OpenSCAD cookie cutter file output

Alexander PrussOpenSCAD cookie cutter file output

Alexander Pruss

Generate a 3D-printable OpenSCAD cookie cutter file out of an Inkscape document. To use this: 0. Unzip into your Inkscape extensions directory. 1. Convert all objects to paths. 2. Remove all object fill. 3. Make the outer outline be a simple polygon in red. 4. Any inner hollow areas should be bounded by simple polygons in green. 5. Inner lines (which will not go all the way down and hence won't cut the cookie, so they are good for inside detail features) can be black. 6. Connections that connect inner parts to the outside should be filled-in polygons. 7. File Save As... "OpenSCAD Cookie Cutter file" 8. Load into OpenSCAD, adjust parameters, generate STL, print.

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Output Pro

woutOutput Pro


With this extension you will be able to export your Inkscape documents into a variety of formats and colormodes. As it initial and main goal,Inkscape Output Pro export into the CMYK colormode, compatible with the press and graphic industry standards. It is possible to use specific ICC profiles, set other colormodes than RGB and CMYK, like Grayscale and Lab, set specific JPEG configurations, insert pre-press marks and even more.

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Maurizio AruSvg2ico

Maurizio Aru

Save a SVG image to Windows ICO format

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Inkscape-export-layers extension

XaviInkscape-export-layers extension


Inkscape extension to export SVG layers as (JPG, PNG) images. The exported images can be a combination of multiple layers. Please click on the external link for updates. Its the official repository on github.

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Batch Export

Stefan TraistaruBatch Export

Stefan Traistaru

An extension for Inkscape that will help you export your artwork easier: - Export each layer as a separate file. - Choose which layers to export. - Configure background layers. - Export based on layer hierarchy. - Automated file naming. - Supports multiple export file formats (SVG, PNG, PS, EPS, PDF, EMF, WMF, XAML). Please visit the Github repositoy for a more detailed usage description. [LAST-UPDATE]: 12-September-2021 - Fix: Possible crash when Inkscape throws lots of warnings on the export process.

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Create Iconfile

McHansyCreate Iconfile


An extension for Inkscape that export a drawing to a icon file

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SVG Stencil Export

mipmipSVG Stencil Export


SVG Stencil Export helps publishing stencils to About ---------------------------- SVG Stencils is a community driven stencil library. This video shows how it works: Extension Features ------------------ - Exports each layer as component svg-file - Choose which layers to export. - Automated file naming. - Optionally creates a stencil-meta.json - Optionally creates a front page index.html - Optionally creates a - Optionally creates a Github Pages Action configuration file - Optionally creates a Gitlab Pages CI configuration file HELP THE STENCIL LIBRARY GROW! ============================== Create and submit your own stencils. This extension helps you creating and publishing new stencils in minutes. Read the documentation here: Credits ------- The extension is based on Batch Export (

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Export Layers Redux For Inkscape 1.1+

Vagabond ArcadeExport Layers Redux For Inkscape 1.1+

Vagabond Arcade

This is an update of the old export-layers extension by Xavi, which supports the 1.1+ versions of Inkscape. This extension allows you to batch export each layer as a separate PNG or JPG image by marking the layer with [export] or [fixed] in the layer name before the actual name. Layers marked with [export] will be, surprise, exported as individual images. Layers marked [fixed] will be merged with any other exported layer. I use this tool for animation. Each layer is a separate frame which can then be exported for use with a video editor or game engine. Thanks for this tool, Xavi!

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Inkscape Export Hand Poses

lambevinInkscape Export Hand Poses


Inkscape v1.2.0+ plugin to export the hand poses corresponding to your SVG layers. This plugin was developed using Nikolai Shkurkin's plugin export-layers-combo ( as a base.

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Export Layers

Dmitry TExport Layers

Dmitry T

Inkscape extension to export SVG layers as standalone PDF, PNG, SVG or JPEG images. The exported images can progressively reveal content of an Inkscape document.

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Warzone Map Builder

beren_erchamionWarzone Map Builder


This is an extension used to upload map metadata in building map for the game Warzone.

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Export Layer Combos

Nikolai ShkurkinExport Layer Combos

Nikolai Shkurkin

Export combinations of layers to a series of images in bulk. The tool looks for the 'export-layer-combo' attribute on your layers and then parses them to do combination exports with them. The format of the value for this attribute is '[group],[selector]', where '[selector]' can be one of 'combo-children', 'visible', or 'hidden'. You can also chain multiple '[group],[selector]' values by separating them with a semicolon. Please see the github link for examples. This extension should work on all platforms but has only been tested on v1.2 with macOS.

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