1. Nov 12 12:00:20 <Tavmjong> ============ Weekly Meeting ==============
  2. Nov 12 12:00:59 <Tavmjong> Agenda: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Board_Meetings
  3. Nov 12 12:01:00 <bryce> doctormon, thoughts?
  4. Nov 12 12:03:22 <doctormon> bryce: It's not as good as the NIH I did in perl back in 2005. Man that thing was cool. I'm a little disappointed with the flexibility of the API and design. It's too much work to get small things done and doesn't go nearly far enough with the complex stuff. I actually prefer the django orm, which combined with the model auto-creation plugin (scan) and the command scripts has allowed me to make some project
  5. Nov 12 12:03:25 <doctormon> s which aren't websites, but just data access ports.
  6. Nov 12 12:06:04 <bryce> doctormon, thanks
  7. Nov 12 12:06:41 <ScislaC> I'm here btw, just hadn't spoke up.
  8. Nov 12 12:06:48 <bryce> shall we get started then?
  9. Nov 12 12:07:16 <ScislaC> sure
  10. Nov 12 12:07:19 <bryce> I'd like to start with the LGM hackfest items first, if y'all don't mind
  11. Nov 12 12:07:25 <Tavmjong> I think we can skip discussing the Red Hat visits...
  12. Nov 12 12:07:40 <bryce> and in particular I'd like to get to the voting while we have a quorum
  13. Nov 12 12:07:40 <doctormon> NP
  14. Nov 12 12:07:54 <bryce> Toronto vs. Boston
  15. Nov 12 12:08:11 <doctormon> We're fairly settled on Torronto I believe.
  16. Nov 12 12:08:14 <bryce> doctormon, in particular I think we were blocking on waiting for your feedback here
  17. Nov 12 12:08:49 <bryce> doctormon, anything else we should consider?
  18. Nov 12 12:09:31 <Tavmjong> I just sent email to ginger (LGM organizer) to double check on room availability. It appears not to be a problem.
  19. Nov 12 12:09:34 <bryce> as to Before vs. After LGM, sounds like the only consideration we know of is individual preference
  20. Nov 12 12:09:57 <doctormon> I've asked Ginger Coons to join us here if she gets the email in time
  21. Nov 12 12:10:26 <Tavmjong> I probably will only be able to attend if it is before LGM.
  22. Nov 12 12:10:26 <bryce> for 3 days vs. 2 days the main consideration is cost vs. the extra face time. Potentially might be scheduling consideration with LGM but we haven't heard anything tangible.
  23. Nov 12 12:10:56 <Tavmjong> LGM starts a day earlier than previously announced.
  24. Nov 12 12:11:07 <ScislaC> Ah, that's good to know.
  25. Nov 12 12:11:16 <Tavmjong> Hi ginger! Welcome!
  26. Nov 12 12:11:28 <bryce> Tavmjong, how definitive is your 'probably'?
  27. Nov 12 12:11:34 <doctormon> OK, so considering Toronto != Montreal, it's a little harder to travel from here to there and so I'd say we should host the hackfest at Toronto, esp since it seems easy enough for Ginger to get us the space.
  28. Nov 12 12:12:08 <gingercoons2> Getting a space is going to be trivially easy. We have loads of it, and it's easy and free to book,
  29. Nov 12 12:12:20 <ScislaC> Perhaps on before vs after, the question should be would anyone not be able to make before? (since Tav possibly can't do after)
  30. Nov 12 12:12:21 <doctormon> gingercoons2: Thanks for coming; here means Boston in the Boston vs. Toronoto agenda item.
