Beyond the Basics Just a few suggestions...
  1. #1
    wassupDUDE wassupDUDE @wassupDUDE


    So I was just working on a project and noticed an issue, or rather a feature that could be added to Inkscape. It is to be able to adjust any parameter by right-clicking or double-clicking(like Illustrator) on its marker and adjust its value in a dialog box. This may seem like it is already there, like the top row and all, but not everything can be adjusted in it. Also, can you add like an alternative to the shape builder tool in Illustrator instead of the Boolean operations menu? That would make life so much easier... I have a lot more suggestions, but I'm not sure if they would be accepted.

  2. #2
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    @wassupDUDE You're right that many people have lots and lots of requests, and most requests are duplicates, meaning, you're not the first to ask for the Shape builder, and your ideas may not be unique. It's also true that all Inkscape contributors (including those who are answering questions in this forum) are volunteers, so things get done when someone wants to work on them. Additionally, the number of persons who voluntarily invest time into actually working on the software is relatively small, compared to the number of persons who ask for features :)

    So, as you've probably expected, if I read what you write correctly, there is indeed a mismatch between demand and our community's ability to respond to it.

    The best way to alleviate that mismatch is to jump in and try to help. So, you want a specific feature? Join the team. Ask whether the feature fits into the design of Inkscape. Describe what you are looking for. Ask other, experienced contributors for their ideas. Often, your first idea how to solve a problem is not the idea that is most useful to most users, it's just your personal take. So you need to gather input. Make plans. Coordinate with others. Think about edge cases.

    Then you can try to get a developer involved, find someone who could be interested in implementing your feature, when it's all planned out and designed.

    There are people in our community who would guide you through the process, but it takes an investment of time and energy from yourself, too.

    Btw. a shape-builder-like functionality (which cannot be named shape-builder, and cannot work like shape builder because that is PATENTED) has already been implemented during this year's Google Summer of Code. You can contribute to it by testing it and reporting bugs.

    I don't understand the marker-number-double-click request at all, I think if you want to see this in Inkscape, you'll need to come up with a better description first.
    A good place to write it out would be at . Note that 'I want the same function that is available in program XYZ' is often not a good idea, because Inkscape is its own software, and comes with different usage concepts. So there needs to be a very good reason why you are asking for exactly this - or, better, you need to describe the problem that it solves for you, so an Inkscape-specific solution can be found.

  3. #3
    ryujinscales ryujinscales @ryujinscales

    Can you add a restart button in Inkscape. Every time I have to close Inkscape & open it again. Thank You!

  4. #4
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    @ryujinscales, it sounds like you have an issue that needs addressing, rather than a new button. Please describe your issue in a new topic.