1. Nov 05 09:58:29 <ScislaC> Are we doing any type of meeting today?
  2. Nov 05 10:19:24 <doctormon> Not sure
  3. Nov 05 10:19:29 <doctormon> But I'm here just incase
  4. Nov 05 10:19:52 <doctormon> Karen > hey all I'm sorry again for missing meetings - I'm also going to miss today. I'm traveling on my way to the Joomla conference
  5. Nov 05 10:20:01 <doctormon> Karen > please feel free to assign me action items by email!
  6. Nov 05 10:20:17 <doctormon> So I think the conservancy thinks we're having meetings.
  7. Nov 05 10:33:51 <ScislaC> doctormon: hmmm... Action item 1 assigned to Karen - raise $1 million for Inkscape
  8. Nov 05 10:33:53 <ScislaC> :)
  9. Nov 05 10:53:13 <doctormon> ScislaC: Action 2: Take only 5% in admin ;-)
  10. Nov 05 10:59:02 <ScislaC> doctormon: :)
  11. Nov 05 11:45:34 <Tavmjong> Is there an agenda for the meeting (assuming we are having one)?
  12. Nov 05 11:47:04 <bryce> Tavmjong, I posted one to the wiki page a couple weeks ago
  13. Nov 05 11:53:56 <Tavmjong> bryce, sorry, I missed it as I was traveling.
  14. Nov 05 12:03:21 <Tavmjong> Meeting ping? Who is here?
  15. Nov 05 12:03:58 <ScislaC> here
  16. Nov 05 12:05:31 <Tavmjong> The US changed time Sunday... is this the correct meeting time?
  17. Nov 05 12:06:58 <ScislaC> yes
  18. Nov 05 12:09:34 <Tavmjong> I just got back to France today and haven't had time to follow up properly on the RedHat hackfest.
  19. Nov 05 12:10:07 <Tavmjong> I did talk to Krzysztof. He still doesn't know if he could make a January meeting as it is just before exam times.
  20. Nov 05 12:11:00 <ScislaC> ahhh
  21. Nov 05 12:11:01 <Tavmjong> It might be useful for Martin to go in January to gather GUI feedback from the Fedora design team.
  22. Nov 05 12:11:29 <bryce> I'm here, if we're meeting
  23. Nov 05 12:12:38 <ScislaC> Tavmjong: are we looking for them to do a UX review, or what?
  24. Nov 05 12:12:39 <Tavmjong> The GTK stuff can be done at a later date. Let me investigate further this week and I will give a report at next weeks meeting.
  25. Nov 05 12:14:26 <bryce> I think we've mostly run out of time for doing something in january. Holidays are on us, and we have the release to get through.
  26. Nov 05 12:15:19 <bryce> our original motivation for the redhat hackfest was that it'd be subsidized by them, but that doesn't seem to have materialized
  27. Nov 05 12:15:22 <Tavmjong> Bryce, That is probably true, but it might still be useful for Martin to go for a day.
  28. Nov 05 12:16:16 <Tavmjong> ScislaC, that was one of the reasons that Mairin suggested the January date.
  29. Nov 05 12:17:23 <ScislaC> Well, if something can be solidified soon, I definitely wouldn't be opposed to it.
  30. Nov 05 12:19:31 <ScislaC> doctormon: are you interested in RedHat in Jan?
  31. Nov 05 12:20:11 <ScislaC> According to the agenda we can at least get the attendee list finalized and cost estimated.
  32. Nov 05 12:20:53 <Tavmjong> ScislaC, you are talking about RedHat?
  33. Nov 05 12:22:31 <ScislaC> Tavmjong: yes
  34. Nov 05 12:22:44 <Tavmjong> The attendee list would be Martin, Krzysztof, Jon, and myself.
  35. Nov 05 12:23:09 <Tavmjong> I will whip up a quick cost estimate.
  36. Nov 05 12:24:46 <ScislaC> Tavmjong: Sorry, I guess I was confused on that, as it sounded like only Martin & KK were in question (based on the conversation earlier, not previous discussions)...
