Using Inkscape with Cutters/Plotters Going from a SVG to DXF
  1. #1
    ColinKing ColinKing @ColinKing

    I was tasked with providing a DXF for a friend, but after it was saved as a DXF and sent he emailed me saying the lines were not smooth enough.

    These are the steps taken: 

    1. Create the SVG.
    2. Save as a DXF.

    The White layer being what I sent him, and the Red layer is what he did himself.

    What do I do to achieve the desired results?

    Thank you any constructive help that would assist me.

    Colin King

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Attached are an Inkscape svg with text converted to path, and the copy saved as DXF R14.

    The lines in the dxf are reasonably smooth to my eye.