Ok, that might really sound like a strange question, so let me try to develop...
I was asked to give some lessons and write tutorials about Inkscape for the local maker's space.
I am writing in french, for both complete beginners and slightly-more-advanced-users.
I'd like to include icons in my text, and I'd rather use the same icons as in the Prefs theme chosen by the local staff. High-Contrast multy-color Dark Theme, and local language is french.
I am using both text and images, and as I was asked to produce .pdf it seamed natural to design everything with Inkscape... and copy paste the icons needed 😅
I know where to find each separate icon in my file manager (and this is tedious at best). But is there somewhere a single doc with all the icons ?
J'ai commencé (pas fini) à faire ce que tu souhaitais (mon idée était d'en faire un fichier de symboles). Un seul svg avec les icônes multicolor. Un travail fastidieux, comme tu t'en es rendue compte. Comme mon espace d'upload est devenu riquiqui, je te propose de te l'envoyer (contact par MP) : le fichier fait 1.82 Mb Je joins à ce mail une copie d'écran pour que tu juges si c'est intéressant.
Hi Julie, I've started (not finished) to make what you wanted (my idea was to make it a symbol file) : a single svg with multicolor icons. A tedious job, as you've realized. As my upload space has become tiny (the file isn't that big - 1.82 Mb), I could to send it to you (contact me by PM). I'm enclosing a screenshot so you can judge if it's what you're looking for.
Ok, that might really sound like a strange question, so let me try to develop...
I was asked to give some lessons and write tutorials about Inkscape for the local maker's space.
I am writing in french, for both complete beginners and slightly-more-advanced-users.
I'd like to include icons in my text, and I'd rather use the same icons as in the Prefs theme chosen by the local staff. High-Contrast multy-color Dark Theme, and local language is french.
I am using both text and images, and as I was asked to produce .pdf it seamed natural to design everything with Inkscape... and copy paste the icons needed 😅
I know where to find each separate icon in my file manager (and this is tedious at best). But is there somewhere a single doc with all the icons ?
I am also looking for the keyboard icons that are used in the "Inkscape keyboard and mouse reference" page here https://inkscape.org/fr/doc/keys.html?switchlang=fr
I can totally understand that this is not an issue for this part of the forum, but I am a bit lost right now 😶
And I have to admit that going from english to french, there and and back again, starts to feel like some over sophisticated chinese torture...
Any better idea welcome !
Bonjour Julie,
J'ai commencé (pas fini) à faire ce que tu souhaitais (mon idée était d'en faire un fichier de symboles). Un seul svg avec les icônes multicolor. Un travail fastidieux, comme tu t'en es rendue compte. Comme mon espace d'upload est devenu riquiqui, je te propose de te l'envoyer (contact par MP) : le fichier fait 1.82 Mb Je joins à ce mail une copie d'écran pour que tu juges si c'est intéressant.
Hi Julie,
I've started (not finished) to make what you wanted (my idea was to make it a symbol file) : a single svg with multicolor icons. A tedious job, as you've realized. As my upload space has become tiny (the file isn't that big - 1.82 Mb), I could to send it to you (contact me by PM). I'm enclosing a screenshot so you can judge if it's what you're looking for.
Wow ! Just what I need 😁
MP on the way !