  37. Nov 05 12:34:21 <Tavmjong> KK would be about $1100, Martin $150 (if he stayed the night), Jon $600, myself $1100.
  38. Nov 05 12:35:11 <Tavmjong> KK is the key person here so just sending him an Martin would be good.
  39. Nov 05 12:36:16 <bryce> KK hasn't been very active lately; is he just busy with school or something?
  40. Nov 05 12:36:53 <Tavmjong> KK has been busy with school. He was at the GSoC Mentor's meetup.
  41. Nov 05 12:37:38 <Tavmjong> I think he'll have more time after his exams at the beginning of February.
  42. Nov 05 12:38:41 <Tavmjong> Maybe the best thing to do is to see if KK can go to Boston before/after LGM.
  43. Nov 05 12:47:27 <Tavmjong> Are we ready to tackle LGM hackfest items or postpone them to next week?
  44. Nov 05 12:49:32 <ScislaC> Tavmjong: I'm not sure there are enough of us here to make it worthwhile
  45. Nov 05 12:49:49 <bryce> :-(
  46. Nov 05 12:49:53 <doctormon> We really need to get the LGM stuff nailed down, I'm worried a little about organising it. Fearful I might be letting the side down because I'm not sure what I should be doing.
  47. Nov 05 12:50:08 <bryce> doctormon, exactly my thoughts too
  48. Nov 05 12:50:09 <ScislaC> doctormon is here!
  49. Nov 05 12:50:22 <ScislaC> Yeah, I really think we do too
  50. Nov 05 12:50:29 <bryce> also, I feel we're behind the curve for fundraising
  51. Nov 05 12:51:03 <ScislaC> So has there been any news on the django fundraising stuff?
  52. Nov 05 12:51:18 <bryce> the fundraising needs to be in place well ahead of the actual event
  53. Nov 05 12:51:31 * ScislaC nods
  54. Nov 05 12:51:43 * Tavmjong Tav nods too
  55. Nov 05 12:51:44 <bryce> ScislaC, sounded like doctormon wasn't impressed by the off the shelf options
  56. Nov 05 12:52:13 <Tavmjong> Maybe we need an off-the shelf option for LGM and work on a better long term solution afterwards.
  57. Nov 05 12:52:47 <ScislaC> Tavmjong: I was just thinking that
  58. Nov 05 12:54:10 <bryce> well, we could always re-think our indiegogo decision
  59. Nov 05 12:56:10 <ScislaC> I would begrudgingly vote in favor of it just to get something established and going.
  60. Nov 05 12:56:32 <bryce> otoh, I would think a basic no-frills donation interface ought not be that hard. I looked into doing a web app atop paypay some years ago and the api was pretty straightforward.
  61. Nov 05 12:56:51 <bryce> I think it's mainly a matter of having the manpower
  62. Nov 05 12:57:05 <bryce> or personpower
  63. Nov 05 12:59:29 <bryce> one question I had is would we need a separate paypal account?
  64. Nov 05 12:59:46 <bryce> if we use our existing paypal account, how would we track money earmarked for the hackfest?
  65. Nov 05 13:00:22 <bryce>
  66. Nov 05 13:00:25 <ScislaC> bryce: don't messages accompany paypal donations?
  67. Nov 05 13:01:00 <bryce> we could also vastly simplify things and just curtail the fundraising work, and just use what we already have raised in the bank account.
  68. Nov 05 13:02:12 <ScislaC> bryce: I am kind of thinking it would be better to fallback to paying the difference if a goal isn't reached, rather than not pursue fundraising.
  69. Nov 05 13:02:34 <Tavmjong> We could add a special message that we are raising funds for the LGM hacking session and just use our normal PayPal account.
