.3.1
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Grobe |
We're turning 20 in November!
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mpowell6453 |
Inkscape 1.3 Released!
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Lazur |
Inkscape reveals tools in beta version of 1.3
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Meet Denis Kuznetsky
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Announcement of our two new PLC members
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Inkscape 1.3 About Screen Contest Winner Announced
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Introducing Inky the AI Assistant in Inkscape
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inklinea |
Inkscape 1.3 alpha0 release
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It's time to vote for Inkscape's 1.3 About Screen Contest!
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frosty mountains
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Lazur |
GSoC 2023
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rutvik_pradyumna |
Inkscapes 1.3 About Screen Contest
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Lazur |
Creative Freedom Summit
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Inkscape 1.2.2 bug fix and maintenance release
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Moini |
Important Release of Inkscape version 1.2.1 - Fixes data loss and crash issues!
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TheAndyMac |
🍦 Inkscape Challenge | 1 June 2022 - 30 June 2022
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FrederickMyers |
*warning* breaking challenge - click only if you are prepared to force quit *warning*
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Lazur |
Knots, loops, impossible objects
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Lazur |