  31. Nov 12 12:12:23 <bryce> gingercoons2, ah awesome
  32. Nov 12 12:12:34 <Tavmjong> gingercoons2, Great!
  33. Nov 12 12:13:01 <Tavmjong> I think Toronto is preferable to Boston for travel time and costs. Can we all agree?
  34. Nov 12 12:13:17 <ScislaC> Tavmjong: and visas from my understanding
  35. Nov 12 12:13:18 <bryce> +1 Boston
  36. Nov 12 12:13:24 <bryce> er
  37. Nov 12 12:13:28 <bryce> +1 Toronto !
  38. Nov 12 12:13:32 <ScislaC> :)
  39. Nov 12 12:13:36 <doctormon> lol, +1 Bryce
  40. Nov 12 12:13:43 <bryce> brain/hand disconnect there
  41. Nov 12 12:13:51 <ScislaC> I'm game for either location
  42. Nov 12 12:14:19 <bryce> Before vs. After - I'm fine either way. +1 to Before if it enables Tav to attend
  43. Nov 12 12:14:20 <gingercoons2> If you need more details on visa requirements (generally few): http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/visas.asp
  44. Nov 12 12:14:23 <doctormon> I think I'd be the only pro-Boston and I'm switching to pro-Toronto, should we move on?
  45. Nov 12 12:14:52 <Tavmjong> JonCruz, ?
  46. Nov 12 12:14:53 <bryce> 2 day vs. 3day: +1 to 3day for the extra face time. I think the extra cost won't be a big deal (~$100/person)
  47. Nov 12 12:14:56 <johan_e_> +1 T
  48. Nov 12 12:15:07 <ScislaC> +1 to 3day
  49. Nov 12 12:15:14 <doctormon> So get there on sunday, three day hackfest, 5 day LGM fly back on Thursday? (and/or social time till Saturday :-))
  50. Nov 12 12:15:16 <johan_e_> days: depends on weekends etc
  51. Nov 12 12:15:27 <JonCruz> catching upb (was driving)
  52. Nov 12 12:15:31 <doctormon> +1 3days
  53. Nov 12 12:15:40 <Tavmjong> +1 to 3day
  54. Nov 12 12:16:14 <bryce> ok sounds like Toronto for 3 days. Anyone else want to vote on before vs. after?
  55. Nov 12 12:16:23 <doctormon> +1 Before
  56. Nov 12 12:16:24 <johan_e_> (http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest2015)
  57. Nov 12 12:17:14 <bryce> so far, +3 for Before +0 After, one don't care
  58. Nov 12 12:17:14 <johan_e_> LGM = 29 april (Wedn), May 2 (Sat)
  59. Nov 12 12:17:26 <doctormon> (the only note about before vs after I can make is that non-inkscapers will have a harder time hearing about it before, where as after we're more likely to get participation from locals who went to LGM)
  60. Nov 12 12:17:27 <JonCruz> don't care :-)
  61. Nov 12 12:18:17 <doctormon> Only 4 days for LGM? thought it was 5
  62. Nov 12 12:19:04 <doctormon> gingercoons2 Asked via email what our room requirements will be so she can narrow the selection of rooms down.
