Tools: Inkscape Blender 3D Gimp 2.8 Facebook -> Instagram -> @jtorrevillasart I have a facebook indie game "Pacifica Online MMORPG"
What it says on the tin. Logo for our upcoming Inkscape Podcast.
When an Inkscaper is needed, a special symbol -- the Inkscape Signal -- is projected into the sky, so that they may assist the populace with their vector art. Here is a "photo" I took while visiting vector city. :) SVG Source File. This is an entry in the Inkscape 0.45 About Screen Contest.
Tools: Inkscape Blender 3D Gimp 2.8 Facebook -> Instagram -> @jtorrevillasart I have a facebook indie game "Pacifica Online MMORPG"
We find several usability issues on current tools placements and organization. There are too many options at plain sight, with a questionable or difficult to understand organization and with no apparent hierarchy. We’ll make a proposal that involves grouping similar tools, organizing them with some kind of hierarchy and displaying options and parameters consistently.
This is the banner for the download section of the inkscape 1.0 alpha.
Tools: Inkscape Blender 3D Gimp 2.8 Facebook -> Instagram -> @jtorrevillasart I have a facebook indie game "Pacifica Online MMORPG"
The About Screen for Inkscape 0.43 by Annares (Denís Fernández Cabrera,, who won the About Screen contest for Inkscape version 0.42 (but the runner-up entry ( was used instead for 0.42 because Annares' SVG source could not be obtained in time.). License: CC-By-2.0,
This is a vectored model sheet of Gadget Hackwrench from Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers!
Thought I would show how I trace screen shots of some of my favourite animated shows in order to have an infinite resolution wallpaper or print. It's all pretty straightforward. Watch it being made here: Mission Hill is probably in my top 5 of animated series with it's writing and unique style. It would be a dream to have it resurrected by Netflix, though maybe some things are better left untouched. Would have been nice to see the remaining screenplays brought to life. They're great on their own. Here's a link to the scripts.… Comments and questions are welcome. : )
Ramo de Flores... al estilo del Arte Zen Tnagle... La línea de arte fue descargada a través de google... Doy todo el crédito a su autor... el cual desconozco... Coloreado y editado completamente en Inkscape... El filtro utilizado para el efecto final es: Bisel - Stained Glass... Para apreciar la imagen en todo su esplendor... les recomiendo ir a mi Galería en Devian Art...
"Es la última canción que me dedica, del mismo modo que es la última vez que yo lo veía. Supongo que el concierto ha terminado, por fin". (Madrid, enero de 2017).
Continuous moresque pattern for the „Tiling” path effect. Or just use it as a "pattern"...
Nothing serious just messing around to see how I can use Inkscape.
Leadership and Organisation Day, we discussed the way teams are set up, how the board is set up and we get an insight into how Inkscape makes decisions and what drives the people involved.
Português------------- Este para quem não conhece, é o BR 800 o projeto da extinta GURGEL motors para um carro 100% nacional e a um preço bem convidativo para a população em geral. Foi um projeto sensacional, com tudo para dar certo, mas não deu! Pois é, coisas que acontecem, infelizmente. Esperanto------------ Tiu aŭtomobilo nomiĝas BR-800, projekto el la jam formortinta GURGEL motors por vera 100%-an brazilan aŭtomobilon, tre malmultekosta por la ĝenerala popolo. Estis mirinda projekto, sed bedaŭrinde fiaskis! English------------- This for those unfamiliar, is the BR 800 project of the former GURGEL motors for a 100% Brazilian car and a very affordable price to the general population. It was a sensational project with going to happen, but it did not!
Model of artificial neuron as building block of artificial neural networks.
Part of a typography practice.... Beograd is Belgrade in English. Capitol of Serbia.
Artwork for the Inkscape Hackfest in Kiel, Germany in September, 2018
Spherical bubble with its physical parameters and also the surrounding fluid
Just a funny "political" I recreated for an updateable version.
This is the second part where we have a board meeting and other parts of the project get find out who is on the board and how it's run as well as some very interesting questions are answered about Inkscape.
Today we talk and hack on Inkscape user interface and user experience problems. Welcome Adam and our friends from the UX/UI team and talk about papercuts, those small uncomfortable user experience problems that seem small, but taken together can kill someone's love for Inkscape (death by 1,000 papercuts!)
Next we have a presentation by Adam Belis about doing design iterations in the Inkscape project and how this is different from a typical commercial or private venture.
A modified version of the previous mug. I used gradient mesh tool on the highlight spot on the left.
Un pasto que va en la pared, un arbusto de chamizos y una especie de Diente de León.
