Beginners' Questions Importing to 0,0
  1. #1
    Sean Sean @SeanRickard

    When importing a svg or jpeg, is there a setting i can change so that whatever i am importing goes to 0,0 rather than following the insertion point around, which is what i think is happening at the moment.

    This isn't such a big deal on a single file, but last week i was working on 400 frames that were slowing down the project, so i exported the background and completed items to png I on-converted to very low-res, low-resource using jpegs i re-imported so i could turn those cpu sucking items off while retaining the same visual background to work with. Batch import would be an amazing feature. 


  2. #2
    David248 David248 @David248

    As far as I know, you can't set the exact place the jpeg will be imported on canvas.

    As a workaround, you can bulk import jpeg if you select multiples files with windows explorer, drag and drop them on canvas, select them all : ctrl+A (you can use a dedicated layer for ease, to avoid selecting other stuff). And use align and distribute panel to place them on upper left corner of page (0,0).

  3. #3
    Sean Sean @SeanRickard

    Cheers, I'll give that a go next time. I have to admit, I so seldom use a mouse, I forget about drag and drop. Inkscape is one of a small select group of programs where I do not exclusively use the keyboard.