  63. Nov 12 12:19:36 <doctormon> a) internet b) projector c) near to an exit for lunch/dinner escape attempts.
  64. Nov 12 12:19:38 <bryce> hmm, good question
  65. Nov 12 12:19:51 <bryce> a and b definitely
  66. Nov 12 12:20:02 <bryce> c I don't think matters. We got legs.
  67. Nov 12 12:20:08 <Tavmjong> white/black board
  68. Nov 12 12:20:33 <johan_e_> desks
  69. Nov 12 12:20:40 <Tavmjong> chairs
  70. Nov 12 12:21:04 <bryce> desks or tables would be nice, yeah
  71. Nov 12 12:21:22 <bryce> esp. with power cables
  72. Nov 12 12:21:25 <gingercoons2> all of these things are very possible
  73. Nov 12 12:21:31 <doctormon> electricity, roof, maybe a window?
  74. Nov 12 12:21:44 <gingercoons2> so no very special requirements, then?
  75. Nov 12 12:22:15 <bryce> gingercoons2, other than the fireman's pole to get to the first level? no
  76. Nov 12 12:22:23 <bryce> ;-)
  77. Nov 12 12:22:25 <Tavmjong> For a three day meeting, we would start on a Sunday. Any problems getting room access?
  78. Nov 12 12:22:38 <gingercoons2> we're looking at the Sunday after LGM?
  79. Nov 12 12:22:44 <Tavmjong> Before
  80. Nov 12 12:22:46 <bryce> gingercoons2, before
  81. Nov 12 12:23:16 <gingercoons2> ah, gotcha. So that's the 26th of April, then?
  82. Nov 12 12:23:29 <Tavmjong> Yes, the 26th.
  83. Nov 12 12:23:30 <ScislaC> correct
  84. Nov 12 12:23:32 <gingercoons2> shouldn't be an issue.
  85. Nov 12 12:23:41 <bryce> what are we figuring for attendance numbers?
  86. Nov 12 12:24:04 <gingercoons2> the room that's easiest to put you in is in a building that's open until 10pm, but has extended hours during that week
  87. Nov 12 12:24:45 <JonCruz> also, we're not colliding with Easter schedules or anything, right?
  88. Nov 12 12:24:52 <Tavmjong> We had eight Inkscapers in Leipzig. Hopefully we'll get a few more this time as we are starting early and we are contributing more to travel.
  89. Nov 12 12:25:09 <bryce> easter's april 5th
  90. Nov 12 12:25:47 <bryce> Tavmjong, plus locals or other unfunded... 20-30 max we're guessing?
  91. Nov 12 12:25:55 <doctormon> Tavmjong: that will be great, Lipzvig was great.
  92. Nov 12 12:26:12 <johan_e_> hm, for me, it seems a little wasteful in terms of taking free days from work… :/
  93. Nov 12 12:26:12 <Tavmjong> That included locals and unfunded in Leipzig.
  94. Nov 12 12:26:16 <bryce> 12-20 probably more realistically
  95. Nov 12 12:26:44 <Tavmjong> bryce, 12-20 seems more reasonable.
  96. Nov 12 12:27:35 <Tavmjong> johan_e, Why is it wasteful? Fly in on Saturday. Start hacking on Sunday.
  97. Nov 12 12:28:12 <johan_e_> hm ok
  98. Nov 12 12:29:27 <JonCruz> give a lightning talk at LGM on what was accomplished
  99. Nov 12 12:29:57 <Tavmjong> JonCruz, good idea.
  100. Nov 12 12:30:07 * tedg is late, sorry
  101. Nov 12 12:30:09 <gingercoons2> quick intervention to ask if anyone needs to know anything else right now about arrangements in Toronto?
  102. Nov 12 12:30:20 <ScislaC> Does LGM have lightning talks in the schedule?
  103. Nov 12 12:30:33 <gingercoons2> Normally, yes
  104. Nov 12 12:30:59 <FailBit> <!-- johan_e_, maybe found a bug in powerstroke http://imgh.us/powerstroke.svg -->
  105. Nov 12 12:30:59 <Tavmjong> gingercoons2, Thanks for joining us! We can ping you if we have more questions.
  106. Nov 12 12:31:13 <ScislaC> Thank you gingercoons2!!!
  107. Nov 12 12:31:24 <gingercoons2> for sure! any time
  108. Nov 12 12:32:07 <FailBit> <!-- https://i.imgur.com/1A0IljX.png -->
  109. Nov 12 12:32:22 <Tavmjong> To summarize: We've agreed to a three day hacking session in Toronto before LGM?
  110. Nov 12 12:32:32 <doctormon> Yes
  111. Nov 12 12:32:34 <johan_e_> FailBit: some other time Liam. I know of several bugs in powerstroke :(
  112. Nov 12 12:33:01 <bryce> alright, thanks sounds like we have decisions for those votes
  113. Nov 12 12:33:07 <johan_e_> with a travel-in day on Saturday? (i.e. meet in evening? accomm?)
  114. Nov 12 12:33:26 <bryce> we can cleanup the Hackfest page based on this
  115. Nov 12 12:33:43 <Tavmjong> johan_e, Yes.
  116. Nov 12 12:34:22 <doctormon> I'll travel in on Saturday I think. Better to have a good night's rest.
  117. Nov 12 12:35:10 <bryce> next topic: can everyone take a few minutes to re-read http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest2015#The_Pitch and suggest more copyedits?
