Hackfest 2017 - Paris
6. lipnja 2017. 19:42
Developers are planning for the 3rd annual Inkscape Hackfest - this year to be in Paris, France. Lucky hackers! It will be held from June 27th through July 1st, at Carrefour Numérique, which is a Fablab/hackerspace located inside Paris's modern science museum, Cité des sciences et de l'industrie.
Hackfests are usually rare opportunities for programmers to come together in person, for intense hacking sessions. We usually notice increased motivation and excitement about development just before and after hackfests, and a flurry of activity with the code.
Aside from the usual work to improve stability, performance, and infrastructure, and of course fixing bugs, some specific topics being considered are GTK3 (those nagging icon issues), flipping the coordinate system to match the standard, and an improved system for handling extensions. There may also be discussions about documention (official manuals and tutorials, including the website) as well as future fund raising, including funded development. Other topics may also come up, before the hackfest commences, and will be noted here. And finally, there is usually one meal, or evening, in which all the hackers come together for socializing.
If you'd like to consider making a donation, to enable more developers to attend Hackfest, you can get started on this page.
If you're interested to learn which developers are planning to go, see the list here. If you're a curious programmer, on that page you can also find out what kind of development goals must be met, to qualify for travel reimbursements. If you're able to pay your own way, or perhaps live nearby, and you have the right kind of programming skills, you're more than welcome to participate. But please sign up on that same wiki page, as far in advance as possible, and join discussions about potential topics you might be interested to help with.
Best wishes, hackers - here's to a great third annual Inkscape Hackfest 2017!