I simply was bored, and grew some claws, what else is there to say?!?!
I downloaded LMMS's logo then used some path operations to have some cool irregular squigles and stuff. I forgot I uploaded this on Deviantart and surprised to see this used by Youtubers in their thumbnails. I wish they would at least credit my work in the description though.
Logo para cervecería, inspirada en antiguas marcas de cerveza.
Diseño inspirado en los inicio de la era computacional.
Some simple graphics and grid, as an template for creating isometric charts.
"Aries y sus once amigos querían conquistar a Virgo. Un día Aries partió hacia el este." (Madrid, febrero de 2017).
Bug: too many developers for one portion of the code.
Arquivo SVG feito com base em uma foto do protótipo feito por impressão 3d divulgado em um grupo de dicas e truques inkscape
Follow my Instagram :p >>>
Pictograms which portray different ways biological species may arise. From top to bottom: ecological speciation, allopatric speciation, morphological evolution, sexual selection, coevolution.
We find the current layout structure a bit chaotic. Grouping the type of content and functionalities provided to the user will greatly facilitate his tasks. Defining areas can facilitate the user recognizing what he need without using his memory. We’ll discriminate between tools, subtools, panels and info
Developers in discussion Thanks go to yemanjalisa for providing this photo! CC-BY yemanjalisa
Inkscape Example File: Data URI Author: Jon A. cruz Licence:
It is a poster for a music album I will probably release soon.
sonometer for physics,sound --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on April 18 2017 2:55 PM: changed category to 'Artwork'
A simple bonsai elm tree in a clay pot. svg download. Tutorial at the link on the right.
tgg 4gtgtgthghyh --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on October 16 2022 12:16 AM
Stylized christmas postcard with deer and tree silhouetted in the moonlight night
Diagram showing the positions of the genes in the Drosophila yakuba mitochondrial genome
--- Curated by Maren Hachmann on April 18 2017 2:56 PM: changed category to 'Artwork'
Integral of f1(x) from xa to xb is area below curve f1(x) between xa and xb
Integral of f2(x) from xa to xb is area below curve f2(x) between xa and xb
Integral of f2(x) - f1(x) from xa to xb is area between curve f2(x) and f1(x) between xa and xb
Annulus sector can be calculated from integral of f2(x) - f1(x) from xa to xb, where xa = ra and xb = rb.
Requirements found during project delivery.
I just made this for fun. It is a picture of umbrellas I took in October of 2017. I based it off of the cover picture for "Anima" by glitch musician Vladislav Delay.
El árbol que representa los problemas que debemos enfrentar.
For Inkscape developers: Coordinate reference frames and which transformations to apply between them
Light clock, manual clock, digital clock for special relativity illustration.
10x10 grid for 320px width and 320px height svg file suitable for Samsung Galaxy A12.
Samples for Inkscape mailing list featuring universal design to go up on spreadshirt.
Official Inkscape badge for the Boston Hackfest. Used to make stickers for the event. Artwork CC-BY 3.0 - C.Rogers
A seamless moresque pattern example for the "Tiling" path effect. Or just use it as a "pattern"...
coperta carte vanzare besst seller --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on January 8 2023 1:20 AM
Three layers artificial neural network: Input layer with N neurons, Hidden layer with M neurons, and Output layer with 1 neuron.
modelo svg --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on March 2 2023 1:53 AM
Designed in Inkscape. A desktop wallpaper for runners :)
Three sine curves produced using Extensions -> Render -> Parametric Curves. It represents a wave travels to the right.
Another continuous moresque pattern for the „Tiling” path effect. Or just use it as a "pattern"...
Se você só tiver disposto a realizar o que é fácil, a vida será difícil. Mas se concordar em fazer o que é difícil a vida será fácil --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on October 7 2021 12:41 AM
A trick to obtain a volume effect on a tread made with a single line and to keep it editable : modify nodes, extend or shorten the line, etc. Methods / functions used : - Clones, with stroke original set to undefined - blur + noise (filter) - Group - Mask
Simple landscape with deer silhouetted in tree shadow
Maru Pradesh is a Northwest state of India. Jodhpur is the state capital of Maru Pradesh. --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on January 23 2023 12:28 PM : Not an SVG tool.
When I start to draw something, the first thing I use is the pen tool. ;) They say it's mightier than the sword.
Another seamless moresque pattern for the "tiling" path effect. Or just use it as a "pattern"...
Here's a detailed interpretation of the Inkscape logo. With the new possibilities of the blur feature, I wanted to take a shot at some (loose) realism. SVG Source File. This is an entry in the Inkscape 0.45 About Screen Contest.