  118. Nov 12 12:36:37 <tedg> bryce, Curious if we need specific "suggested donations". $500 lunch for the hackfest. $2000 sponsor a developer. etc.
  119. Nov 12 12:38:14 <bryce> tedg, I'm open to that, what's everyone else think?
  120. Nov 12 12:38:15 <doctormon> Are we talking about the donations yet? (still waiting for that)
  121. Nov 12 12:38:47 <johan_e_> "to reach the limits of their creativity" ? —> "to explore their creativity"
  122. Nov 12 12:38:48 <tedg> This would be a pitch to companies willing to donate, so I guess yes.
  123. Nov 12 12:38:52 <bryce> doctormon, yeah anything that we might want to say in the fundraising pitch
  124. Nov 12 12:39:10 <Tavmjong> johan_e, +1
  125. Nov 12 12:39:19 <tedg> Do others have ideas at specific "donation amounts"?
  126. Nov 12 12:39:24 <bryce> tedg, I'm thinking we'd also post it as the text for the website's donation page
  127. Nov 12 12:39:29 <tedg> Seems good to bring them down to "real things."
  128. Nov 12 12:39:46 <bryce> but perhaps we can have a corporate variant separate from the public variant if people think that'd be a good idea?
  129. Nov 12 12:40:25 <tedg> Well I definitely think we should have different suggested amounts for the two groups ;-)
  130. Nov 12 12:40:30 <johan_e_> Second sentence should be something like: "And many like Inkscape to create simple drawings or just noodle a bit." (i am thinking about people that use inkscape for a simple diagram, tech drawing, etc, that do not think of themselves as "digital artist")
  131. Nov 12 12:41:07 <Tavmjong> johan_e, Good idea... needs a bit of work on wording.
  132. Nov 12 12:44:00 <bryce> ok any other copyedits? I'll incorporate these
  133. Nov 12 12:44:11 <Tavmjong> johan_e, Should be combined into one sentence. "Inkscape enables beginners to create simple drawings while allowing digital artist to explore their creativity.
  134. Nov 12 12:44:25 <johan_e_> Tavmjong: nice
  135. Nov 12 12:44:45 <JonCruz> or maybe simple drawings and diagrams?
  136. Nov 12 12:45:05 <Tavmjong> JonCruz, sure.
  137. Nov 12 12:45:11 <bryce> doctormon, you wanted to discuss donations? Mind also updating us on other relevant website stuff?
  138. Nov 12 12:45:13 <johan_e_> without "beginners" somehow
  139. Nov 12 12:45:43 <JonCruz> implying a simple replacement for basic visio
  140. Nov 12 12:45:48 <Tavmjong> johan_e, OK
  141. Nov 12 12:45:50 <johan_e_> (note: i wonder if companies that do not do graphic stuff would donate somehow. there are a ton of scientists and engineers that use inkscape, for example)
  142. Nov 12 12:46:10 <doctormon> bryce: YES!
  143. Nov 12 12:46:14 <doctormon> Sorry for the delay.
  144. Nov 12 12:46:19 <ScislaC> bryce: I have a handful of thoughts regarding the copy for that, so I will email you later. (I don't want to focus too much on it right now)
  145. Nov 12 12:46:51 <ScislaC> (that being the The Pitch)
  146. Nov 12 12:47:02 <doctormon> OK so the staging website is updated, everyone can see it here: http://staging.inkscape.org it uses different auth than inkscape.org so you'll need a new account if you don't have one yet.
  147. Nov 12 12:47:34 <JonCruz> yet another login :-)
  148. Nov 12 12:47:59 <doctormon> It has the project work pushed there and I've been looking at the different modules for accepting payments. There's two main parts, fleshing out a project, it's requirements, it's tasks etc and then the funding part with amounts of money, who from and possible reward tiers.
