Beyond the Basics Expanding Style Attribute
  1. #1
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    Manipulating objects expands the style attribute without no visual benefit

    When I draw a path with the Bezier tool, the default svg style is:


    I changed the stroke colour & width, duplicated the path, edited nodes, grouped and ungrouped, moved between layers, etc.  This is a completely normal drawing workflow but these manipulations expanded the style attribute, eventually leading to this:


    What I actually need is this:


    Why does my path need a font setting?  Most of the added entries are pointless, and this is a modest example.  In a drawing with hundreds of objects, these expanded styles can drastically increase the svg file size. 

    I could clear the object styles manually in the XML Editor but this is too tedious for me.  Maybe the Selectors and CSS dialog is the right place for a [Clear Styles] button, or the [Edit] menu where we already have the [Edit>Paste Style] function.  Perhaps somebody out there already has an efficient workflow they can share with us.

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Maybe the settings for erroneous styles?

    Preferences Svg Output
  3. #3
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    Thanks Tyler. These settings are new to me. I'll try these and report back. 

  4. #4
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    Here are my findings.  I took a bloated svg file, applied all the settings, and saved a copy.  The file size fell from 428k to 287k, though some unnecessary style properties still appear.  For example, a simple rectangle still retains the following properties:


    This could be reduced to:


    To find a theoretical minimum file size, I replaced all 1117 style attributes with this:


    The file size fell to 207k but it's visually useless of course.  This shows that the automatic culling of unnecessary styles is more than respectable.  I could probably get below this minimum if I removed all shape and text styles and instead used a few group and layer styles. 

    In conclusion I'm reporting good results, but further experiments are in order.  More steps on the endless path to the mythical file size zero.