  70. Nov 05 13:02:53 <Tavmjong> We might get additional contributions that way.
  71. Nov 05 13:04:12 <Tavmjong> The only real difference is that contributions are not ear-marked for LGM.
  72. Nov 05 13:06:19 <ScislaC> That doesn't seem unreasonable
  73. Nov 05 13:06:48 <ScislaC> So, we could have a special donation page explaining it, but just use the existing account.
  74. Nov 05 13:07:24 <Tavmjong> Yes.
  75. Nov 05 13:09:11 <ScislaC> bryce: sounds reasonable?
  76. Nov 05 13:09:27 <Tavmjong> So we need: A special page explaining the fund raiser. A news item pointing to it. An announcement for G+ and Twitter.
  77. Nov 05 13:10:04 <ScislaC> I could do a draft of the special page and new tomorrow
  78. Nov 05 13:10:24 <ScislaC> news even... once people look over it we can make it live and do the pr push
  79. Nov 05 13:10:45 <Tavmjong> Sounds good to me.
  80. Nov 05 13:11:09 <bryce> ScislaC, I'm reviewing paypal directions to see what we can do with our existing setup
  81. Nov 05 13:11:36 <bryce> there's a 'return' variable we can set to send the donor to a thank you page
  82. Nov 05 13:11:42 <bryce> or status page or whatnot
  83. Nov 05 13:12:55 <bryce> I think we can also fill in 'item_name', so like 'For LGM hackfest 2015'
  84. Nov 05 13:14:35 <ScislaC> okay... both things are good to know
  85. Nov 05 13:16:38 <Tavmjong> What about venue/date or should we wait till next week? I favor three days before LGM in Toronto.
  86. Nov 05 13:17:02 <bryce> so yeah, looks like we could use our existing paypal account, you can copy our exisitng Donations page, add in those two variables to the paypal HTML, plug in our Pitch at the top, and tack on a landing page with thank you / status.
  87. Nov 05 13:17:27 <Tavmjong> bryce, excellent!
  88. Nov 05 13:18:51 <bryce> oh, and something will be needed on the backend to tally up donations based on item_name
  89. Nov 05 13:19:27 <bryce> ScislaC, so then the task is mainly up to doing good PR
  90. Nov 05 13:22:19 <ScislaC> bryce: well, I'm comfortable with the superficial stuff... if someone else can tackle the automated math, that would be nice ;)
  91. Nov 05 13:23:05 <bryce> ScislaC, task to karen maybe?
  92. Nov 05 13:24:06 <ScislaC> is that a task for her or one she needs to coordinate with one of our actual web devs?
  93. Nov 05 13:24:19 <Tavmjong> http://tutorialzine.com/2010/05/donation-center-php-mysql-paypal-api/ ?
  94. Nov 05 13:27:20 <bryce> ScislaC, it'd be completely backend, no need to coordinate
  95. Nov 05 13:27:53 <bryce> they already have some script to process paypal, so maybe could include this there
  96. Nov 05 13:28:33 <bryce> there's no hurry to that bit though. Can leave it for future discussion if/when she comes to a meeting again
  97. Nov 05 13:30:46 <ScislaC> Gotcha
  98. Nov 05 13:30:47 <bryce> Tavmjong, a wall of donors would be a nice addition here
  99. Nov 05 13:31:37 <ScislaC> As for before/after, and duration... will this work for the proposed attendees? http://goo.gl/forms/bCRJrcq7Vf
  100. Nov 05 13:33:10 <Tavmjong> ScislaC, The last question is a bit ambiguous, as one might think in applies to the first question.
