






A sequenced narrative leading to the Inkscape logo. Focus on the creative and technical process of drawing.
Fonts : Free Serif, Liberation Mono, Free Sans

About Screen Contest

113.3 KB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Pacer wrote :

Hello tarball.
Thank you for entering the about screen contest.
Could you please link, in the description, to the licenses for the fonts used in your graphic.

Thank you,

About Screen Contest Admin.

Tim Jones wrote :

Hi Tarball

Please add a "Font" Layer, with the original Text Objects (Not converted to Paths). This layer should then have "visibility" (eye icon) turned off.

Your Background does not fill the Template size, yours is 749.998px X 625px. Set the width and height to px, not mm. This will help!

Your SVG is a different colour (yellow), to the image displayed here. They should be the same!

Contest Admin

tarball wrote :

Hi Tim, the font layer and the dimensions were corrected the first time you pointed it. Same for the color feels also right to me. I suspect a cache issue as I kept the same name as before.

Tim Jones wrote :

Hi Tarball, The Attached SVG file, does not contain the font layer, or the correct background image size, or colour. Please re-upload the adjusted SVG file, and a matching png file for the gallery display here.


tarball wrote :

I think the file you are opening is not the right one, here is a video proving the change has been made after your first comment.

Tim Jones wrote :

Hi Tarball

There is only ONE svg file, saved under your username. I noticed in the video, that the thumbnail on your PC also renders as yellow, until you open it...?
The file available to us, does not have the font layer. I have checked the Gallery "Resource" folder.

All I can suggest is, delete this upload, and upload a complete NEW version, with matching png thumbnail.

We can only verify the file available to us.

We will get there eventually... ;-)


Pacer wrote :

Hi tarball & Tim. I think I may know what happened here. I have spoken with doctormo (website administrator) and, if I understand correctly, there may have been a cashing issue if the file was deleted and re-uploaded with the same name.

He suggests, instead of deleting, users should edit and re-upload. This will (automatically) give the file a new name and prevent further issues.

I hope that helps.

Contest Admin

tarball wrote :

I just did change the svg with a new name. Thank you both! Let me know if it is better. I still have a yellow version popping up on click on the image. Maybe it is due to the mesh gradient not being supported by my browser yet.

Tim Jones wrote :

Hi Tarball,

Sorry for the delay...

Hurray! We got there, in the end!

Thanks for sticking with us, through this process. :-)

Contest Admin.

m1981 wrote :

In very few images, you catched the metaphoric Inkscape evolution. Il would be interesting to decline this in motion design.
Is there a SVG-animator in the house ?

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