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Tspans renumbering automatically 7 JeremyGraeme inklinea
Richtige Auflösung 8 Kryptophäe TylerDurden
Gaming platform UI dashboard web design!! 2 Ndim_Donald akhtarm7
path with several colors 5 shemesh shemesh
Deleting overlapping lines 6 COD COD
Dissolving Title to use in Openshot 3 JimJim JimJim
Inkscape 1.4 Released! 7 doctormo ltlnx
Best way to get a sketched image into inkscape. 1 ILikeArt
Snapping doesn't work 6 Egor_R6 TylerDurden
It's Document Freedom Day! 2 ltlnx COD
L'image d'Inkscape vers openBuilds, cela me donne une erreur 2 rampa Papy_Octet
Power stroke path effect 2 diddy.doodoo23 Polygon
Add layer with the command line; possible? 2 RJDan inklinea
🔥 Inkscape Challenge | March 2025 12 pacer Inkonic
Calligraphy tool weird errors 4 solacene Paddy_CAD
New Inkscape extension for easy laser cutting with LaserGRBL 55 Nikki.Smith bhbarry
Divide path into outside and inside contour 7 dmt05 dmt05
Font Format 7 SRM SRM
Arrow gets de-formed or skewed when re-sized 7 PrettyGirl777 COD
Problems with the fill pattern 5 Kesellie Kesellie
Unable to join circle and text 8 bircastri bircastri
How to keep stroke width consistent when scaling objects? 3 Sonny786 TylerDurden
Svg to accurate outline 7 Knewbz Knewbz
How to resize the second page onwards by typing the size than dragging the handles? 2 PrettyGirl777 David248
style attribute disappears at random times 2 barna inklinea
Working with SVG File 2 Dixit TylerDurden
Courbe en dégradé de couleurs 7 cell14 Polygon
what's up with needing two posts before commenting? 2 ratatatatyo z3z
What is the best way to request a new feature for a future release? 7 Contours COD
Request for customizable text marker 3 Contours COD
How can I export my png file with the correct width and height when I use 90 dpi instead of 96 dpi? 13 Johnny51 Paddy_CAD
déformer un texte en gardant les lettres 'droites' 7 JeanGrenoble70 JeanGrenoble70
Easier intersecting colored areas 1 dmt05
[ résolu ] ajuster document à la selection 12 pphilippe pphilippe
dragging layers in layers panel 6 guttman.yotam jjdp
it only prints at 96%. 3 Mooser Polygon
Anfänger Frage 9 Kryptophäe Kryptophäe
How can I organize multiple Custom Filters in the xml files? 3 Kibble Kibble
File Open - Show last folder 3 Andy_G Andy_G
Path actions not working as intended? Am I right? 5 back2lobby back2lobby
Perspective Envelop options not showing 4 nxcv nxcv
What does Export as SVG 1.1 per settings in Preferences dialog mean? 2 Johnny51 TylerDurden
Asian text in Inkscape 3 ILikeArt ILikeArt
3 days of use. Font sizes all changed. How do I get it back. 6 Donz444 Donz444
How to select an un named layer 7 ILikeArt ILikeArt
[MacOS] inkscape auf Monterey 3 voxs voxs
[MacOS] Interface font display problem 8 ambigraph ambigraph
Trimming portion of lines extending out of a semi-circle 8 scabo Polygon
Using existing PNG image to create a new SVG 5 Brasilmom Brasilmom
Going from a SVG to DXF 11 ColinKing COD
Comment agrandir les étiquettes ‘guides’ : 2 AIME TylerDurden
calligraphy tool issue 3 diddy.doodoo23 diddy.doodoo23
silhouette 4 inkscape extension 3 stephen3 jabiertxof
scale of drawing of plan of plot of land, print on A3 and correct measurements 4 thijsvandenberg thijsvandenberg
Dithering doesn't work. 6 pegasusearl COD
Problem with fill bucket 3 Egor_R6 Paddy_CAD
Unspecified fatal error encountered, aborting. 26 gwarren2525 vanillaguerilla970
Unable to Receive Confirmation Email for Dev Chat Account 5 fadul WeatherWonders
Gradient Vector file as svg for wordpress website 7 kislaya kislaya
Save as plain svg is including hidden layers 2 WIREMONKEY TylerDurden
Splitting a path 8 HenryM TylerDurden
Füllung eines Pfades aus .dxf Datei 4 Felsentreu Felsentreu
🌈 Inkscape Challenge | February 2025 25 pacer StillNotWho
Have You Set Your Autosave? Check It Now! 65 TylerDurden hadi5367
Object colour fill 13 tays01s tays01s
Object shows red cross 5 Supimajo Polygon
Save Vector 2 matts Polygon
Very basic question for which I never saw any good answer on the Net: How to create open paths with the pen tool? 3 Chibiberu8739 Chibiberu8739
Bitmap tracing query 11 HenryM TylerDurden
Just joined Inkscape 2 LordWhiteley TylerDurden
[résolu] manipuler des calques sans les objets 10 pphilippe TylerDurden
Inkscape program freezing after trying to modify file in Inkscape 2 A7138inkscape TylerDurden
🦜 Challenger Chat | For Off Topic Ramblings and Chitchat 236 pacer AlgotRuneman
How to know rotation of an object? 5 Vixenyy TylerDurden
headstart in Inkscape : first steps on the pathway 1 otrott
Add text to the visual center of a complex shape. 4 Hidii TylerDurden
When I export an SVG file, it becomes completely black. 17 tanoshinichiyo kislaya
Removing Line Behind Text 3 DrNeverSneezerScrooge DrNeverSneezerScrooge
Masking or clipping with vignette effect 3 Mr.RayFork Mr.RayFork
Two types of Flatten 7 zourid David248
Possible bug: graphics elements not being imported from PDF 7 Agent24 Agent24
Convertir RVB en CMJN l'or de l'exportation. 2 Steph2.0 TylerDurden
Command line help 3 xpat xpat
Connecting two nodes to create new path object 3 Merinkroft Merinkroft
Converting (flattening) several objects to one object 4 HenryM Polygon
Is there a tutorial for creating arrows in Inkscape? 3 christianbethel christianbethel
Object fill using a predefined fill pattern 7 zourid COD
0 on ruler below instead off on top 3 Ron.d.u Ron.d.u
svg output structure 3 HenryM HenryM
Edge quality drops when zooming out 6 Learner_UK Polygon
Problem with file exported 2 Dancio TylerDurden
Trace bitmap: how to create vector in only 3 colors? (no gradients/anitaliasing) 8 JDRay Polygon
Not able to set line width 3 philji32 philji32
[MacOs] La grille ne s'affiche pas 21 gdok Polygon
Problème de qualité avec l'exportation en png 3 Steph2.0 Polygon
troublesome HPGL to Vinyl Cutter on v1.4 2 forty2 forty2
Rounding Sharp Angles 22 drlarrye drlarrye
COM port problem 2 JosuMendivil bmp18 Issue 1 1ceman