Beginners' Questions Pen Tool - Change node type while drawing path?
  1. #1
    Aduah Aduah @Aduah

    Surely there is a way to do this and I'm just missing it, but no matter how much I search I cant find the answer.

    When drawing with the pen tool or tracing something, there are often times when you'll want to go from a curve, to a sharp turn or angle, IE splitting your tangents. In Illustrator iirc, this is done wth a button press or something (its been a long while since I've used AI, but I know its possible). 

    Is there a way to do this in inkscape, while still drawing your path? (as in without having to edit go back and editing the node after the fact.) Im talking about clicking and dragging out a curve and then breaking the node tangent (or changing the node to sharp) on the same node so you can make a sharp corner.

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    A similar question came up recently.

    Note the second gesture in my animated gif and chime back if that might work for you (or not).

  3. #3
    Aduah Aduah @Aduah

    I am aware of both of these methods. Neither of them are ideal. Mainly because if you have a fill, it applies the fill and obstructs your view. Yes you could always go and change the fill to none but its an unnecessary step. The second reason this is less than ideal is because you cannot simply press delete and undo nodes. Its generally much easier and efficient to do it all in one path operation if possible. Especially because in the second method you have to actually go and line up your mouse onto a little node and click. (which can be a bit frustrating with a mouse with high sensitivity)

    Are there no other ways to do this?


  4. #4
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Perhaps we have different versions. My version allows continuously creating the path with curves or lines, and the fill is not applied until the path is completed. Similarly, while drawing the path, the last node can be deleted by using the backspace key.

    Maybe you have seen this?



  5. #5
    Aduah Aduah @Aduah

    Im saying on the second example, when you hit enter, or left click, it basically 'completes the path' and treats it as an open path object. So if there is a fill set, it applies the fill. I am also aware that while drawing a path as long as you have not left-clicked or hit enter, you can press backspace to delete a previous node. However, like in your second example, that is not applicable to previously drawn paths because it is already 'complete' and you are just using your pen tool "add onto' the path. You can delete nodes by pressing backspace in your currently drawn path operation, but if you "add onto" it like in your second example in the gif, you cannot backspace delete nodes in that previous section that you already 'completed'.

    As far as version, I am using the latest stable version 1.0 on windows. And yes, I have looked at the documentation. The 'shift' method explained in the documentation splits the tangent in a weird way.

    I'm guessing there is no way to drag out a handle on one side of the node then split the tangent on the same node all in one path operation?


  6. #6
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    The 'shift' method explained in the documentation splits the tangent in a weird way.

    Please elaborate, because that seems to be what you are looking for.

  7. #7
    Aduah Aduah @Aduah

    I downloaded a trial of AI, just to make sure I'm not crazy, it seems I'm crazy. Unless they changed the way the pen tools works in the last 10 years, which is possible.

    Creating a sharp corner in AI works in a very similar way as in inkscape, but its still in one path operation. In AI you click the last node to change the type (not by pressing a button).

    In inkscape, what shift does is spits the tangent after you placed the node and you drag out the second handle. Not the 1st. Essentially what I want is the reverse of that, or rather I'd like to be able to determine my handles on both sides of the node.

    The more I think about it, maybe it is just simpler to use the second method and find a way to change the node and handle size (settings that I actually cant find in 1.0) and call it a day. 

  8. #8
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    In inkscape, what shift does is spits the tangent after you placed the node and you drag out the second handle. Not the 1st. Essentially what I want is the reverse of that, or rather I'd like to be able to determine my handles on both sides of the node.


    Feel free to make a feature request, that would be a good tool to have.

  9. #9
    JoshS JoshS @JoshS

    To change a node type from corner (sharp) back to smooth (tangent) you can select the node using Edit Paths tool (N key).
    Then click the "Make selected nodes smooth" button in the top bar, which is the 2nd button in the 4th icon group over (which is like the 8th node from the left).

    The icon looks like a U with a purple dot at the bottom, next to the one that looks like a V with a purple dot at the bottom (which is "Make selected nodes corner" if you want to make it sharp.

    Ctrl+Clicking the node also seems to cycle through these modes.
    Diamond shaped nodes are "corner" (sharp).
    Square shaped nodes are "smooth" (tangent)
    Circle shaped nodes are "auto smooth"

    Use Ctrl+Shift+Click to make the node "symmetric" (tangent with equal handle lengths)
    (Auto smooth ignores the symmetry)

    To undo a node while drawing, use the Backspace/Delete key remove 1 or more previously placed nodes, and then click to create a new node.

  10. #10
    Aduah Aduah @Aduah

    Josh I think youve missed the point. I wanted to be able to do this while in the middle of drawing the line, not after the line was finalized already. It almost feels as if you didn't read any of the actual thread before reviving it. Thanks for trying to help though.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Pen Tool - Change node type while drawing path?