  149. Nov 12 12:48:54 <doctormon> you can see the project bones at http://staging.inkscape.org/project/ while admins can see http://staging.inkscape.org/admin/projects/ for full control
  150. Nov 12 12:49:17 <doctormon> I'm looking for a css designer type to help me with the front end part to this project.
  151. Nov 12 12:49:59 <Tavmjong> I think ryanlerch responded to your previous request but you had just exited IRC.
  152. Nov 12 12:50:01 <doctormon> I'll be working through a few of Brync's comments and then onto funding to accept money. So I'm pushing functionality before the look of the thing. Hence need for css person.
  153. Nov 12 12:50:12 <doctormon> Good ol' ryanlerch :-)
  154. Nov 12 12:50:19 <ryanlerch> hiya doctormon Tavmjong
  155. Nov 12 12:50:21 <ryanlerch> :D
  156. Nov 12 12:50:47 <Tavmjong> ryanlerch, Hi!
  157. Nov 12 12:50:56 <doctormon> Ello!
  158. Nov 12 12:51:25 <bryce> I used it to enter the Blur feature and it worked relatively well. Those of you with action items to write up project descriptions, I'd encourage use of this. Makes it real simple to pick out your criteria items (or add new ones).
  159. Nov 12 12:52:32 <doctormon> bryce: The one part you didn't see was how each deliverable can have tasks. Hence http://staging.inkscape.org/en/admin/projects/deliverable/ editing screen
  160. Nov 12 12:53:10 <ryanlerch> an important thing to be sure to include in those write-ups is what the benefit to the user is -- will boxblur make things render faster over the regular blur?
  161. Nov 12 12:53:19 <doctormon> I figured we could put the release in as a project with all the deliverables and tasks. Once we have a front end that'll show it all nice and make it a single click to 'finish' the task.
  162. Nov 12 12:53:26 <Tavmjong> ryanlerch, Good point!
  163. Nov 12 12:54:09 <ryanlerch> btw, if it does -- http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/264/241/9e9.gif
  164. Nov 12 12:54:45 <doctormon> ryanlerch: Interested in sitting down with me to do some website?
  165. Nov 12 12:56:51 <Tavmjong> doctormon, I seem to need a password reset for staging.inkscape.org
  166. Nov 12 12:57:04 <ryanlerch> doctormon, a new one? or stuff on the current inkscape.org
  167. Nov 12 12:57:19 <doctormon> ryanlerch: It's this project/funding thing we're talking about here
  168. Nov 12 12:57:22 <doctormon> for inkscape.org
  169. Nov 12 12:57:25 <ryanlerch> ah
  170. Nov 12 12:57:58 <doctormon> Tavmjong: You're not on the user list for staging.inkscape.org, just must have been reset
  171. Nov 12 12:58:27 <Tavmjong> doctormon, Can you set me up?
  172. Nov 12 12:59:33 <bryce> doctormon, I did see the tasks there and like it!
  173. Nov 12 13:00:12 <Tavmjong> We've been talking about project funding... are we going to use this for the LGM hackfest?
  174. Nov 12 13:00:37 <doctormon> Tavmjong: Is your user created? Are you using google, facebook etc or just a regular login?
  175. Nov 12 13:00:58 <Tavmjong> doctormon, regular login
  176. Nov 12 13:01:23 <doctormon> Tavmjong: tav 123456 please change asap
  177. Nov 12 13:01:30 <ScislaC> doctormon: do I have a current login on staging or can I go for using my google login to create one?