  101. Nov 05 13:33:26 <bryce> Tavmjong, if someone wanted to work on replicating that in django it might stimulate more donation activity. OTOH, it's something we can do without if we're too short on django resources
  102. Nov 05 13:33:57 <ScislaC> Tavmjong: suggestions for better phrasing or just nuke it?
  103. Nov 05 13:34:26 <bryce> make the Before or After question have five choices
  104. Nov 05 13:34:54 <bryce> I can only attend Before ; Somewhat prefer before ; don't care; ...
  105. Nov 05 13:35:02 <ScislaC> ahhh
  106. Nov 05 13:35:30 <bryce> ScislaC, also maybe include a queston "Do you plan to attend?" with various options for answers
  107. Nov 05 13:35:33 <Tavmjong> bryce, I have no django experience. doctormon?
  108. Nov 05 13:36:31 <bryce> ScislaC, also, wow google forms looks slick. Does it work for handling votes?
  109. Nov 05 13:36:43 <bryce> or is that just mockup?
  110. Nov 05 13:37:00 <ScislaC> bryce: once submitted it will take to a results page, so it must tally it
  111. Nov 05 13:38:24 <bryce> wonder if we have something like that in django
  112. Nov 05 13:39:44 <Tavmjong> It does tally it! And provides charts. Cool!
  113. Nov 05 13:39:48 <bryce> nice
  114. Nov 05 13:40:26 <ScislaC> I changed the answers, so hopefully that doesn't mess it up. :P
  115. Nov 05 13:40:32 <bryce> of course it'll probably get canceled in three weeks
  116. Nov 05 13:41:28 <Tavmjong> ScislaC, It updated my answers.
  117. Nov 05 13:41:40 <bryce> ScislaC, also state what LGM's dates are in the form, so people don't have to go look that info up
  118. Nov 05 13:41:48 <bryce> also mention where it is
  119. Nov 05 13:42:21 <Tavmjong> ScislaC, but the correlation between questions 2 and 3 seems to be lost.
  120. Nov 05 13:42:58 <Tavmjong> We have decided on Toronto, correct?
  121. Nov 05 13:44:22 <bryce> Tavmjong, we never firmly decided that :-/
  122. Nov 05 13:44:22 <Tavmjong> The page should also mention that Inkscape will be subsidizing developers.
  123. Nov 05 13:45:08 <Tavmjong> I need to go... I propose we widely announce the meeting next week and get a final decision on place.
  124. Nov 05 13:45:42 <ScislaC> Tavmjong: that sounds good by me, I will send out a reminder next Tuesday about a Wednesday meeting if that will help.
  125. Nov 05 13:46:08 <Tavmjong> To both inkscape-board and inkscape-devel
  126. Nov 05 13:46:09 <bryce> any other action items needing done by next week?
  127. Nov 05 13:47:22 <ScislaC> Tavmjong: yeah, will do
  128. Nov 05 13:48:46 <Tavmjong> bryce, I can't think of any.
  129. Nov 05 13:58:16 <doctormon> Sorry for the delay
  130. Nov 05 13:58:23 <doctormon> I got called away on Birthday related items.
  131. Nov 05 13:58:54 <doctormon> So. A) It would still be useful for me to attend the RedHat design event. I'm in tune with design and know a couple of their people already.
  132. Nov 05 13:59:25 <doctormon> B) Django has some solid payment processing backends, both paypal specific and things like paython which covers a lot of ground.
  133. Nov 05 14:01:14 <doctormon> C) Website development work is a matter of focus. One will see development tends towards the path of greatest satisfaction. :-) The project backend is already in place in trunk and the payment part is fall over easy (backend that is). Front end is always a matter of iteration and reworking until the user workflow is correct.
  134. Nov 05 14:01:50 <doctormon> If the project/funding focus is needed sooner than I expected, then we can refocus back onto that.
  135. Nov 05 14:03:20 <doctormon> I'll call on the spirit of MentalGuy (since he's not here) to say "We shouldn't use an outside service if we're not going to continue to use it later, setting it up now might be a toxic workaround"
  136. Nov 05 14:03:45 <doctormon> bryce, Tavmjong, ScislaC ^^ Sorry for the delay in those responses.
  137. Nov 05 14:05:26 <bryce> doctormon, good point on the toxic workaround
  138. Nov 05 14:11:06 * ScislaC nods
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Board Meeting - November 05, 2014



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