1. #1
    topodoco topodoco @topodoco


    I get a problem with arrow. I can make arrow with inkscape, but if I Copy / Paste on a document like word or powerpoint, all arrowes are moved to the right. Is it a bug, or maybe an option to tick ?


  2. #2
    ted1277 ted1277 @ted1277

    I've also encountered a similar problem where arrowed strokes are not displayed correctly in other software.


    To ensure that arrowed strokes in SVG format display correctly in other software, I always do the following steps:

    1. covert the stroke to a path (ctrl+alt+c)

    2. choose the color to set fill (because converting the stroke to a path makes the arrowhead transparent)  


    Converting objects to paths can always solve problems like this, but I also wonder why some SVG object/text are displayed incorrectly in other software. Is this a bug?

  3. #3
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    SVG files are originally for web display, but have many uses outside of web. This does not mean they are universally supported by other platforms and renderers.


  4. #4
    ted1277 ted1277 @ted1277

    You are right. The arrowheads are displayed correctly when the SVG files are opened in a web browser. So, I guess that currently, converting arrowed strokes to paths is unavoidable when the SVG file needs to be used in other software.