  178. Nov 12 13:01:34 <doctormon> Also you are a god, so yeah. :-)
  179. Nov 12 13:01:55 <doctormon> ScislaC: You're missing too
  180. Nov 12 13:02:06 <ScislaC> doctormon: so I can just use google then?
  181. Nov 12 13:02:17 <doctormon> yes, I'll enable god mode once you've done it
  182. Nov 12 13:02:59 <bryce> Tavmjong, what we discussed at last week's meeting was to simplify funding for the hackfest
  183. Nov 12 13:03:00 <ScislaC> doctormon: done
  184. Nov 12 13:03:35 <Tavmjong> doctormon, Changed.
  185. Nov 12 13:04:06 <Tavmjong> bryce, What is the status, then, of a funding page for the hackfest?
  186. Nov 12 13:04:09 <bryce> Tavmjong, essentially make a copy of the existing Donate page, paste the Pitch on top, and make it tag donations as "Hackfest" via the item_id or whatever so we can filter out general donations from hackfest-specific ones
  187. Nov 12 13:04:19 <doctormon> ScislaC: IDQD
  188. Nov 12 13:04:30 <Tavmjong> bryce, OK.
  189. Nov 12 13:04:48 <bryce> ScislaC, iirc you had some plans there, want to fill us in on where we're at ?
  190. Nov 12 13:05:17 <ScislaC> doctormon: IDDQD, IDKFA, that's all I remember for now...
  191. Nov 12 13:05:23 <ScislaC> :)
  192. Nov 12 13:06:54 <doctormon> ;-)
  193. Nov 12 13:08:28 <bryce> btw, pitch is updated - http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest2015#The_Pitch
  194. Nov 12 13:08:29 <ScislaC> bryce: I had gotten some rather uninteresting mocks started, but doctormon had said he wanted to reach out to the community for the design stuff (which I feel is probably better), so my efforts got sidetracked to the copyright stuff. :-/
  195. Nov 12 13:08:55 <johan_e_> doctormon: i like the picture on the staging website. you can change the text to something about Hackfest when it goes live :)
  196. Nov 12 13:09:37 <johan_e_> bryce: shouldn't there be a $5 donation amount too?
  197. Nov 12 13:09:39 <ScislaC> copyright/license stuff that is
  198. Nov 12 13:09:53 <bryce> johan_e, probably
  199. Nov 12 13:10:25 <Tavmjong> bryce, definitely need an average person contribution value
  200. Nov 12 13:10:37 <bryce> $5 and $50?
  201. Nov 12 13:10:42 <tedg> Yeah, I think there should be a $5 and $10 one.
  202. Nov 12 13:11:09 <tedg> $5 supporter, $10 friend, $50 Inkscape Lover
  203. Nov 12 13:11:11 <tedg> :-)
  204. Nov 12 13:11:36 <doctormon> $50,000 - Sugar daddy
  205. Nov 12 13:11:42 <Tavmjong> tedg, +1
  206. Nov 12 13:11:43 <ScislaC> hahaha
  207. Nov 12 13:11:50 <tedg> I like the idea from the D conference of selling hackfest T-shirts.
  208. Nov 12 13:12:03 <bryce> "I owe you a beer" is a common refrain, what's a beer cost in Toronto?
  209. Nov 12 13:12:04 <tedg> They could be "expensive", like $25, and contribute.
  210. Nov 12 13:12:57 <Tavmjong> tedg, That sounds like a bit of work for a relatively small group.
  211. Nov 12 13:13:03 <johan_e_> I was hoping we could spend some time during the hackfest to actually design a nice t-shirt (something more than just "Inkscape" on a white t-shirt)
  212. Nov 12 13:13:05 <JonCruz> beer level, like how arduino is proceed at student weekend pizza dinner level
  213. Nov 12 13:13:13 <bryce> Tavmjong, exactly what I was thinking
  214. Nov 12 13:13:26 <tedg> Tavmjong, I was hoping that we could do an "about screen" style contest for it.
  215. Nov 12 13:13:40 <johan_e_> tedg: yeah
  216. Nov 12 13:13:42 <JonCruz> ooh, nice connection for the fund contributors there
  217. Nov 12 13:13:56 <tedg> So it wouldn't be t-shirts for just the attendees, it'd be more of a fund-raising thing.
  218. Nov 12 13:14:04 <tedg> "Have a T-shirt that looks like bryce!"
  219. Nov 12 13:14:13 <bryce> ew, no
  220. Nov 12 13:14:14 <tedg> that matches
  221. Nov 12 13:14:38 <johan_e_> t-shirt like: http://hirharang.com/get-your-favorite-design-on-your-t-shirt.html
  222. Nov 12 13:14:39 <Tavmjong> tedg, That's an interesting idea... but I am worried about adding organization overhead for our first hackfest.