Foxes are wonderful creatures who are unfairly persecuted. The feeling that low passions in man cause so much suffering inspired me. This is just a sketch, a start...
TT V38021 Locomotive. Due to the structure of the drawing, the main colors can be changed freely. I used cloning at many points because many elements are very similar on it. This will significantly reduce the file size.
This series of pictograms is a reminder on what to do in case of a grease fire: slide a lid on the pan. The Instructable 'Grease Fire Sticker' was published in September 2015 under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. Besides background info on grease fires the Instructable in Step 4 dedicates some words to Inkscape, which was used to create the sticker (see
Português------------- Este é o logotipo da rádio on-line MUZAIKO[muzaíco], que veicula entrevistas e musicas em esperanto 24 horas por dia! O logotipo é na minha opinião perfeito, trata-se da combinação das palavras MÚSICA+MOSÁICO[muziko+mozaiko]...simples e definitivo! Esperanto------------ Tio estas la logotipo de la interreta radio MUZAIKO, kiun transsendas raportojn kaj esperantajn muzikojn 24 horoj tage! Laŭ mia opinio ĝi estas logotipo perfekta ĉar venas el la vortmikso de MUZIKO+MOZAIKO...definitiva kaj simpla! English------------- This is logotype of the online radio MUZAIKO, which conveys interviews and music in Esperanto 24 hours a day! The logotype is perfect in my opinion, it is the combination of the words MUSIC + Mosaic [muziko + mozaiko] ... simple and definitive!
I needed a dial to measure the total score obtained by a player. While circular dials are used in most cases, I needed a ruler scale to fit it into a given space of the UI. I tried circular dials such as the one (rough drawing) with a needle, but it did not fit well into my UI. It occupied certain height and width and I did not have enough space in my UI to accommodate this design. I tried a wide curved dial with a short height, which did not look good on the interface. When nothing works, choose the fundamental shape is the mantra. I opted to use the standard ruler scale for this purpose. Though I have been using Gimp user for over 10 years, I found Inkscape to be the suitable tool for this purpose. Here is what I did Step 1: Choose the maximum size, as desired by the UI, as the document size. In my case, it was 1280x800px. Step 2: The ruler scale should appear similar to the 30cm/1' scale. Hence, I selected 12:1 as the ratio of the width and height for the scale Step 3: Draw a rectangle with this ratio, so that the width is extended to the edge of the document width Step 4: Now for the markings - This is where Inkscape scores very well and you will become the fan of Inkscape. I needed 100 line markings which are equally distributed. Now, draw the first marking with the desired height. Duplicate it 5 times. Step 5: Select all the five marking and duplicate them to get 10. Select all the 10 and duplicate it to get 20. Go on until you get 100 markings. Once you have a hundred markings, unselect all the markings. Step 6: Select the last line and move it to the far right side. Step 7: Select all the markings including the one that you moved to the right Step 8: With all the markings selected, select Object ->Align and Distribute. Step 9: In the distribute section of the Align and Distribute, select the option "Make horizontal gaps between the objects equal". You will now see the magic of the equally distributed markings across the rectangle Step 10: You may use the same steps to create longer markings and later add numbers to create a ruler scale. Choose your color for the scale and use it wherever it is required Hope you liked it. Please share your comments and suggestions Please note that the image used is only a representative image and not exactly the one used in the App Also note that I am not an expert in graphics design - less than a novice :D
A little wooden house. Can be painted. Shadows and highlights are black and white shapes with different transparencies. Therefore, the colors of the main shapes can be changed freely.
Un árbolito que nace entre las rocas y tiene flores. I made an animation with Inkscape and other Open source software for the promotion. I also added steps how other can make their Inkscape video.
--- Curated by Maren Hachmann on April 18 2017 2:56 PM: changed category to 'Artwork'
sonar,physics --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on April 18 2017 2:57 PM: changed category to 'Artwork'
Instructions for drawing correctly the perspective.
Line wave source introuduces cylindrical wavefront and the cross section
Illustration of Compton scattering before and after photon scattered by electron.
Illustration of population, chromosome, gene, and allele in genetic algorithm.
A packaging design using concepts of origami, but using standard ISO papers sizes (each sleeve is a A4 paper)
Dos personas hablando. Puedes agregar la conversación en los círculos. Two people talking. You can add the conversation in the circles.
This file crash on new boolops union
"Tauro quería hacerle un regalo y buscó por todas partes la primera estrella de la noche." (Madrid, Febrero de 2017).
Artifician neurons are interconnected to build a network.