  223. Nov 12 13:15:06 <Tavmjong> ginger has booked us a room: I've provisionally booked a room for you from
  224. Nov 12 13:15:06 <Tavmjong> the 26th to the 29th. It's a nice space, comfortably holds up to about
  225. Nov 12 13:15:06 <Tavmjong> 30 people, has a 40" TV (rather than a projector, but getting an
  226. Nov 12 13:15:06 <Tavmjong> additional projector is also possible), and has power outlets built into
  227. Nov 12 13:15:06 <Tavmjong> reconfigurable tables. Figured I'd book now to be safe, but if you have
  228. Nov 12 13:15:06 <Tavmjong> any changes, just let me know.
  229. Nov 12 13:15:08 <johan_e_> not at all that design, but you know what i mean. a t-shirt you could actually see in a store somewhere.
  230. Nov 12 13:15:37 <bryce> http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/348/103/82d.jpg ?
  231. Nov 12 13:15:52 <tedg> Yeah, I'd want something I could wear. My old one is getting… old.
  232. Nov 12 13:15:53 <johan_e_> bryce: or that
  233. Nov 12 13:16:39 <doctormon> Those are some old memes you're packing
  234. Nov 12 13:16:46 <tedg> bryce, You've read my mind. "What happens when they asked Chuck Norris to use Illustrator?" ;-)
  235. Nov 12 13:16:53 <bryce> Suggested donation amounts:
  236. Nov 12 13:16:53 <bryce> * $5 - If you owe an Inkscape developer a beverage
  237. Nov 12 13:16:53 <bryce> * $50 - Food & Incidentals for one developer
  238. Nov 12 13:16:53 <bryce> * $500 - Lunch for the hackfest
  239. Nov 12 13:16:53 <bryce> * $2000 - Sponsor a developer
  240. Nov 12 13:17:51 <bryce> moving on...
  241. Nov 12 13:17:57 <tedg> +1
  242. Nov 12 13:18:00 <ScislaC> +1
  243. Nov 12 13:18:07 <bryce> last topic - recruitment of more planners / volunteers
  244. Nov 12 13:18:09 <johan_e_> bryce: cool
  245. Nov 12 13:19:02 <bryce> we have a good showing here at this meeting, but we've got a fair number of tasks ahead of us and it might be handy to bring in a few more folks to help out.
  246. Nov 12 13:19:08 <bryce> thoughts?
  247. Nov 12 13:19:22 <Tavmjong> Could help to find a local.
  248. Nov 12 13:19:31 <Tavmjong> http://torontocalligraphyguild.org/tag/inkscape/
  249. Nov 12 13:19:39 <tedg> I think it's a good idea, but we'll probably need specific tasks.
  250. Nov 12 13:20:09 <ScislaC> Yeah, I have a better chance of finding people depending on identified tasks.
  251. Nov 12 13:20:59 <bryce> one small idea I had was, since we may have some website work to do, to have doctormo offer django mentoring to someone interested in working on some simple django tasks for the hackfest?
  252. Nov 12 13:21:28 <johan_e_> bryce: not a bad idea
  253. Nov 12 13:22:00 <bryce> Tavmjong, +1 to looking for locals. I'm sure there'll be some random local tasks we could use help with.
  254. Nov 12 13:22:06 <johan_e_> bryce: other website jobs could be done too by that volunteer (say, a blog post, cleaning up our pages, moving some more info to the website)
  255. Nov 12 13:22:14 * tedg unfortunately has to run
  256. Nov 12 13:22:16 <bryce> right
  257. Nov 12 13:22:22 <johan_e_> later tedg
  258. Nov 12 13:22:31 <ScislaC> cya tedg
  259. Nov 12 13:23:06 <doctormon> It starts with editing and translations and moves onto html/css fixes and then finally coding.
  260. Nov 12 13:23:51 <doctormon> If I can get ryanlerch to meet sometime we can do a micro-hackfest here in Boston for that too. But it depends on his availability and desire to help with web work.
  261. Nov 12 13:25:09 <bryce> perhaps what we should do for now is to start jotting down some simple tasks into wiki we need help with. Then next week we can work out recruitment.
  262. Nov 12 13:25:09 <ScislaC> doctormon: Side Q, is it possible to do custom CSS on a page in a straightforward way? (on our site obviously)
  263. Nov 12 13:25:19 <ScislaC> bryce: great idea
  264. Nov 12 13:25:49 <bryce> alright, we're over time. anyone have anything else?
  265. Nov 12 13:25:59 <johan_e_> yes
  266. Nov 12 13:26:12 <johan_e_> http://jenkins.inkscape.org:8080/
  267. Nov 12 13:26:42 <bryce> johan_e, whoa, sweetness!
  268. Nov 12 13:26:54 <johan_e_> I have disabled signing up for it (would just create a mess)
  269. Nov 12 13:26:57 <bryce> johan_e, that got set up quick
  270. Nov 12 13:27:07 <doctormon> ScislaC: I think so, but it'll need adding into the website framework if we want CMS CSS.
  271. Nov 12 13:27:28 <johan_e_> if you want access to help out with the CI system (thanks :)), let me know and we'll add an account for you
  272. Nov 12 13:27:56 <johan_e_> bryce: there is a Coverity plugin that you might be able to use. but first get it running on cmdline
  273. Nov 12 13:28:00 <ScislaC> doctormon: I think it would rock if we could do something like devintart's journal custom css when it comes to things like announcing contests, fundraisers, etc.
  274. Nov 12 13:28:03 <johan_e_> bry
  275. Nov 12 13:28:22 <johan_e_> bryce, Tavmjong: next item to add is the rendertests
  276. Nov 12 13:28:31 <ScislaC> johan_e_: did you see the message about the testers mailing list yesterday?
  277. Nov 12 13:28:39 <johan_e_> ScislaC: yes i did
  278. Nov 12 13:28:40 <Tavmjong> johan_e, Superb!
  279. Nov 12 13:28:42 <johan_e_> ScislaC: great idea
  280. Nov 12 13:28:52 <johan_e_> ScislaC: you remind me about setting up sendmail on the server for that
  281. Nov 12 13:29:07 <johan_e_> ScislaC,bryce: i don't know how to do that. Bryce?
  282. Nov 12 13:29:39 <bryce> johan_e, yeah I can take care of that. Might be a couple days until I get around to it tho.
  283. Nov 12 13:30:04 <johan_e_> bryce: no prob
  284. Nov 12 13:30:05 <bryce> I'll set up msmtp rather than full on sendmail
  285. Nov 12 13:30:15 <johan_e_> bryce: as simple as possible indeed
  286. Nov 12 13:30:32 <johan_e_> bryce: the storage will be a problem. 8G is really little. can we pay them a little to insert a second disk? :P
  287. Nov 12 13:30:35 <Tavmjong> I need to split! Great meeting.
  288. Nov 12 13:30:45 <johan_e_> Tavmjong: ciao
  289. Nov 12 13:30:54 <johan_e_> bryce: how to check total file space usage?
  290. Nov 12 13:31:14 <ScislaC> cya Tavmjong!
  291. Nov 12 13:31:19 <bryce> johan_e, `df -h .`
  292. Nov 12 13:31:38 <bryce> ============== End Meeting =================
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Board Meeting - November 12, 2014



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